Banking and Finance Research Papers/Topics

Financial Liberalization its Effect on Nigeria Stock Market- A Case Study of Nigeria Stock Exchange

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page                                                                               i Certification                                                                           ii         Dedication                                                          �...

The Role of the Nigerian Deposit Insurance Corporation in the Regulation of Nigeria Banking Sector (A Case Study of Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation, Ilorin)

ABSTRACT The Nigerian banking sector plays a major role in economic development in any country. These they do, through financial intermediation and other banking functions to encourage real sector or innovate productive activities. However, distress in banking sector cannot be totally erased because like other forms of businesses, risks are involved. In combating this, the central bank of Nigeria served as the apex in the banking sector and performs regulatory and supervisory activities to c...

The Impact of Automated Teller Machine (Atm) in Banks Service Delivery in Nigeria Banking Industry (A Case Study of Union Bank Plc)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Abstract Table of contents CHAPTER ONE:-INTRODUCTION 1.1        Background of the Study 1.2        Statement of Research Problem 1.3        Objective of Study 1.4        Scopes and Limitation of the Study 1.5        Research Methodology 1.6        Statement of Research Hypothesis 1.7        Significant of the Study 1.8        Plans and Organization of the Study...

The Problem Prospects of Credit Creation by Nigeria Commercial Banks (A Case Study of Wema Bank Plc, Ilorin) Table of Content

Title page Certification page Dedication Acknowledgement Table of Content CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1                      Statement of Research 1.2                      Background of the Study 1.3                      Objective of the Study 1.4                      Significance of the Study 1.5                      Research methodology 1.6                      Defin...

Impact of Computer Application in Modern Day Banking System in Nigeria (A Case Study of Union Bank Nigeria Plc Ilorin)

ABSTRACT This survey carried out in order to access the attitudes and order to know of actually computer applications can be said to have achieved its objectives. Mention was made about the meaning, impact nature as well as the purpose of computer application activities on consumer’s patronage and the statement of the hypothesis. Literature review was carried out in which various relevant terms were defined. More over computer application activities it was extensively discussed. The rese...

The Impact of Micro Finance Bank in Eradicating Poverty in Rural Area (A Case Study of Gaa Akanbi Micro Finance Bank)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page                                                              i Certification                                                           ii Dedication                                                             iii Acknowledgement                                �...

Financial Literacy and Economic Development

The purpose of this study is to discuss the concept of financial literacy as a vehicle for economic development in Nigeria. Individuals must have adequate knowledge of finance in order to work well in the field of economic decision making. Financial literacy is not a luxury nor a question of convenience. Rather, it has evolved into an essential tool for survival in today's market. This is owing to the fact that a lack or low level of financial understanding may lead to the selection and imple...

The Impact of Stock Exchange in the Development of Capital Market (A Case Study of Nigeria Stock Exchange)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Abstract Table of content CHAPTER ONE 1.0     Introduction                                                         1-2 1.1           Background of the Study                                     2-5 1.2           Objective of the Study                                5-6 1.3 ...

The Management of Foreign Exchange Risk and Corporate Performance in Nigeria (A Case Study Of Nigeria Stock Exchange)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Contents CHAPTER ONE 1.0         Introduction 1.1         Background of the Study 1.2         Statement of the Study 1.3         Justification of the Study 1.4         Objective of the Study 1.5         Research Questions 1.6         Statement of Hypothesis 1.7         Scope and Limitation of the Study     1.8         Organization of the study 1....

The Impact Of Ratio Analysis on Management Decision Making in an Organisation (A Case Study of Zenith Bank Plc, Ilorin Branch)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page                                                                                                         Certification                                                                                                              i   Dedication     �...

Internal Control System Nigeria Deposit Money Banks Prospects and Problem (A Case Study Of Union Bank Plc)

TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER ONE 1.1           introduction 1.2           statement of the problems 1.3           research questions 1.4           objectives of the study 1.5           research hypothesis 1.6           significance / justification of the study 1.7           scope and limitation of the study 1.8           Definition of key terms. 1.9           Organization plan CHAPTER TWO 2.1     LIT...

Effect of Global Economic Meltdown on Nigeria Capital Market. (A Case Study of Nigeria Capital Market)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1       Background of the study 1.2       Statement of Research Problem 1.3       Aims and Objective of the study 1.4       Scope and Limitation of the Study 1.5       Research Methodology 1.6       Significance of the Study 1.7       Statement of Hypothesis 1.8       Organization and Plan of the Study 1.9       Definition of Terms ...

Financial Control In Public Sector as a Measure for Preventing Fraud and Fund Misuse. (A Case Study of Federal Board of Inland Revenue)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page                                                                                                                     i Certification                                                                                                     ii Dedication   ...

Role of Commercial Bank in the Growth of Small Scale Business in Nigeria

CHAPTER ONE 1.0           BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY 1.1           INTRODUCTION In developing countries like Nigeria, majority of the population is rural based, so there is the need to give emphasis to the development of small scale and medium scale enterprises to enable the participation of greater segment of indigenous entrepreneurs in the development process. There is evidence to substantiate the argument that the small industrial sector holds a greater capacity to abor...

Accounting Ratio As A Measure Of Management Performance And Efficiency (A Case Study Of Coca – Cola Plc)

RATIO analysis is a powerful tool of financial analysis. According to Kennedy and Macmillan, RATION  is defied as the indicated quotient of two mathematical expressions” and as the relationship between two or more thing” in financial analysis a ration is used as an index or yardstick for evaluating the financial position and performance of a firm. The compilation of trading, profit and of loss account and balance sheet represent the end product of a series transaction that have taken pla...

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