Banking and Finance Research Papers/Topics

Internal Control System in Nigeria Deposit Money Banks Prospects And Problem (A Case Study Of Union Bank Plc)

Abstract Banks are very important in nation; they are the backbone of the nation’s economy.  Functions of the bank according to ezeuiji (1997), including money creation, acceptance of deposit from the customers, provision of facilities for domestic and foreign remittance, help government in implementing monetary policies etc. According to the operational standard (guideline). Internal control is defined as the whole system of controls,, financial and otherwise, established  by the manage...

The Impact of Government Expenditure on Nigeria Economic Growth (2011 - 2020)

                                                                 ABSTRACT   This study empirically examines the impact of Government Expenditure on Nigeria Economic Growth from the period of 2011 to 2020. The main objective was to examine its impact and as well as to ascertain the causal relationship between Government Expenditure and Nigeria Economic Growth. To achieve these objectives, secondary data were collected from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Statis...

The Problems of Bitcoin: A Subjective View

Cryptocurrency is rapidly attracting the eyes of the modern man, the average spender, whether for investment returns or commercial convenience. However, it goes without saying that to every advantage there is a disadvantage. Thus, this paper summarily highlights the demerits of Bitcoin as a type of cryptocurrency and concludes with a form of poetic justice with cowries as an analogy to strengthen a subjective view.

Macro-Prudential Liquidity Management and Financial Distress Resolution in the Nigerian Banking Industry: An ARDL Approach

This work evaluates the extent banking system liquidity enhances financial distress resolution in Nigeria.

Time-Varying Volatility Modeling of Stock Returns During COVID-19: The Nigeria Empirical Evidence

Abstract This study models time varying volatility in the Nigerian stock exchange (NSE) investigating whether it has been affected during the Covid-19 periods. We examined the persistence of volatility and the presence of leverage effects in Nigerian equity market before and during the period of Covid-19. It wad found that there is GARCH effects in the stock market before and during the Covid-19 periods. However volatility was pooling and spiky more during the Covid-19 giving the verdict that...

The Impact Of Micro-Finance Institutions On The Performance Of Small And Medium Enterprises In The Post Conflict Democratic Republic Of Congo (Drc)

ABSTRACT The study focused on the impact of micro-finance institutions on the performance of small and medium enterprises in the post conflict in the democratic republic of Congo (DRC) Bunia Town The findings shows that Poor people have little or no access to financial services that most of us take for granted, Lack of access to affordable loans on the consumer side is a major hurdle in providing loan services that benefits the, Reliable and affordable loan. services are the underpinning of m...

Bank Liquidity Risk and Bank Credit Risk: Implication on Bank Stability in Ghana

Bank sector crisis across the globe is largely blamed on the joint effort of bank liquidity and bank credit risks. And so, the twin concepts of liquidity and credit risks have come under keen academic scrutiny, especially in investment finance. Contributing to extant literature on these developments, secondary data were obtained from the websites of nine banks in Ghana, spanning 2008 to 2018, to determine how liquidity and credit risks separately and interactively impact bank stability in Gha...

Internal Control Systems And Cash Management A Case Study Of Family Diet Limited, Gayaza .Kampala

ABSTRACT The study aimed at exploring the relationship between internal control systems and Cash management using Family Diet Limited as a case study. A sound internal control system is important as it enables an organization to can-yon business in an orderly manner, safeguards the organization's assets and ensures completeness and accuracy in their records to achieve high perforn1ance. The study documented and evaluated the adequacy of internal controls and its perf01mance at Family Diet Li...

The Effects Of Credit Policy On The Performance Of Commercial Banks

Abstract Client credit arises when there is a time lag between the delivery of goods and services and when payment is paid or received from the customer (Kakuru 2000). It's philosophy of lend now and receive payment later. Most commercial Banks offer loans to their customer and expect repayment on a future date (Atim, 1997) There is risk associated with loan extension to clients. There is a likely hood that the loan extended to the bank client may not be recovered as expected and these poses ...

The Information Technology And Banking Service Delivery A Case Of Popular Bank Of Rwanda (Bpr)

ABSTRACT The information technology is the modern and significant part in the banking sector, it is of great importance for the bank today to access the impact of information technology of its operational performance so as to justify if high cost invested on it is justifiable or not, analyze their problems and there propose solutions. The objective of this study, was to assess how the information systems has influenced bank performance and growth of the bank as well as adoption of inform...

The Effect Of Capital Budgeting Decissions On The Firm's Profit Ability A Survey Of Selected Manufacturing Companies In Mogadishu, Somalia

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Cove page .. . . ....... .... ... . .. ............... . ........ . . ........... .. ... . .. . ..... . .... . .. ... ... . Declaration .. ..... . . .. .. ... .. . ........ .. .. . ................ . .................. . ........ .. ... .. .... .i Approval. . ... . . . . .. .. . ....... . ... .. ... . .... .. . . ... ... . .. .. ..... . . .... . .... ......... . ......... . .... .ii Dedication ... . . ........ . . . ....... ...... .. . . .... .. . . .... . ...... ...

The Effects Of Credit Policy On The Performance Of Commercial Banks Case Study: Kenya Commercial Bank; Moi Avenue Branch, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................................................................................... . DECLARATION.......................................................................................................................................................... Ill APPROVAL ..............................................................................................................................................................

Foreign Direct Investment And Economic Development: Evidence From Selected African Countries

ABSTRACT Africa unlike other developing regions of the world has experienced declining flows of foreign direct investment (FDI), despite the apparently high investment returns rates. As FDI flows, it is expected that existing gaps of productive factors are gradually closed and dependence on foreign capital is reduced. These increases in domestic savings, investment, skills and technology bring about economic development. The study examined the declining flow of FDI to the African regions as w...

Nigerian Banks’ efficiency Performance: A post 2004 Banking Reforms Evaluation

ABSTRACT This study investigated the Nigerian Banks’ Efficiency Performance. The period studied was 2005-2009.In addition to the above, the extent of the effect of the bank’s fixed assets, operating expenses and total deposit on their efficiency was investigated. The effect of the bank’s efficiency on their profitability was also examined. In recent years emphasis is now on using frontier analysis methods in measuring bank efficiency instead of using financial ratios .In frontier analys...

Exchange Rate Crisis And Industrial Output In Nigeria

   ABSTRACT Exchange rate crisis occurs when there is a significant currency devaluation. The weakness in the currency can hurt local production in an import dependence nation as well as reduce aggregate demand in the country due to the lower purchasing power that arises due to an exchange rate shock. Thus this study therefore focuses on analyzing the effect of exchange rate crisis on industry sector in Nigeria using time series data gotten from CBN Statistical Bulleting and WDI from 1986...

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