Business Administration Research Papers/Topics

Customer Information Sharing And The Performance Of Selected Commercial Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT Commercial banks play a very important role in the economic resource allocation on an economy by taking deposits from customers and then lend thus acting as an intermediary. Therefore it is of essence for commercial banks to remain profitable. In the wake of the banking crises in the last decade, Credit Reference Bureaus have been introduced in the Kenyan banking sector to facilitate the concept of credit information sharing, to mitigate information asymmetry and credit risk. In...

An Investigation Of The Effects Of Porter's Generic Strategies On The Perfomance Of The Education Sector (A Survey Of Tertiary Institutions In The Nyeri Town)

ABSTRACT The growth and expansion of higher education in Kenya in the last decade and the resultant competition for students by these institutions necessitated an investigation on the effect of Michael Porter's competitive generic strategies of cost leadership, focus strategy and differentiation strategies in their marketing. The research established how these generic strategies affect the organizational performance of these tertiary institutions in Nyeri town namely the strategies effects o...

Information Technology Integration And Performance Of Selected Public Hospitals In Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya’s health sector is faced by inefficiencies and ineffectiveness that deters the achievement of its citizens goals of universal health, faire ness, cost effectiveness, acceptance and sustainable development. Kenya’s Vision 2030 outlines provision of healthcare as key to improving the quality of life for all Kenyans while public hospitals guarantee improved citizens’ wellbeing. Universal health coverage is one of the pillars in the Big Four Agenda to be achieved by the ...

Influence Of Competitive Strategies On Adoption Of Internet Banking In Commercial Banks In Machakos County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Technology has ushered in a regime where non-bank businesses are providing new options for safe guarding and managing the finances of customers, so dependency on banks will only be guaranteed if the banks can provide services and value that cannot be sourced elsewhere. In Kenya, the banking industry is made up of various categories of banks ranging from commercial to microfinance banks. The quick growth in number of banks in Kenya is attributed to swift tempo of economic development ...

Diversification Strategies And Performance Of Small And Micro Enterprises Funded By Youth Fund In Embakasi Central Constituency, Nairobi Kenya

ABSTRACT Majority of studies show that diversification relates with performance of companies significantly. However, most of these studies focus on large firms/companies. This study sought to establish whether diversification enhances the performance of small and micro enterprises funded by the Youth Fund. The main objective of the study was to establish the influence of diversification strategies on the performance of small and micro enterprises funded by the Youth Fund in Embakasi Central C...

Competitive Strategies And Performance Of Agro-Chemical Firms In Industrial Area Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Superior performance is accomplished by serving client’s needs in an unexpected way. The more one of a kind the separation the more manageable the points of interest gathered since separation should definitely include costs which are recovered if the market will pay the vital premium costs. The study aimed to investigate the competitive strategies on performance of agro-chemical firms in industrial area, Nairobi, Kenya.The study sought to examine and document various competitive st...

Determinants Of Data Security In Management Information Systems Of Commercial Banks In Nairobi, Kenya

ABSTRACT In Kenya, rarely are cases concerning data security breaches on commercial banks reported or documented. This does not however mean that there are no such cases or that the information systems used by the commercial banks are completely secure. In as much as due diljgeoce~d gross assessment of usage, vulnerability, security and recovery of the systems adopted ~y these banks is done before their adoption, it is worth to note that the human brain has remained superior to computers...

Earnings Management And Financial Performance Of Listed Non Financial Firms In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Earnings management practices have taken center stage in most businesses; today, most firms have adopted various practices to enhance financial performance. Even though these practices have in some instances been used for wrong reasons that have led to business failures, the practices are still embraced by most firms to boost performance. It is in this light that this study sought to determine the effect of earnings management practices on financial performance of firms in Nairobi. T...

Competitive Strategies And The Performance Of Matatus In The Public Service Transport Sector In Nairobi City County Kenya

ABSTRACT The transport sector in Kenya is characterized by non-conformance to regulations, poor infrastructure, high costs, poor safety and inefficiency aggressive competition for passengers on the road, unsafe operations, a low level of service, unfair labour practices, and inadequate management and crew experience and training all of which affect the performance of PSV’s in Kenya. The objectives of this study were to establish the effect of competitive strategies on the performance of the...

Investigating Celebrity Endorsement In Relations To Consumerbehavior (A Survey Of Rexona Deodorant Of Unilever Kenya)

ABSTRACT The study aimed to investigate celebrity endorsement in relations to consumer behavior. In the present time there is enormous increase in information systems and media influence. Due to this trend more and more people have gained a lot of attachments to the celebrities. Celebrity endorsement plays a major role in changing the perception or thinking, of the consumer and also the consumption pattern of the society in general. This study focused on (1) identifying the influence of celeb...

Interaction Between Information Technology Capability, Environmental Conditions And Competitiveness Of Consultancy Firms In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The business environment is never static, but constantly changing according to the influence of global and national competitive forces and other environmental factors. Firms respond to the conditions surrounding them by adjusting their purpose and shape via deployment of appropriate strategic capabilities to subdue the environmental challenges and enhance competitiveness. Increasingly many firms have resorted to heavy investments in IT capabilities, to cope with the changing busines...

Job Satisfaction And Employee Performance Within The Telecommunication Industry In Kenya: A Case Of Airtel Kenya Limited

ABSTRACT The issue of employee satisfaction has been momentous in recent times to the development and accomplishment of organizations‟ goals and objectives. This research study aims at investigating the factors that affect employee satisfaction at Airtel Kenya Limited. Specifically, the study seeks to investigate the influence of talent development on employee satisfaction, to establish the extent to which reward influences employee satisfaction; establish the influence of organizational st...

Factors Influencing The Choice Of Investment Options By Registered Fund Managers In Kenya.

ABSTRACT Data compiled by the University of Nairobi (2012) in partnership with twelve other universities worldwide showed that the life expectancy of a Kenyan has increased to 64 years up from 55years in 2010. The life of Kenyans has improved substantially and they can expect to live longer. Therefore there is need to protect individuals and groups against the risks associated with life after retirement when one finds himself without a source of income. An important intervention tool to cater...

Board Composition And Dividend Decisions Of Companies Listed At The Nairobi Securities Exchange Kenya

ABSTRACT Boards play a vital role in the field of corporate governance in corporate by acting as the overall governing body on all affairs of an organization. Dividend decisions determine the amount of retained earnings that serve as an internal source of finance for most listed companies. The main purpose of this study was to determine how board composition affected dividend decisions of companies listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange. The study was guided by the following specific objec...

Youth Financial Empowerment Programmes And Socioeconomic Development Of Rural Areas In Nyeri County, Kenya

ABSTRACT There have been numerous policies and programmes on growth, development and improvement of people and society welfare. This is through empowering the youth by providing them with the necessary resources and a platform for creating awareness on available opportunities. Most of these policies and programmes are directed toward a specific sector, industry or an area with an aim of creating a positive impact in the short or long run to that sector and the overall economy. This has led t...

1681 - 1695 Of 4708 Results