Business Administration Research Papers/Topics

Electronic Banking and Customer Satisfaction in Banking Institutions in Kigali Rwanda

ABSTRACT This study aimed at establishing the relationship between electronic banking and customer satisfaction among banking institutions in Kigali Rwanda. It was guided by three objectives that included; i) examining the effect of ATM usage on customer satisfaction in selected Banking institutions in Kigali , Rwanda; ii) establishing how electronic funds transfer affects customer satisfaction in selected Banking institutions in Kigali , Rwanda; iii) establishing how Telephone banking affect...

Informal Sector Sensitization and Social Security Fund Performance of Rubavu Branch in Rwanda.

ABSTRACT This research study aimed at analyzing the impact that targeting informal sector during sensitization programs has played in enlarging the covered area of social security fund of Rwanda. Area of Rubavu branch of SSFR was selected among other branches as a case study. The research contains findings from 48 SSFR staff whose daily job description intervene mostly with social security and 107 former and actual informal sector members who were targeted during this research. For data colle...

Microfinancing and Women Empowerment in Duterimbere Muhanga Branch, Rwanda

ABSTRACT This research investigated the relationship between degree of micro-financing and extent of women empowerment in Duterimbere, Muhanga in Rwanda. Apart from the profile of respondents, the study investigated the degree of micro-financing, extent of women empowerment and lastly, the significant relationship between the two variables. In the literature review, economic empowerment approach on women subordination to lack of economic power was used to draw a closer understanding into the ...

Improving Tax Compliance with Emphasis On Integrating Social Norms in Tax Collection Practices in Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study focused on improving tax compliance with emphasis on integrating social norms in tax collection practices in Tanzania. The specific objectives of the study were; to examine the relationship between social norms and taxpayers’ morale, to examine the relationship between taxpayers’ morale and tax compliance and to examine the relationship between social norms and tax compliance in Tanzania. Explanatory research design with mixed methods approach was used and incorporated ...

Advertising and Business Prosperity of Telecommunication Companies in Kigali City Rwanda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which advertising affects prosperity of telecommunication companies in Kigali City. Therefore, the study was conducted to (I) to determine the profile of respondents, (ii) to determine the level of advertising, (iii) to determine the level of prosperity, (iv) to establish whether there is a significant difference in the level of advertising and prosperity, (v) to establish whether there is a significant relationship in the leve...

Utilization of Approaches and Development of Selected Commercial Enterprises in Kigali, Rwanda

ABSTRACT This report is a result of an academic research entitled ~pproaches and development in selected commercial enterprises in Kigali, Rwanda”. The main purpose of this study was to determine the degree of effectiveness of approaches in development of commercial enterprises in Kigali city. The study was guided by the three research questions. i) What is the extent of approaches in commercial enterprises in Kigali city? ii) What is the level of development of commercial enterprises in Ki...

Governance and Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda, A Case Study of Vision Finance Company S.A

ABSTRACT In 2003 Government of Rwanda established a number of micro finance institutions but many of them were closed down since 2006 to date. To find out the causes, a research study was carried out to ascertain the relationship of governance and the performance of microfinance institutions by applying the following objectives: Ascertain financial stability of micro finance institutions and the nature of products and services provided to their clients, establish how microfinance institutions...

Monetary Policy and Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kigali, Rwanda

ABSTRACT This study investigated the effect of monetary policy on the financial performance of commercial banks in Rwanda. The following objectives guided the study: i) to evaluate the effect of Central Bank’s open market operations on the financial performance of Commercial Banks in Rwanda; ii) to examine the effect of Central Bank Rate (CBR) on the financial performance of Commercial Banks in Rwanda; and iii) to investigate the effect of Reserve Requirement ratio on the financiL~ performa...

Work Behavior and Performance of the Selected Commercial Establishments in Kigali, Rwanda

ABSTRACT This research investigated the relationship between work behavior and performance of some selected commercial establishments in Kigali-Rwanda from the year 2008- 2010. Besides the profile of respondents, the study investigated the level of work behavior among employees, level of performance and lastly, the study also investigated the significant relationship between the two variables. In the literature review, concepts, ideas, and opinions from scholars regarding the variables under ...

Working Capital Management and Performance of Business Firms in Rwanda: A Case of Sulforwanda Industries.

ABSTRACT The study focused on the working capital management and performance of business firms in Rwanda taking Sulforwanda industries as the case study. The objectives of the study were to examine the impact of receivables, payable and inventories conversion on the performance of Sulforwanda industries, to establish the level of performance of Sulforwanda industries, evaluate working capital management policies of Sulforwanda industries and its impact on the firm's performance. The research ...

Budget Plan and Internal Control in Selected Telecommunication Companies in Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSRACT The study was guided by the following research objectives, (I) objective was to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender, qualification, experience, and the positions in the telecommunication companies, (II) objective was to examine the extent of the budget plan in selected telecommunication companies, (III) objective was To determine the level of internal control of the telecommunication companies, and (IV) objective was to establish if there is significant re...

Deposits and Profitability in Kenya Commercial Bank, Rwanda

TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration A ii Declaration B iii Approval Sheet iv Dedication v Acknowledgments vi Table of Contents vii LIst of Tables x Abstract xi LIST OF ABREVIATION xii CHAPTER ONE The Problem and its Scope 1 Background of the study 1 Statement of the problem 2 Purpose of the study 3 Objectives of the Study 3 Specific objective 3 Research Questions 3 Null hypothesis 4 Scope of the study 4 GeographicalScope 4 Content Scope 4 Time scope 5 Significance of the study 5 Operational Definit...

Microfinance Institutions in Development of Small and Micro Entrepreneurs in Tanzania: A Case Study of National Microfinance Bank Limited, Chake Chake Pemba.

ABSTRACT This study examined role of microfinance institutions in development of small and microentrepreneurs in Chake Chake, Pemba district in Tanzania. In this manner, the study investigated aspects of debt recovery, loan levels and clients’ business project monitoring procedures as specific objectives of the study. In the literature review, theories were used to support the study and concepts linked and analyzed to bring a conceptual framework. As such, different scholars’ views regard...

Assessment Of the Relationship Between Product Quality and Sales of Financial Services (A Case of Selected Branches Of Amal Bank In Mogadishu City In - Somalia)

ABSTRACT The study looked at the relationship between product quality and sales of financial services, a case study of three selected branches of Amal Bank in Mogadishu City — Somalia. The study was guided by the following objectives: - To determine the perceived quality components of financial product or service To ascertain the nature of the sales experience of financial products, or services To find out the relationship between quality and sales of financial products or services. The req...

Credit Management and Customers Willingness to Settle National Water and Sewage Corporation Bills

ABSTRACT The study aimed at credit management and customers’ willingness to settle bills of National Water and Sewerage Corporation — Kampala Water. The study was guided by the following objectives: To find out the relationship between credit management and customers’ willingness to settle water bills. The research study was carried out to investigate how credit management can be best orientated to enhance and improve the collection margin. The study was carried out from National Water ...

181 - 195 Of 4708 Results