Business Administration Research Papers/Topics

Reward System and Employee Performance in Selected Private Telecommunication Companies Mogadishu, Somalia.

Abstract In this study, the researcher studied reward system and employee performance in selected private telecommunication companies This study was guided by five objectives: (1)To determine the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of: Gender, Age, Educational level, Position in the organization, Number of years of experience.(2)To determine the extent of reward system (3) To determine the Level of employee performance.( 4)To determine if there is a significant relationship betwee...

Computerized Accounting and Performance of Selected Wholesale Companies in Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT This study established the relationship between computerized accounting systems and performance of selected wholesale companies in Mogadishu, Somalia. The study was based on these three objectives; I) to examine the effectiveness of computerized accounting systems; 2) to assess the performance of selected wholesale companies; and 3) to find out whether there is significant relationship between computerized accounting systems and performance of selected wholesale companies in Mogadish...

Working Capital Management and Profitability of Sembule Steel Mills Ltd, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study examined the relationship between working capital management and profitability of manufacturing firms and it was based on four specific objectives: (a) to determine the demographic characteristics of the respondents in terms of age, gender, educational qualifications, and years in the present position; (b) to determine the current level of working capital management of the firms; (c) to determine the extent of profitability; and (d) to establish if there is a significant re...

Hospital Management Style and Employees Retention in Kibogora Hospital Western Province Rwanda

ABSTRACT This study established the relationship between hospital management styles and level of employee retention in Kibogora Hospital, Rwanda. To achieve the purpose, the study determined the profile of respondents; effectiveness of hospital management style; level of employee retention; and established relationship between hospital management styles and level of employee retention as specific objectives. The study design used was descriptive correlation and the research population was 221...

An Assessment of the Effectiveness of United Nations’ Procurement Practices: The Case Study of United Nation Mission in Khartoum, Republic of Sudan

ABSTRACT Purpose; procurement practices for direct or production of goods has been a major element during the implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems that has taken place since the late 1980s. However, procurement practices to indirect material suppliers were not usually included due to low transaction volumes, low product values and low strategic importance of these goods. Dedicated information systems for streamlining indirect goods supply chains have emerged since the ...

The Challenges of Human Resource Recruitment and Retention in The National University of Rwanda: Proposed Intervention Scheme

TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTF V 4E: INTRODUCTORY PART 1.0 Chapter overvIew 1 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.2 Statement of the problem 3 1.3 l1~cpottieses 1.4 Objecdvns 4 1.4.t Genercn Objectives .4 1.4.2 Specific Objectives .5 1.5 SIgnificance of the study .5 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Chapter werview 7 2.1 Genetal ‘iverce vI:w on human resource Managetient iii public Institutions 7 2.2 The lmnpertance of human resource recruitment and retenlion policy in an institution 11 2.3 (be natu...

Supply Chain Management and Business Performance in Foods and Beverages Companies in Kampala-Uganda

Abstract This research examined supply chain management practices and business performance of Foods and Beverages companies in Kampala District. The study was guided by the following study objectives; To establish the demographic characteristics of the respondents; To determine the level of supply chain management practices in foods and beverages companies in Kampala; and; To establish if there is significant relationship between the performance of the supply chain management and the business...

Marketing Strategies and Financial Sustainability of Local Non-Governmental Organizations in Rwanda

ABSTRACT Financial sustainability is problematic in local non-governmental organizations in Rwanda. While their number continues to increase/ many others frequently close down their development work due to lack of funding as a result of decreasing donor presence. It is within this framework that this study was carried out to establish the extent to which marketing strategies affects financial sustainability in selected local non-governmental organizations in Rwanda. Specifically/ the study wa...

Donor Funding and Performance of Non-Governmental Organisations in Northern Uganda

ABSTRACT The study is to evaluate the relationship between donor funding and performance of selected NGOs in northern Uganda. The study based on the objectives of assessing the effect of international donor funding on the performance of NGOs in Northern Uganda, examine the influence of national donor funding on performance of Nongovernmental organizations and to establish the effect of local donor funding on performance of NGOs in Northern Uganda. The study problem was poor performance attrib...

Use of Automated Teller Machines (Atm), Effective Service Delivery and Customer Satisfaction in the Banking Sector a Case Study of Stanbic Bank Uganda Limited- Bushenyi District

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between Information Technology, Effective service delivery and Customer Satisfaction in the banking sector. The methodology used was of a quantitative cross-sectional survey design with a study population of 375 bank clients and interviews with five bank staff members. Self-administered questionnaires and personal interviews were used to collect responses. Measurement of the variables of Information Technology, Effective S...

Logistics Support and Achievements of Concern Worldwide Programs in Katanga Province, Democratic Republic of Congo

ABSTRACT The study establishes the relationship between Logistics support and achievements of Concern Worldwide programs in Katanga province, Democratic Republic of Congo. The study was guided by the following objectives:- To determine the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of: gender, age, educational qualification and length of experience in procurement and supply activities; to determine the level of Logistic support in Concern Worldwide programs in terms of;-communication, pr...

Cash Management and Profitability in Selected Commercial Banks in Bujumbura, Burundi

ABSTRACT There is low level of profitability among most commercial banks in Burundi. This was attributed to the fact that most commercial banks have been making losses in their return on assets and return on equity. The study was investigated the effect of cash management and profitability in selected commercial banks in Bujumbura, Burundi”. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of cash management on the profitability in selected commercial banks. The study was based on three ...

Challenges and Opportunities for the Establishment of a Local Reinsurance Company in Uganda

ABSTRACT Reinsurance is a subject which has to be given a high priority in order to safeguard the interest of all the clients who have been insured by various insurance companies. The topic is even more important in view of the amount of reinsurance premium paid to the foreign reinsurers. The topic of the study was to find out the challenges and opportunities for the establishment of a local reinsurance company in Uganda considering the fact that there was none. The problem therefore being la...

Supply Chain Management Systems and Service Delivery in Hospitals in Rwanda

ABSTRACT The purpose of study was to examine the relationship between Supply Chain Management systems and service delivery in Hospitals in Rwanda. It was guided by three objectives. These are; to examine the level of Supply chain Management in Hospitals in Rwanda, to establish the level of service delivery in Hospitals in Rwanda and to establish the relationship between Supply Chain Management systems and service delivery in Hospitals in Rwanda. The study took the form of a quantitative descr...

Employee Training and Staff Performance in Selected Telecommunication Companies in Mogadishu - Somalia

ABSTRACT The study looked at the Employee Training and Staff Performance in Selected Telecommunication Companies in Mogadishu- Somalia, The study of the objectives is to determine the level training and staff performance in selected telecommunication companies in Mogadishu Somalia The main Purpose of the study was to determine the relation between of employee training and staff performance in selected telecommunication in Mogadishu - Somalia The study was conducted through descriptive survey ...

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