ABSTRACT A number of firms in the retail sector in Kenya have embraced electronic business strategies in an attempt to improve their profitability, sales turn over and efficiency. A report by Cytonn indicated that despite adoption of electronic business strategies, regional retailers are able to yield up to only 11.7% returns. African Consumer Insights report that the market penetration rate of retail chains is still low at a figure between 25% - 30%. Various challenges on supermarkets have a...
ABSTRACT Internal controls are processes planned and implemented by management in order to give rational assurance concerning the financial performance of a firm based on its objectives in respect to operational efficiency and compliance of existing rules and regulations. The main objective of the study is to determine the effect of internal control practices on the financial performance of agro-processing firms in Kisumu, Kenya. The specific objectives are based on these perspectives; contro...
xiv ABSTRACT Organizational culture is central to the life of any organization. It is embedded in its practices and governs the relationships of all organizational members. The main objective of the research study was to determine the effects of organizational culture on success of strategy implementation in Water Boards in Kenya.The study specifically aimed to; assess the effect of; teamwork, stability, risk taking and results oriented culture on strategy implementation in Water Boards in Ke...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to present the findings of a study that sought to gain information on staff experience of work-life balance policies and practices and how they influence job satisfaction among headquarters employees of Government of Makueni County. The research also aimed to contribute to the body of existing literature on work-life balance. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The study focused on employees, as they are key stakeholders within organization...
ABSTRACT The study focused on assessment of the influence of school stakeholders in implementation of public schools strategic plans’ in Machakos Sub County as the main objective and parent influence, government influence, board of management influence and teachers influence as the Independent variables. The Descriptive design was used in the research design. The target population of the study consisted of was all 62 public secondary schools registered in Machakos Sub County by 2014. Simple...
ABSTRACT Induction of Newly Qualified Teachers (NQT) is a requirement by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC). Its intent is to enhance NQTs professional competencies. Worldwide studies have revealed that teachers who are inducted adjust very fast and perform their duties as required. In Awendo Sub County, it has been observed that despite induction, quite a number of NQTs have continued to perform below par in curricular and co-curricular activities. For instance, from 2012 to 2014, ninety ...
ABSTRACT Governments globally focus administration to achieve high operational performance. Being a measure of performance depicted by effectiveness, efficiency, environmental responsibility; on such operations as cycle time, waste reduction, productivity and regulatory compliance, it brings to practical application counties’ employee productivity, project implementation, professionalism and institutional trust. Employee productivity, projects implementation, professionalism and creation of...
ABSTRACT Technology iinnovation iis iargued ito ibe itransforming ihigher ileaning iinstitution iin iKenya, iincluding iTVETs, iwhich iare iseen ito ibe ievolving iso ias ito iremain irelevance, ideliver iefficiently iand ienhance iperformance. iUNESCO iglobal irating iranks iKenya‟s iTVET iperformance ibelow iaverage iat i28%, icompared ito iher ineighbours. iMoreover, itheir iperformance iis icharacterised iby iinadequacy iin iteaching iand iinefficiency iin iadministration iof iresources...
ABSTRACT The Government of Kenya has adopted strategic planning in various institutions and Ministries to address distinct and prioritized strategic issues in order to upgrade service delivery. In the Ministry of Health, strategic planning is part of the on-going public sector reforms aimed at improving efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of health services. Strategic planning in the Ministry of Health is aimed at achieving the international Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as wel...
ABSTRACT The financial sector in any country is an important sector in the development of a country. Most failures in the financial sector have been caused by non-performing loans or bad debts which are attributed by poor or ineffective lending policy. This study focused on the organizational factors that affect implementation of lending policy in Saving and Credit Co-operative societies. The study was undertaken in Kitui County, Kenya where the researcher based the research findings register...
ABSTRACT A cooperative society is made up of a group of people, who come together voluntarily to achieve common social and economic objectives. As used in the cooperative movement, the term cooperative means the societies that have certain fundamental characteristics and regulations that are adhered to, including cooperative principles. Cooperative societies have been cited as being important in financial empowerment of the poor and marginalized in the community and are one of contributors to...
ABSTRACT Kenya’s economy depends majorly on agricultural sector. Agriculture contributes 51 percent to gross domestic product and 45 percent of government revenue is derived from this sector. Growth in national economy is highly correlated to growth and development in agriculture. The country targets 10 percent annual economic growth and for this to be achieved small scale farming need to be up to date, innovative and commercially inclined. Financial services also need to be inclusive and m...
ABSTRACT Globally, the capacity of Higher Education institutions to serve as drivers to economic competitiveness has been negatively impacted due to the exponential growth and numerous constraints which interfere with their quality. In Kenya, HEI in their attempt to cater for the 28% increase in student number, 6% government capitation cut and 14.3% of the 28 week, academic year time waste between the period 2014 and 2015 has come with many challenges caused by overcrowding, crumbling infrast...
ABSTRACT Corporate governance is a concept that involves practices that entail the organization, management and control of companies. It reflects the interaction among those persons and groups, which provide resources to the company and contribute to its performance such as shareholders, employees, creditors, long-term suppliers and subcontractors. Corporate governance has received much attention in accounting literature, with studies focusing on the impact of corporate governance and the fin...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the monetary policy and performance of commercial banks in Kenya. Commercial Banks have on average been posting a continuous decline in their performance over the last decade. The study was guided by the following objectives; to establish the effect of interest rate and performance of commercial banks, to establish the effect of cash reserve ratio and performance of commercial banks, to establish the effect of open market operation and per...