Business Administration Research Papers/Topics

The Value Of Tanzania Foreign Trade In Economic Growth: The Case Of Agro - Product Exports In Tanzania

ABSTRACT The present study attempts to test the mechanisms of Export - Led Growth in Tanzania Mainland by taking a time- series data from 1980 to 2012. It applies Ordinary Least squares (OLS) method to investigate the relationship between Gross National Product, Total Exports, Agro-product Exports, Manufactured Exports, Mineral Exports, Petroleum Products, Other Exports and Investments. The results of the study support the Export - Led growth Hypothesis (ELGH) in Tanzania Mainland.

Assessment Of Knowledge Management Practices In Academics: A Study Of The University Of Dodoma

ABSTRACT In this dissertation we present an assessment of knowledge management in higher learning institution a case of university of Dodoma (UDOM). Specific objectives of this study are to assess ways of managing knowledge, to assess to check if the technical specifications needed for technical specification are satisfactory and to assess the relationship between knowledge management and the efficiency of the organization. The study has three significances to the government, to researchers a...

Impact Of Corporate Social Responsibility In Tanzania: A Case Of Green Resource Limited In Mufindi And Kilombero Districts

ABSTRACT This study intended to examine the CSR provided by the Green Resources Limited, taking Kilombero and Mufindi as case studies. The specific objectives of this study were to examine the policy areas, effects of the CSR and drivers of CSR. The study employed a cross sectional design to collect data only once. The sample size of the study was 50 respondents who were randomly selected. The data were collected by interview method with the use of questionnaires and interview. Data analysis...

An Assessment Of Microfinance Institutions In Delinquency Management: A Case Of Brac And Finca In Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT The study assessed the Microfinance Institutions in delinquency management specifically at Dodoma Municipality. It is guided by four specific objectives which were: to determine the management strategies aimed at reducing MFI loan delinquency, to investigate the root course of delinquency in MFI, to evaluate the challenges facing MFIs in delinquency management and to assess the determinant parameters for effective MFI delinquency management. A sample of 110 respondents was used and ...

The Effectiveness Of Internal Audit On Performance Of Internal Audit Services In Selected Local Government Authorities In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Internal audit is vital part of management within any organization. Currently, Tanzania is experiencing the problem of ineffective Internal Audit in LGAs. This study examined the effectiveness of the internal audit on the performance of internal audit services in the selected Local Government Authorities in Tanzania. The specific objectives were to determine the influence of audit quality in the performance of internal audit services, to examine the influence of organizational settin...

Contract Management And Its Impact In Public Building Projects: A Case Of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT The study, has aimed to assess contract management and its impact in public buildings projects. The study specifically has focused on determining the extent to which stake holders perceive contract management in relation to public building projects. In additional the study determines the impact of management of quality, time and cost effectiveness, the study also determines causes for poor contract management. A cross sectional research design was adopted; sample sizes of 40 respond...

The Impact Of Human Resource Management Practices On Organizational Employees’ Performance In Public Service Sectors In Tanzania: A Case Of Magu District

ABSTRACT Human Resource Management Practices is the pivotal tool in managing organizational employee performance. A case study was carried out in Magu District Council to assess the Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Organizational employees‟ performance in Public Service Sectors. The study methodology based on the qualitative paradigm based on specific objectives: To identify and examine the awareness of HRM practices and the level of professional qualifications of Human Reso...

Challenges Facing Procurement Management: A Case Of Kwimba District Council In Mwanza, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study explores challenges facing procurement management in Kwimba district council in Mwanza, Tanzania. It analyses a procurement management that concerns with purchasing economic resources, negotiating right items of the right prices, at a right time and getting the best quality resources for Kwimba district council operation. The primary objective of the study was to examine how the procurement management faced with the problem and possible recommendation that can reduce such ...

The Effects Of Employee Satisfaction On The Organization Development A Case Study Of Tanga Fresh Company- Tanga Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study investigates the effects of employee satisfaction on the organization development at Tanga Fresh Company in Tanga District in Tanga region. In conducting this research, the main objective of this study is to investigate the effects of employee satisfaction on the organization development and suggest the ways for improving employee satisfaction. In this study the population consisted of 30 employees from Tanga Fresh Company. The researcher selected the respondents through r...

Assessment On Effects Of Management Practices On Employees’ Job Satisfactions In Tanzania: A Case Of Chamwino District Council

ABSTRACT This study has intended to assess the effects of various management practices on employee job satisfactions. A cross sectional research design was adopted; the sample size of 225 respondents was obtained through a purposive and non-purposive sampling techniques. The study used both quantitative and qualitative methods for data analysis in order to achieve the objectives of the study. Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) and Excel software were used to analyze the data. Find...

Contribution Of Village Community Banks (VICOBA) To Economic Development Of Women In Tanzania:A Case Of Dodoma Resindents

ABSTRACT Village Community Banks (VICOBA) plays an important role of enabling poor women to save and access credit. The study aimed at assessing the contribution of VICOBA to the economic development and livelihood of women in Tanzania. The study was cross sectional research in design where by the 59 respondents were included. Primary data was collected by using questionnaires. The quantitative data was analyzed by Statistical Package for Social Sciences(SPSS). The results showed that most o...

Factors Influencing Customer Loyalty In The Banking Industry: The Case Of Nmb Dodom

ABSTRACT There is a debate in services marketing literature on the relationship that exists between service quality and customer satisfaction on the one hand and customer loyalty on the other. While there are studies which have shown a positive and strong relationship between variables of the first set to customer loyalty, there are also studies which reported no relationship. This study was put in place to investigate on the factors which influenced customer loyalty. The study was undertaken...

Factors Affecting Financial Performance Of Savings And Credit Co-Operatives Societies In Tanzania: A Case Of Majengo Sokoni Sacco’s In Dodoma City

ABSTRACT SACCO‟s is important in any country for socio-economic development. However, performance of SACCOS in Tanzania has been below member expectations thereby causing dissatisfaction among most of their members. Therefore, this study examines factors affecting the financial performance of SACCOS. A cross section design was used to gather information from Majengo Sokoni SACCO‟s in Tanzania the case of Dodoma city. Primary data were collected through interviews and observation methods ...

The Influence Of Marketing Mix Strategies On Customer’s Choice Among Restaurants In Dodoma City When Mediated By Social Networking: A Case Dodoma City

ABSTRACT This dissertation reports the findings of the influence of marketing mix strategies on customer‟s choice among restaurants in Dodoma City when mediated by social networking. The study was led by three specific objectives which sought to map the service marketing strategies used by restaurants to influence customer choice in Dodoma Region, to determine the influence of service marketing mix elements on customer choices among restaurants in Dodoma Region, and to find out the influen...

Perception Of Subscribers On The Use Of Mobile-Phone Based Financial Services: A Study Of Dodoma Urban

ABSTRACT The study was carried out in Dodoma, Tanzania to find out the Perception of Subscribers of the Use of Mobile-phone based Financial Services. It described the factors that influence the use of mobile based financial services. The study used both qualitative and quantitative methods through questionnaire and semi structured interviews. A simple random sampling design was used to select respondents from the clients and purposive sampling was used to select respondents from staffs. The s...

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