Business Administration Research Papers/Topics

Role of Public Relations on Organisational Growth and Developmental (A Case of Unilever Nigeria Plc)

TABLE OF CONTENT PAGE   TITLE PAGE ....................................................... CERTIFICATION .................................................. DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ABSTRACT TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER ONE 1.0​Introduction 1.1​Historical Background 1.2​Statement of Problem  1.3​Purpose of Study 1.4​Research Question 1.5​Statement of Hypothesis 1.6​Limitation of Study ​ 1.7​Scope of Study ​ 1.8​Definition of Terms . References .   CHAPTER TWO ​ LITE...

Financial Management and Business Growth of Selected Telecommunication Companies in Mogadishu-Somalia

ABSTRACT  This study was set out to establish the extent to which financial management affect business growth of selected telecommunication companies in Mogadishu, Somalia; specifically the study intended to establish the (i) profile of the respondents, (ii) extent of which financial management, (iii) level business growth, (iii) whether there is a significant difference in the extent of which financial management and the level of business growth, (iv) whether there is a relationship in the ...

Determinants of Adoption of Online Tax Services by Taxpayers in Kisumu City of Kenya

ABSTRACT  Developing countries are faced with the need for more government revenue due to population pressure, growing fiscal deficit, unsustainable national debt coupled with challenges of globalization, HIV/AIDS and increasing poverty levels among other reasons. In order to deal with these challenges, revenue collection agencies must come up with the most effective tax collection methods that are convenient and efficient to the taxpayers. To achieve this, Kenya Revenue Authority embarked o...

Employee Turnover and Reform in Rwanda Social Security Fund

ABSTRACT  The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between employee turnover and level of reform in Rwanda Social Security Fund. The specific objectives of the study were; to determine the profile of the respondents; to determine the level of employee turnover, to determine the extent of reform in Rwanda Social Security Fund and; to establish significant relationship between level of employee turnover and extent of reform in Rwanda Social Security Fund. Different theories w...

Deposit and Organization Performance of Selected Commercial Banks in Western Province of Rwanda

ABSTRACT  The study was set out to establish the relationship between deposits and organization performance of selected commercial banks in western province of Rwanda. The objectives of this study are: (i) to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender, rank, income level, and highest education qualification (ii) to~ determine the level of deposits (current, savings, fixed, recurring, miscellaneous) in western province of Rwanda (iii) to determine the level of organizati...

Collaborative Community and Social Development A Study of Selected Neighbourhoods in Djibouti, Djibouti

ABSTRACT  Djibouti country is similar to other countries of the world. It is undergoing dramatic changes due to the global issues- producing global impacts which ultimately affect the well-being of every single individual of the society- the children, families, environment and so many aspects of the community. To address such social issues, many rural communities in the western world have undergone profound social and economic transformations by using a new approach for change, over the past...

Appraisal of Health Workforce Retention in Rural Areas of Amuru District, Uganda

ABSTRACT  The research findings noted that there is greater unmet health needs in rural and remote locations than in pen-urban areas of Amuru district. The study sought answers to the following research questions: - is there health workforce imbalances and deficit in rural areas of Amuru district; what factors compel health workers to come, to stay and leave in rural areas of Amuru district; and what specific health workforce retention strategies are in rural areas of Amuru district? The qua...

Assessing the Loan Repayment Position among Agricultural Borrowers from Financial Institutions in Uganda A Case of Gulu and Pader District

ABSTRACT  The Ugandan economy like most other developing countries has survived upon credit, grants and donations among other things. Credit in Uganda has been extended to business practitioners through commercial banks, non Bank financial intermediaries and non Governmental organizations. However it is believed that there is a rate of default in repayment of borrowed funds from financial institutions and especially so in the agricultural sector. The Main Objective of the study therefore set...

Role of Micro Finance Institutions in Promoting Economic Growth among Vihiga District Entrepreneurs (Kenya)

ABSTRACT  The research is all about the role of M.F.I. s in promoting economic growth among entrepreneurs in Vihiga district (Kenya) the introductory chapter introduces the role of M.F.I.s in influencing borrowing, shaping the attitude of entrepreneurs and the M.F.I. intervention activities. The second chapter deals with the review of literature on borrowing from M.F.I.s, the attitude shapers towards M.F.I and the literature on M.F.I intervention. The researcher used published books, journal...

Job Stress and Employee Performance in the Ministry of Labor, Public Service and Human Resource Development, Juba, South Sudan

ABSTRACT This study aimed at establishing the relationship between job stress and employee performance in the Ministry of Labor, Public Service and Human Resource Development, Juba, South Sudan, the objectives were; (i) determining the effect of job stress on Timeliness of employees in the Ministry of Labor, Public Service and Human Resource Development, Juba, South Sudan, (ii) establishing the effect of job stress on quality of work in the Ministry of Labor, Public Service and Human Resource...

Employee Turnover and Retention Among Academic Staff in Selected Public Higher Learning Institutions in Rwanda

ABSTRACT This study entitled “Employee turnover and Retention among Academic Staff in Selected Public Higher Learning Institutions in Rwanda “aimed at Determining factors leading to a high rate of employee turnover in public institutions of higher learning in Rwanda. The study was carried out based on three specific objectives, that is to say: to determine the extent of employee turnover in selected public higher learning Institutions, to establish the level of retention strategies in sel...

Compensation System and Employees’ Retention in Hormuud Telecom Somalia

ABSTRACT The researcher studied compensation system and employees’ retention in Hormuud Telecom Somalia (HORTEL). The basic objectives of this study were to find out the employee retention level of HORTEL, to determine the relationship between performance-based pay and employee retention of HORTEL and to examine the relationship between seniority-based pay and the retention of the employees of HORTEL. Data was collected through questionnaire both from employees and managers of HORTEL with t...

Computerized Accounting and Organization Development in Selected Public Institution in Kigali, Rwanda

ABSTRACT This study is a result of an academic research entitled “, Computerized Accounting and Organization Development in selected public institution in Kigali, Rwanda.”. The purpose of this study was to test the null hypothesis of no significant relationship between computerized accounting and organization development in selected public institution in Kigali, Rwanda, to generate new information from the existing data and to validate the concept of Stefanou. The objectives of this study...

Tax Policy and Performance of Small and Meduim Enterprises in Juba City, Central Equatoria State, South Sudan

ABSTRACT Tax policy refers to what taxes governments choose to levy, in what amounts, and on whom. It concerns broad issues such as how much tax the government needs to collect in order to pay for expenditures and the effect that taxes can have on overall economic activity. It also concerns issues of fairness -who should pay taxes, and how much - and efficiency, or whether taxes will have a distortive effect on performance of SMEs in Juba City, Central Equatoria state, south Sudan.Arelatioshi...

Commercial Bank Services and Growth of Small Scale Enterprises in Bujumbura, Burundi

ABSTRACT The importance of commercial banks to eradication of poverty cannot be overemphasized. Commercial banks offer financial services to active poor who were traditionally neglected by conventional banks with a view towards lifting them out of poverty. Hence, this study sought to establish the effect that commercial bank services have on the growth of small scale enterprises in Bujumbura- Burundi. Even if it is a government policy to ensure that all people have access to financial service...

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