Development Studies Research Papers/Topics

Youth Economic Empowerment and Sustainable Development Goal on Decent Work: A Case of Kenya Commercial Bank 2jiajiri Program

Abstract: Authoritarian developmentalism has been the justification for making the government assumes the role of primary agent in promoting development through youth economic empowerment. The taxpayer funded programmes which were launched after the promulgation of the National Youth Policy (NYP) have failed because of corruption and overall mismanagement. The net result of this top to bottom approach has been the high unemployment and under-employment of Kenyan youth. On the other hand, KCB...

An Assessment of Disaster Risk Management in Urban Informal Settlements and its Effectiveness on the Urban Poor Case Study: Mukuru Kwa Njenga

Abstract: Informal settlements, where mostly the urban poor reside, tend to be located in hotspots of natural hazards such as floods, fire, and even earthquakes. The devastating impacts of these natural hazards on such settlements can be attributed to the higher levels of physical, economic, social and environmental vulnerability in conjunction with inadequate and poor level of disaster preparedness. Conceptualizing a detailed risk profile, in the context of informal settlement characteristi...

Diminishing Impact of Foreign Aid, Grants and Loans on the Endemic, That Is Hunger and Poverty in Africa: Focus on Kenya

Abstract: Africa's main ailment is hunger and poverty. This has been given much attention, by the African people and the International community in pursuit of its end. Hunger and poverty in Africa is on a fast increase. The main causes of hunger in Africa are; natural causes like drought, floods, famine and diseases that attack livestock and crops. This is why the poverty reduction strategies have mainly focused on venues to increase crop production like irrigation, fertilization and subsist...

The Role of Bridge International Academy In Modernization: The Case of Kenya

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to look at a relatively new International Academies (hereafter Bridge), and the role it plays education as a tool for assisting Kenya reach its Vision 2030 development Bridge is a for-profit company dedicated to providing low-cost education million children around the globe, beginning with Kenya. Bridge differs educational players because it uses a cookie cutter model most often consumer products like the fast food chain McDonalds. However, educational ...

The Role of Chevron in the Development of the Niger Delta, the Case Study of Delta State

Abstract: American oil companies in the Niger Delta have often been appraised for their good code of conduct by many international organizations. However, this is not the case between Chevron and the oil communities in Delta State where Chevron operates. The people of the Niger Delta believe that abundant oil resources in their area should improve the quality of human lives and provide infrastructural developments. This has led unemployed youths in these communities to seek association with ...

Influence of Poverty on Violent Extremism in Kenya: A Case Study of Mombasa County Between 2007 To 2017

Abstract: The study sought to examine the influence of Poverty on Violent Extremism in Kenya: a case of Mombasa County. The study aimed to answer the following research questions: what are the predominant causes of poverty in Mombasa County? What is the extent of poverty prevalence on violent extremism in Mombasa County? and what is the link between poverty and violent extremism in Mombasa County? The target population of this study was the County government of Mombasa, World Values Surveys,...

The Implications of Large-Scale Infrastructure Projects to the Communities in Isiolo County: The Case of Lamu Port South Sudan Ethiopia Transport Corridor

Abstract: This study examined the implications of the LAPSSET project to the communities in Isiolo. In provoking the current debate on the future of rural Africa and large-scale infrastructure projects, the study examined whether the increased pressure on large scale land use change in Isiolo could become a source of conflict or not due to the presence of LAPSSET project. The purpose of this research is to create an understanding of the implications of large-scale state-drive projects even t...

Perception of Aid for Education in Kenya: A Case Study of World Vision Aid for Primary School Pupils in Samburu East Constituency

Abstract: The aim of the study was to establish the perception of aid for education in Kenya by taking a case study of education aid for primary school pupils in Samburu East Sub-County. The specific objectives were: to examine the perception of aid for education in Samburu East sub-county; to determine the effect of aid for education on primary school enrolment in Samburu East sub-County; to determine the effect of aid for education on primary school completion in Samburu East sub-county; a...

An Assessment of the Impact of Food Security on Rural-Urban Migration: A Case Study of Mathare Slums in Nairobi County and Kiandutu in Kiambu County

Abstract: Migration in Kenya occurs whenever people seek business opportunities and education in higher learning institutions from other parts of the country. It is typical for Kenyans to migrate from rural homes to urban locations to seize employment opportunities as well. An analysis of literature that investigates migration in Kenya will illustrate that people migrate to urban areas due to food scarcity in rural locations. Residents of arid and semi-arid parts of the country depend on pas...

Examining the Role of the World Bank in Post- Conflict Reconstruction: A Case of the Democratic Republic Of Congo

Abstract: Democratic Republic of Congo is a country with rich natural resources. However, the continuous civil wars in DRC have made it difficult for any meaningful economic, social, and political development to take place. The underdevelopment in DRC is the reason why the World Bank initiated projects that can help in steering economic development in DRC thus the need for the study. Therefore, it is critical to understand the underlying issues affecting the suitability and effectiveness of ...

An Analysis Of Kenya Vision 2030’s Efforts Towards Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 10

Abstract: Kenya has been experiencing significant economic growth over the last few decades. The effect of this economic progress has however been felt by a limited segment of the population, while the vast majority fails to benefit from this prosperity. Extreme inequality tends to slow down the development process for all economic classes, hence the need to consider ways of sharing economic prosperity as proposed by John Rawls’ theory of distributive justice. The three-fold objectives of ...

A Comparative Study of the Effects of Foreign Remittance and Foreign Aid on Kenya’s Economic Development

Abstract: Foreign aid (Official Development Assistance) has conventionally been an indispensable source of development resource for Kenya. Consequently, since the country’s independence both bilateral and multilateral donors have extended ODA to Kenya in terms of either grants or loans. Nonetheless, these resources have been ineffectual in precipitating real development, besides being highly volatile. In recent years, international remittance inflows have been increasingly considered as im...

Globalization and the Development of the Airline Industry: Analyzing the Case of Kenya Airways

Abstract: The main objective of this study was to examine how globalization had affected the development of the airline industry by using Kenya Airways as a case study. The specific objectives included the following: To examine the positive impact of globalization on the development of Kenya Airways; To examine the negative impact of globalization on the development of Kenya Airways; To examine the effect of globalization on Kenya Airways market expansion strategies. This research was a case...

Kenya’s Industrialization and Development Agenda: An Assessment of the Effects of Policy Changes on Operation of Export Processing Zones.

Abstract: Because of the failures of import substitution policy, most developing countries shifted their industrialization policy to export-led industrialization: Manufacturing under the development plan was given high priority and the industrialization agenda was supplemented by the establishment of Export Processing Zones (EPZ). The main objective of this study is to examine Kenya’s current industrialization and development agenda through Export Processing Zones and assess the effects of...

Small Arms and Light Weapons: A Case Study of Kenya

Abstract: This study will look at SALW and the case study will be Kenya, The proliferation of small arms and light weapons' is one of the biggest security challenges currently facing Kenya and the East African sub-region (Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya). The trafficking and wide availability of these weapons fuel instability, conflict and pose a threat, not only to security, but also to sustainable development. The widespread proliferation of small arms is contributing to alarming levels of arme...

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