Development Studies Research Papers/Topics

The Impact Of Delegation On Employees Performance In Organizations Case Study Coca-Cola Company In Mbarara, Uganda

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to find out the impact of delegation on employees performance. The interest in this particular area was due to the deteriorating in performance of the organization and in particular coca-cola company despite hiring bright and talented employees. Therefore, this triggered the researcher to go and assess the relationship between delegation and employee performance. The main objectives of this study were to find out why managers don’t delegate, t...

Institutional Factors Influencing Career Advancement Of Women Faculty: A Case Of Kenyatta University, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study examined the institutional factors militating against career advancement of women faculty: A case study of Kenyatta University. The study was based on the premise that there are some hidden institutional challenges slowing career progress of women faculty. This exists despite the many attempts by universities to implement government calls to gender equality and equity. The promotion criteria at the universities is said to provide equal opportunities to women and men, yet ...

Polygamous Marriage Versus Poverty Eradication In Gomba District, Uganda

Abstract This Study Investigated The Effects Of Polygamous Marriage On Poverty In Gomba District. The First Objective Was To Find Out The Impacts Of Polygamous Marriage On Poverty Levels In The Households, The Study Showed That The Impacts Like High Population Increase That Leads To Pressure On Land Thus Conflicts Also Poor Education Due To Lack Of Fees Thus Unemployment Creation Which Was Kept Many Of Them In Absolute Poverty. The Second Objective Was To Examine The Causes Of Polygamous Marr...

The Role Of Non Governmental Organisations Towards Improvement Of Welfare Of Street Children In Cent~L Zone ~Mpala City, Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION i APPROVAL ii DEDICATION ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv LIST OF ACRONYMS V TABLE OF CONTENTS vi CHAPTER ONE 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE 1 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.2 Statement of the problem 2 Objectives of the study 3 1.3.1 General Objectives 3 1.3.2 Specific Objectives 3 1.4 Research Questions 3 1.5 Scope of the study 3 1.6 Significance of the study 4 CHAPTER ~wo 4 LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.0 Introduction S 2.1 Causes of children on the streets in ...

An Assessment Of The Effect Of Decentralization Policy On Health Services Delivery In Kapchorwa Municipality. A Case Study Of Kapchorwa Main Hospital

ABSTRACT The study was about the effect of decentralization policy on the delivery of health services in Kapchorwa hospitals. The objectives were to identify the effect of decentralization policy in the delivering health service. To identify the challenges hindering decentralization policy in delivering of health service to the local people and to identify out the extent decentralization policy has affected the delivery of health services. The scope of the study comprised of content scope, ge...

Somali Culture And Female Education In Selected Women’s Association Centers In Mogadishu Somalia

Abstract The purpose of this study was to assess the Somali culture and femaleeducation in Mogadishu, Somalia. This was based on three research objectives: to examine the nature of cultural practices in Mogadishu Somalia, to determine the status of female Education of Somalia and to establish the significant relationship between Somali culture and female education in Somalia. This study adopted a correlational design based on the quantitative approach. The questionnaire was the main methods u...

The Role Of Human Right In Protecting Abused And Neglected Children, A Case Of Ilemela District Mwanza Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Research was based on the role of human rights in protecting abused and neglected children in ilernela district mwanza region in Tanzania. The number of children who die each year as a result of abused comes primarily from death registries or mortality data.young children are at greatest risk, with rates for the 0—4 years old age group more then double those of 5—14 year of age. However, despite the role of human rights in protecting abused and neglected children , the numbers of...

The Impact Of Community Participation In Non-Governmental Organisations’ Projects Management: A Case Study Of Compassion International Lyantonde District

ABSTRACT The major purpose of the study was to analyse the impact of community participation in project management and to suggest how best communities can participate in NGO projects management. The objectives of the study were: To find out the level of community participation; investigate the factors that influence their participation in project management; analyse how the benefits accrue to different beneficiaries and also to analyse how these factors can be mitigated to ensure effective co...

The Perfom Ance Of Youth Livelihood Program In Youth Empowerement In Kayunga Dist Ict A Case Study Of Kayunga Sub County

ABSTRACT This study sought to assess the performance of YLP in empowerment of youth with particular emphasis on Kayunga Sub-County, lKayunga District. The benefits were identified, and the challenges the program, is facing. The sample size for this study was comprised on One Hundred fifty female youth (150) and seventy five (75) male youth who were clients of YLP for over 2 years. However, the very clients also belonged to programs like Centenary Rural development Bank, Savings and Credit coo...

An Inquiry Into Levels Of Alcohol Consumption And Their Relationship To Community Development In Bufunjo, Kyenjojo District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ................................................................................................................. ii APPROVAL ....................................................................................... : .............................. iii DEDICATION ................................................................................................................... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................

The Essence Of Com!\Ujnity Participation In Development Activities In West Nile Region Of Uganda Case Study: Ayivu County In Arua District

ABSTRACT This research was purposely carried out to assess the impact of lack of participation of the communities in national development programmes or in Jhe development of their own community and provide justification on how community participation should be handled and how the communities should be treated in order for them to participate in national or community development programmes. The study was carried out in Ayivu Sub-Counties of Pajulu and Dadamu in Arua District. The data was co...

The Impact Of Poverty On Economic Development,Case Study; Boosaaso District, Puntland State Of Somalia

ABSTRACT The region around Bosaaso is prone to poverty, since the district host a lot of people from south central Somalia. This poverty led to allot of impact on economic development of the district and entire region. The purpose of this study was to analyze how poverty affects the economic development of the people in Boosaaso district. It drew an insight on how these cases of poverty, from lack of active government, civil wars and over population. That affects the economic lives of th...

Women Empowerment And Poverty Eradication In Central Uganda Case Study: Katabi Sub-County, Wakiso District

ABSTRACT This research dissertation is about the study of women empowerment towards poverty eradication in Katabi sub-county, Wakiso district in the three villages of Kitubulu, Lunyo and Katabi. The researcher was motivated to carry out this study basing on the significant changes being experienced by women in the social, economic and political spheres of life as a result of being empowered. The main objective of the study was to critically analyze the importance of empowerment towards effec...

The Role Of Decentralization Policy In The Promotion Of Socio-Economic Development In Kayunga District Case Study Kangulumira Sub County

ABSTRACT The study was carried out on the role of decentralization policy in the promotion of socio-econornic development in Kayunga district where Kangulurnira Sub County was used as the case study. The study objectives included to examine the ways through which decentralization policy was being practiced in Kangulumira Sub County, to assess the contributions of decentralization policy towards socio economic development of Kangulumira Sub County and to examine the challenges that the decentr...

Decentralisation And Education Service Delivery In Apac District. The Case Study Of Apac Town Council

ABSTRACT The study sought to examine the relationship between decentralization and education service delivery in Apac Town Council, with the view of generating sustainable ways to improve decentralization programmes to enhance education service delivery in the district. The general objective of the study was to find out the extent to which decentralization has influenced education service delivery in Town Council. A co-relational research design was employed. A sample of 136 respondents part...

331 - 345 Of 1134 Results