Development Studies Research Papers/Topics

Leadership And Good Governance In Garowe Puntland Somalia

ABSTRACT The background is pointing out the international, National and the local level wrenches use of L&GG. Secondly it mentions the leadership and good governance variables the dependent and the independent variables of the research study. The Research Objective of this study was to establish the relationship between the leadership and the good governance in garowe Puntland Somalia. The method used: The Researcher used descriptive quantities correlation Research study as research design. I...

The Role Played By International Organizations In Provision Of Physiological Support To Orphans In Kampala, Uganda

ABSTRACT This was a study about role played by International organization in provision of physiological needs to orphans. It was conducted in UNICEF located in Kampala Uganda. The objectives of the study were to find out the role played by IOs. In provisions of physiological needs to orphans, challenges that orphan face and lastly the possible remedies to help the orphans overcome the challenges. The sample used was purposive sampling this is because it enables the researcher to satisfy the ...

An Assessment Of The Effects Of Girl Child School Drop Out On Social Economic Development In Kaptanya Primary Schools In Kaptanya Sub County, Kapchorwa District

ABSTRACT fhis study was carried out in Kaptanya Sub County, Kapchorwa District. On an :issessment of the effect on girl child school drop out on social economic development. fhe objectives of the study were to establish the major causes of girl child school jropout,the effects of girl child school drop out on the social economic development :md the possible solutions to combat the girl child school drop out on the social ~conomic development in Kaptanya sub county, Kapchorwa District. The fi...

Small Scale Women Entrepreneurial Ability And Social Economic Development In Mpumudde Sub County Lyantondde District

ABSTRACT The study sought to find out the factors affecting women in small-scale enterprises in Mpumudde Sub county Lyantonde district. The study was carried out in Mpumudde Sub county Lyantonde district The variables under investigations were accessibility to credit facility, availability of infrastructure, the level of education and availability of family support. The main respondents for the study were women in small-scale enterprises. Sixty five respondents formed the sample size of the s...

An Assessment Of High Population Growth And Development Of Sanitary Facilities In Urban Centres In Uganda. A Case Study Of Nakawa Division

ABSTRACT The study assessed high population growth and development of sanitation facilities in urban centres in Uganda. A case study of Nakawa division and it was guided by the following research objectives (i) to examine the contributing factors to poor sanitation facilities in Nakawa Division, to assess the effects of poor sanitation facilities to the people of Nakawa division and to suggest way that can improve sanitation facilities in Nakawa division, Kampala. The descriptive survey...

Domestic Violence And Women's Participation In Community Development Initiatives In Western Uganda A Case Study Of Mbarara Municipality Mbarara District

ABSTRACT 'he study on how domestic violence affects women's pai1icipation in community development 1itiatives in Mbarara Municipality aimed at establishing the forms and nature of domestic violence existing in homes, the causes of domestic violence, the effects of domestic violence on 10men's participation in community development initiatives and to identify mechanisms put in lace to address the question, gaps existing and suggest the way forward. 'he study targeted women and men in fami...

Challenges Faced By Families Headed By Children In Rural Areas: A Case Study Of Bude Sub County In Mpigi District

  ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the challenges faced by families headed by children in rural areas: a case study of Bude Sub County in Mpigi district. Specific objectives of the study were to: examine the challenges faced by families headed by children in rural areas; assess the possible solutions to the problems faced by families headed by children in rural areas; establish the social challenges families headed by children in rural areas face and make recommendations ...

The Contribution Of Ngo’s In The Promotion Of Girl Child Education In Kampala District, Uganda

ABSTRACT Education is a Fundamental human right. It is guaranteed under the United Nations Convention on the rights of the child. This research work explores the extent to which Non-Governmental Organizations provide support to the girl child education in Kampala district. The report is based on both primary and secondary data analysis. More specifically, the Study aimed to (i) establish the contributions of NGOs in educating the girl child; (ii) identify some of the factors that limit the gi...

The Performance Of Alternative Basic Education For Karamoja Development In Kotido District

ABSTRACT The research described the performance of Alternative Basic Education to development in Kotido district. The study was guided by the following objectives: To describe the conceptual understanding of Alternative Basic Education for development of Kotido district. To establish the causes of low performance of Alternative Basic Education for development in Kotido district. To find out how low performance of Alternative Basic Education affects development in Kotido district. This st...

Conflict Transformation And Service Delivery: A Case Study Of Matany Sub-County In Napak District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF TABLES viii LIST OF FIGURES ix CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY 1 1.0 General introduction 1 1.1 Background to the study 1 1.2 Statement of the problem 3 1.3 General objective 4 1,3.1 Specific objectives 4 1.3.2 Research Questions 4 1.4 Scope of study 4 1.5 The conceptual framework 6 1.6 Significance of the study 7 1.7 Definition of Operational terms 7 CHAPTER TWO 8 LI...

The Role Of Prisons In The Administration Of Custodial Rehabilitation Of Inmates In Kenya: A Case Of Thika Main Prison Kiambu County

ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate the role of Prisons in the administration of custodial rehabilitation to men and women inmates in Thika Main Prison. Although, the role of Kenya Prison Service (KPS) is generally to rehabilitate and reform prisoners to control recidivism, contain and keep offenders in safe custody, facilitate administration of justice and promote prisoners' opportunities for social integration, there has been a lot of concern raised on the administration and mana...

Gender Disparities In Natural Resource Management: A Case Study Of Quarrying In Juja Location Of Thika West District

ABSTRACT There has been a lot of debate on the relations between women and environment. Feminists have focused this debate on analyzing women's use, conservation and management of natural resources. The main aim of our study was to look at the dimensions between men and women in the management of quarries in Juja Location of Thika West district. We looked at the main gender dimensions in quarrying in Thika in terms of employment, management and ownership. We established the challenges that m...

Roles Of Stakeholders In The Implementation Of Re-Entry Policy Guidelines On Adolescent Mothers In Secondary Schools: Case Of Machakos County-Kenya

ABSTRACT The government of Kenya through the Ministry of Education developed the Re-entry policy on Adolescent mothers in 1994. The policy allowed adolescent mothers to go back to school after delivery. It was intended to reduce pregnancy-related school dropout rates amongst girls. This study sought to examine the roles that stakeholders were playing in implementing the Government Re- entry policy guidelines on adolescent mothers in secondary schools in Kathiani Sub- County, Machakos County. ...

Uptake Of Microfinance Credit And Its Impact On Coffee Yields Among Smallholder Farmers In Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The past two decades has witnessed high promotion of microfinance institutions by both the government of Kenya and non-governmental organizations which are targeting smallholder farmers. Despite increase in these microfinance institutions, coffee yield among smallholder farmers has remained low. This has negatively affected smallholder coffee farmers’ earnings from the coffee enterprise and also their economic wellbeing due to loss of income. Information on the impact of microfinan...

Gender Dynamics In The Access To And Control Of Benefits Accrued From Tea Farming In Kiganjo Division, Gatundu District

ABSTRACT: Agriculture is the cornerstone of Kenya’s economy with most households depending on it for food and livelihood. Women provide the largest share of agricultural labour in many households. Despite the important role that women play, they are discriminated in the area of access to and control over the agricultural benefits. In agriculture, tea farming was the main foreign exchange earner in the year 2011. But despite the important role tea farming plays in Kenya, there are gender ine...

346 - 360 Of 1134 Results