Development Studies Research Papers/Topics

Contribution Of Lgcdg In Improving Local Community Livelihoods In Meru District Arusha, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  This study entitled “The Contribution of Local Government Capital Development Grants in Improving Community Livelihoods” was conducted in Meru District, Arusha, Tanzania in four selected villages namely King’ori, Kikatiti, Maji ya Chai and Patandi. Data were collected using questionnaire survey and interviews. The total number of 89 respondents was from these villages, King’ori (22) respondents, Kikatiti (24) respondents, Maji ya chai (24) respondents and Patandi (25) respo...

Contribution Of Women In Post-Harvest Loss Management Of Cereal Grains Among Agropastoralists In Chamwino District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Post-harvest loss of cereal grains in Tanzania is a serious problem and is widespread even when the country experiences bumper harvest. Despite the efforts made by the government and other stakeholders to reduce post-harvest loss of cereal grains, there is still persistence of the cereal grains losses during post-harvest activities. Thus, this study was conducted to examine the contribution of women in PHLM of cereal grains among agro-pastoralists in Chamwino District, Tanzania. Spe...

Effectiveness Of Podcasting In Water, Sanitation And Hygiene (Wash) Education: A Case Of Bindura Town

Abstract The world particularly developing countries such as Zimbabwe have continued to experience recurrent water and sanitation related diseases outbreaks despite efforts by various governments and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) to educate community. In Bindura, in 2015 Practical Action Southern Africa has used podcasting technology to raise WASH awareness and improve the relationship between residence and municipality with the aim of reducing the burden of diarrhoeal diseases. This ...

‘The Role Played By Civil Society Organizations In The 31 July 2013 Harmonised Elections In Zimbabwe. A Case Study Of Zimrights

ABSTRACT The research sought to analyze the role played by CSOs with specific reference to ZimRights a grassroots based organization in the harmonized elections of 31 July in Zimbabwe. The main problem has been that the role of CSOs in elections has been down played and to some extent CSOs has been labeled as regime change agents and allies of opposition parties. A review of related literature was carried out to establish what other renowned scholars and authors had to say no the role CSOs pl...

Impact Of Informal Sector Growth On Water, Sanitation And Hygiene Service Provision: The Case Of Norton Town Council In Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT The informal sector has grown over years as people fail to get employment in the formal sector. In Zimbabwe, the sector is dominated by women and the majority of the people in the sector are aged 15 years to 30 years. Although the sector has made significant contributions to improving people`s livelihoods, the growth of the sector has impacted negatively on WASH service provision in urban areas as the existing WASH infrastructure was not designed to cater for these large numbers of ...

Challenges Facing Community Home Based Care Givers Of People Living With Hiv/Aids, Case Of Hope Humana Care Program In Mabvuku

ABSTRACT The researcher sought to study on the Challenges facing Community Home Based Care Givers of people living with HIV/AIDS. The research was well furnished with a couple of theories, relevant literature by other authors and previous studies that supported the research. The participants were sampled using purposive sampling. The research comprised of Hope Humana staff, Hope Humana Voluntary Caregivers and the HIV/AIDS affected individuals who made up a total of thirty two respondents who...

The Effects Of Climate Variability On Women Small-Holder Farmers. Case Study: Zindowemberengwa 2000-2013

Table of Contents Declaration form.....................................................................................................i Dedication..............................................................................................................ii Acknowledgements................................................................................................iii Acronyms..............................................................................................................iv...

The Dynamics Of Decentralisation On Development Planning In Urban Local Authorities. A Case Study Of Harare City Council

ABSTRACT Perhaps not surprisingly, the developmental burden which has been placed on the idea of decentralisation has been too great for it to bear. Third world states find much promise in decentralisation. The performance of decentralised government all too often falls disappointingly short of these expectations. (Smith, 1985:185) The adoption of decentralisation as an option for development in post-colonial Zimbabwe became an immediate option for national development. Emphasis was placed mu...

Youth Involvement In Formulation Of The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals: Case Of Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT This research focuses on youth involvement in the formulation of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals: A case of Zimbabwe. The research examined various efforts by government, The United Nation’s Agencies and Civil society organisations on and offline, to involve young people in the SDG formulation process in Zimbabwe, the obstacles, strengths and weaknesses of approaches employed. It also provides recommendations to improve engagements of young people in policy shap...

The Impact Of Climate Change On Food Security In Ward 8 Of Chivi District

Abstract The purpose of this study was to improve the brand image and perception of studying music courses. The research was qualitative in nature which encouraged the researcher to carry out an Action Research in the department of Music Business, Musicology and Technology in quest to improve the brand image and perception of studying music courses. The study identified the different perceptions the public have towards studying BSc Music Business, Musicology and Technology Honours degree at M...

An Investigation Of Social Accountability Practices By Ngos Operating In The Ump District

ABSTRACT Civic society all over the world has been demanding formal democratic systems in states, where states are expected to be accountable to citizens. There is a tendency for development actors, mainly NGOs, to pressurise governments to exercise accountability, by advocating for, and, strengthening citizen voice and the engagement. Some NGOs tend to ignore their own accountability obligations to the communities and citizens they serve. Accountability as good governance means allowing peop...

The Role Played By The Third Sector In Fostering Youth Empowerment In Zimbabwe. The Case Of Zimbabwe Red Cross Society In Highfields (2010-2013)

ABSTRACT This study is aimed at assessing the role played by third sector in fostering youth empowerment in Zimbabwe and a case study of Zimbabwe Red Cross Society in Highfields was used. The study was targeting youths in Highfields assessing the economic political and social impacts of the organisation to the youth. 40 respondents managed to take part in the research and all filled in questionnaires which were semi-structured with sections A, B and C. A total of 23 males and 17 females took ...

Contribution Of Sunflower Farming To The Wellbeing Of Small Scale Farmers: A Case Of Chemba District, Dodoma Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study investigated the contribution of sunflower farming to the well-being of small scale farmers in Dalai and Mondo wards, Chamba district, Dodoma region, Tanzania. Specifically, the study identified the sunflower farming activities adopted by farmers, examined the challenges faced by small scale farmers in the sunflower production and examined how sunflower production contributes to smallholder farmers’ wellbeing (that is food security, ability of farmers to access health s...

An Analysis Of The Impact Of Gender Based Violence Against Men In Mutare District. Case Of Burma Valley Ward 27..

Abstract This study focused on GBV against men which is something that is rarely talked. The worst part of GBV against men is that, when it does get talked about, discussion is almost always limited to the abuse that men do to women. A lot of people are of the idea that violence is not something that women do, and when the men who have been victims of women try to speak out they frequently encounter negative reactions like mockery and name calling to actual accusations like it is their own fa...

An Assesment Of The Role Played By Law Enforcement Agencies In The Protection Of Childrens Rights, A Case Study Of Bulawayo Metropolitan, 2014 To 2015

Abstract The focus of this research was to explore the role of law enforcement agencies towards the protection of children’s rights in Bulawayo Metropolitan, from 2014-15. This research was inspired by the high rate of child abuse cases recorded in the province, hence the need to understand the trend, as local media would report a case of child abuse with each edition. The descriptive research design used on the qualitative data obtained from the law enforcement agencies, so as to obtain a ...

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