Development Studies Research Papers/Topics


ABSTARCT The study focused on the persistence of poverty among ethnic minorities in Zimbabwe using the San Community as a case study. Four objectives guided the research and these were:  assessing the extent of poverty levels among the San community, understanding the reasons for the persistence of poverty among the San community, examining the gestures that government has made towards addressing the state of extreme poverty among the San community and examining the gestures that NGOs and ot...


ABSTRACT A study on rural development implications of the wireless revolution was conducted in Mberengwa East ward 2, as technology is becoming a powerful force in all facets of life. Gradually the wireless connections are penetrating the rural villages and making an impact in their lives hence the need to verify on how these connections are changing the way of people in the rural areas. Various authorities made their contributions in this study and it was guided by the livelihood framework. ...

Internal Savings And Lending Scheme For Ensuring Sustainable Agricultural Development In Rural Areas; A Case Of Chimanimani District

Abstract Internal Savings and Lending Schemes has become very important in global poverty reduction. The popular hypothesis is that by enabling rural poor households access to loans and savings enables poor households begin micro enterprises which would help them improve their income generation and escape poverty eventually. The chief research objective of this dissertation was to examine the role played by internal savings and lending schemes in rural areas, as a way of ensuring sustainable ...

Local Available Resources And Indigenous Knowledge, A Tool To Improve Rural Women Livelihoods: The Case Of Umguza District Ward 10, 13, 15, 16 And 17.

ABSTRACT Among many other groups of people, women are one of the most vulnerable groups in the world especially in the rural areas of the developing countries, including Zimbabwe. Women constitute 70% of the rural poor. This study focused on how rural women in the community of Umguza District in Matabeleland North Province have used local resources and indigenous knowledge to improve their livelihoods and the challenges they have faced along the way. The objectives of the study were to assess...

The Impact Of Harare City Council’s Slum Rehabilitation Activitieson Socio-Economic Development Of Hopley Zone

ABSTRACT The research analyses the major causes and proliferation of Hopley slum settlement in the capital city of Harare. It is discussed that slum settlement in the capital is subjected to various factors such as government policies, rural-urban migration, unemployment, rapid urbanisation, poverty and other discussed factors. Challenges associated in Hopley slum settlement have direct impact on the environment and on human lives as highlighted in the research, such as shortage of space, des...

An investigation into the Contribution of NGOs to Food Security in Zimbabwe. A focus on CARE International Zimbabwe’s projects in Ward 18 of Zaka District from 2000 up to 2014

Abstract Food security occupies a significant place in development discourse, planning and implementation. This study focused on examining the effectiveness of NGOs food security interventions, with particular focus on CARE International Zimbabwe’s projects in ward 18 of Zaka District. The primary objectives of the study was to establish the extent of food insecurity in ward 18 of Zaka District, and identifying food security interventions under CARE International Zimbabwe as well as identif...

An Assessment Of Climate Change Induced Improvisation Strategies Adopted By Small Scale Farmers In Zhombe Communal Area.

ABSTRACT Climate change has negative implications on small scale farmers in Zhombe Communal area as evidenced by the failure of agricultural production and poor rural living standards. The farmers within the area have adopted different improvisation strategies as a way of adapting to the climatic changes. The strategies include plant staggering, stream bank cultivation, irrigation farming, organic farming, conservation farming, harnessing IKS, and growing of small grain drought resistant crop...

Systematics Of Loganiaceae in West African

ABSTRACT Loganiaceae is a family of flowering plants classified in the Order Gentianales (Bendre, 1975). The family was first suggested by Robert Brown in 1814 and validly published by von Martius in 1827 (Nicholas and Baijnath, 1994). Members habits are in form of trees, shrubs, woody climbers and herbs. Some are epiphytes while some members are furnished with spines or tendrils (Bendre, 1975). They are distributed mainly in the tropics, subtropics and a few in temperate regions (Backlund et...

Towards The Development Of Special Information Centre For The Nigerian Textile Industry

ABSTRACT The establishment and the rapid growth of the textile industry from time I immemorial owes much to the innate desire of man to satisfy one of his basic necessities or lire, that is clothing, Textile is derived from the Latin word means "to weave", In its original sense, the word textile refers to a fabric rom woven fibbers, Hov ever, in recent years there have been some modifications with respect meaning of the word "textile", It means fabric produced by weaving, ~""L~"~ and felting...

The Role Of Civil Society In Dealing With Internally Displaced Persons. The Case Of The Basilwizi Trust In The Nyami-Nyami Area, Negande Ward (2002-2010)

Abstract IDPs worldwide are amongst the most vulnerable groups in society. They face a number of challenges and these include poverty, food insecurity, acute water shortages, inadequate educational and health facilities as well as marginalization. In the wake of such challenges this has given rise to the intervention by civil society in the form of programs and projects aimed at improving the livelihoods of these IDPs and empowering them. The aim of the research is to analyse the role played ...

Land Suitability Analysis From Space For Crop Farming: The Case Of Ward 36, Mberengwa District In Zimbabwe By Hove John (R103505M)

ABSTRACT Vegetation Condition Index (VCI), a function of Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) forms a very critical model for climate modelling, detecting crop yield productivity and yield prediction. It approximates the weather (rainfall) component in NDVI value and allows quantifying the impact of weather (rainfall) on maize crop. The thrust of this research study was to detect land suitability potential for maize crop based on VCI-drydekads in Mberengwa District, Ward 36 in view o...

An Investigation On The Impact Of Kurera/Ukondla Youth Fund On Youth Livelihoods. A Case Of Mzilikazi District (Bulawayo Metropolitan Province).

ABSTRACT   In Zimbabwe youth constitute a large percentage of the population and they are most marginalised group of people when it comes to resource allocation. As result their livelihoods have been affected by lack resources, capabilities and assets to improve their livelihoods. However the Zimbabwe government has made numerous efforts to improve the livelihoods of youth. One of the efforts done by the Zimbabwean government is to create the Ministry of Youth, Indigenisation and Economic Em...


ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to examine the role played by WiPSU in promoting women's participation and representation in governance in the Midlands Province, with particular focus on Gweru, Kwekwe and Zvishavane. A qualitative research approach attempted to bring to light an understanding of the various dynamics that are shaping the level of women’s participation and representation in the political processes of the country. The three aforementioned areas were used to acquire p...

An Assessment Of The Factors That Contribute To The Sexual Abuse Of Disabled Women In Rural Areas; The Case Of Bikita District Ward 3

ABSTRACT The Research Thesis has the aim of assessing the factors that contribute to the sexual abuse of disabled women in rural areas using the case study of Bikita District Ward 3. The study will focus on the plight of disabled women in Bikita District Ward 3, the factors that subject them to sexual abuse as well as the possible response mechanisms that can be implemented in a bid to reduce the rates of the sexual abuse of disabled women in rural areas. The Researcher was motivated to carry...

The Impact Of Agricultural Biotechnology On Banana Production By Small Scale Farmers: The Case Of Murara Area In Manicaland Province Of Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT. Agricultural biotechnology is gaining momentum in shaping production globally. It ranges from molecular diagnostics, vaccine technology, genetic modification and tissue culture. The study, however, focused on one aspect of agro-biotechnology, that is, the impact of tissue culture in banana plantlets on Banana productivity. The study contributes to the international debate on biotechnology and small scale farming. It argues that agricultural biotechnology, especially the use of tissu...

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