Development Studies Research Papers/Topics

Technical Efficiency Of Bambara Groundnut Production In Northern Ghana

Abstract Achieving food security under climate change is one of the greatest concerns of governments in developing countries. Due to favourable agronomic characteristics such as drought tolerance and an ability to produce a crop on less fertile soils, a number of underutilised crops, such as bambara groundnut offer potentials to address food insecurity problems in areas impacted by climate change. While efficiency studies have gained popularity in relation to many food crops, very little rese...

The Role Of MFIs In The Empowerment Of Rural Women In Tanzania: A Case Of FAWETA, EOTF And AIDOS In Ngorongoro District

ABSTRACT The study is a critical examination of the role of Micro Finance Institutions in the empowerment of the rural women in Tanzania‟s economic development. The general objective of the study was to assess and evaluate the contribution of microfinance institutions to the empowerment of women with particular emphasis on women in the rural areas of Ngorongoro District. The specific objectives focused on the types of business activities, challenges faced by rural women, impact of MFI serv...

Banana Xhanthomonas Wilt And Household Coping Strategies Towards Food Security: The Case Of Southern Muleba -District Kagera Region

ABSTRACT Banana Xhathomonas Wilt has become a major problem in Kagera Region hence affecting food security in the community. Although various measures have been taken to address the problem there are hardly any efforts on other native copying strategies to address shocks on food insecurity. The study was guided by three specific objectives, namely: to examine different coping strategies adapted by households in maintaining food security status, to examine the challenges faced by households w...

Evaluation Of Violation Of Rights Of The Child In Education In Government Primary School: A Case Stuy Of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT This study analyzes “Violation of Rights of a Child in Education in Government Primary Schools in Dodoma Municipality”. A sample of 100 respondents was used and these were randomly obtained from selected five government primary schools in Dodoma Municipality. The methods used in data collection were interviews, questionnaire, and documentary review the statistical package for social science (SPSS) was used for management of data and analysis. In this study the theories pertainin...

The Linkages Between Producers And Processors In Improving Tobacco Production In Uyui District, Tabora Region

ABSTRACT Tobacco producers and processors link in different aspects such as provision of tobacco seeds, extension services, construction and an improvement of curing barns, soft loans for farm implements like tractors and oxen. This study analyses the linkages between producers and processors in improving tobacco production in Uyui district, Tabora region. The study has shown that the interface has played a significant role in improving tobacco production in the district. The study took plac...

Factors Constraining Food Security In Dodoma Region: A Case Study Of Chamwino District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Food insecurity has been a global problem for decades. It is high on Africa‘s development agenda especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Advanced causes of food insecurity are climate change, food price increase and volatility since 2008 and poverty. Other causes are population growth, armed war and conflict, coupled by external and internal policies. This study focused on assessing factors constraining food security in Dodoma region a case of Chamwino district. The study aimed to deter...

Post-Harvest Management: A Case Of Cereal Crops In Siha District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Management of post harvested cereals is a proactive approach intended to solve a problem of post harvested looses. This is an intervention is place to ensure the situation does not happen again or if it happens a process is defined on how it should be handled. These losses occur between the completion of harvest and the moment of consumption. This study aim at examining the management ways of post harvested crops, used by the households in Siha District in Kilimanjaro Region. In tha...

The Influence Of Risk Behavior In The Spread Of HIV/AIDs Amongst Zanzibar Youth: A Case Study Of Urban District, Zanzibar

ABSTRACT This study on the Influence of Risk Behavior in the Spread of HIV/AIDS amongst Zanzibar Youth: A Case Study of Urban District, Zanzibar uses experiences of youth, parents, ex- drug and drug users in obtaining a broad picture on the influence of drugs to risk behaviors among youth in the Urban district. The purpose was primarily to examine the influence of drug risk behaviors that contribute to the spread of HIV/AIDS among the youth in the district. Thus the extent of drug use, the i...

Assessment Of The Compassion International Tanzania (CIT) Support On Poverty Reduction Among Orphans And Vulnerable Children (OVC) A Case Of Dodoma Urban District

ABSTRACT This study was conducted aiming to assess the impact of Compassion International Tanzania (CIT) Support on Poverty Reduction among Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) in Dodoma Urban District. The specific objectives of the study included, to assess the functioning of the Compassion International Tanzania (CIT) support in poverty reduction, examine the impact of CIT support to registered OVC and to identify the challenges that CIT encounters in supporting Orphans and Vulnerable Ch...

Climate Variability And Constraints To Adaptation: A Case Of Livelihoods Diversification Of Small-Scale Rice Farmers In Bahi District, Central Tanzania

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the livelihoods diversification and adaptation constraints as a result of climate variability in Bahi District, central Tanzania which increases vulnerability of the small-scale rice farming. Specifically, the study focused on the climate variability, associated with farm-income variability, which is recognized as one of the main drivers of livelihood diversification strategies in developing countries. As such, analysing determinants of liveli...

The Contribution Of The Informal Sector To Youth Poverty Reduction: A Case Of Small Scale Traders In Nyamagana District Mwanza Region

ABSTRACT This study, aimed at examining the contribution of the informal sector to youth poverty reduction. By analyzing the contribution provided by the youth as well as other stakeholders and the government, the study also intended to assess the trading situations of small scale trade which could influence and hence impact the level of youth participation as well as their contribution in the informal sector. The study was conducted at Mbugani and Mirongo Ward of the Nyamagana district in M...

Contribution Of Secondary Education Development Program On Quality Of Community Secondary Education In Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT This research aimed at analyzing contribution of Secondary Education Development Program (SEDP) on the quality community secondary education through teaching and learning environment in Dodoma wards secondary schools of Dodoma municipality. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the sources of funds for the schools to purchase facilities. The study used a cross sectional design with a case study that aimed at getting in depth data and study the SEDP once irrespective...

Sustainability Of Income Generating Groups Of Widow And PLWA, A Case Of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT This study, has assessed the sustainability of income generating groups of widows and PLWA in income poverty reduction in Tanzania, whereby the study was carried out in rural settings of Dodoma Municipality. The study aimed specifically to assess the contribution of income generating groups in household income, strategies that were used to sustain income generating groups and to identify income generating activities that were performed by the groups. Data were collected from a sampl...

Access And Use of Long Lasting Insecticide- Treated Net Among Households in Enugu East Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Recognising the need for everyone to sleep under a long-lasting insecticide-treated net (LLINs), th Roll-Back-Malaria (RBM) and African Heads of states, in April 2000, established the “Abuja targets,” which includes LLIN use by at least 60% of pregnant women and under-fives in Africa by 2005. These targets and those of the Millennium Development Goals to reduce malaria morbidity and mortality can only be achieved through high access rate of LLINs and insurance that people who re...

Influence Of Parents’ Literacy Level And Awareness On Their Participation On Early Childhood Development In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Care Centers In Bariadi District

ABSTRACT This study, has investigated the extent to which parents‟ participation at care centers provide a supportive learning environment, to an early childhood development specific less than four years children. The investigation has focused on literacy level and awareness of parents on providing support to their children at care centers. The study was conducted in Bariadi District, Simiyu Region. The sample of the study involved 30 respondents; others were key informants; 2 MEOs, 1 DPEO...

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