Development Studies Research Papers/Topics

Assessing The Challenges Women Entrepreneurs Face In Balancing Work And Housework Responsibilities In Madina

ABSTRACT Work-life balance is an important issue in the life of women most especially married women. The study sought to assess the challenges that women entrepreneurs face in balancing their work and domestic work responsibilities using a nationally represented data obtained from the Gender and Enterprise Development Survey conducted by ISSER in 2014. The study employed a mixed method approach to analyze responses from a sample of 835 married and ever married women. The data helped to unrave...

Livelihood Strategies Of Street Children In Accra

ABSTRACT Childhood is believed to be a period of innocence in an individual’s life where he/she is trained, supported, assisted and given guidance primarily by parents and guardians to ensure that they grow into responsible adults. Street children are children for whom the street and other unoccupied dwelling places have become their abode and do not have the care and supervision of responsible adults. This study looked at the livelihood strategies of street children in Accra, specifically ...

Determinants Of Factors Influencing Householders’ Access To Improved Water And Sanitation Facilities In Selected Low-Income Urban Areas Of Accra.

ABSTRACT The urban population in Ghana keeps increasing with resultant pressures exerted on the resources of the nation and congestion created especially in slums or informal areas. These have caused much pressure on the few facilities especially in the areas of water and sanitation and have contributed to worsening urban poverty. This study analysed the factors influencing householders‟ access to improved water and sanitation facilities in selected low-income urban areas of Accra. The sele...

Health Insurance And Healthcare Utilisation Of Rural Farm Households In The Akuapem South District Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The study examined the effect of health insurance on the healthcare utilization of rural farm households in the Akuapem South District of Ghana. A household survey, conducted in 2013, gathered information on 384 farm households using direct interviews. Multinomial logistic regression was used to address factors determining health insurance enrollment. Utilization of healthcare services was operationalized as the choice of healthcare which indicated the type of facility respondents vi...

Local Participation And Sustainable Community Water Management In Peri-Urban Areas Of The Greater Accra Region, Ghana

ABSTRACT Local community participation and sustainability of peri-urban community-based water management encompasses known and unknown challenges. There is a common assumption that sustainable peri-urban water services will be achieved through local community participation. The principle of community-managed water supply system started, to gain its importance in early 1990s with the World Bank and development partners’ sponsored water supply projects. However, local community participation ...

The Socio-Economic Factors That Affect Utilisation Of Health Care Services By The Exempt Groups Under The National Health Insurance Scheme In Ghana

ABSTRACT Health financing has become a topical issue among development practitioners in most developing countries. This has necessitated some countries introducing social health insurance schemes as a way of financing health. Health insurance schemes are recognized as a tool to finance health care provision in developing countries including Ghana. The health insurance scheme was introduced in Ghana with the purpose of reducing catastrophic health expenditures, improving access and also ensuri...

Effects Of Urbanization On Access To Livelihood Resources: Experiences Of Farm Families In The Ga West Municipality, Ghana

ABSTRACT Ghana has been lauded for being able to achieve the MDG target of “halving the proportion of those living in extreme poverty before the target date of 2015” (Ghana Statistical Service, 2013). But livelihood activities in the rural areas, which are dominated by farming, have become exposed to higher risks and vulnerabilities with new threats to access to resources. For example, with increasing urbanisation landowners are withdrawing land from farming for other uses leaving farmers...

Youth Livelihoods And Entrepreneurship In The Mobile Telephony Sector In The Greater Accra Metropolitan Area

ABSTRACT Mobile phones have been widely reported to be transforming Africa and have even been referred to as creating a ‘revolution’. Numerous studies have revealed how mobile phones are ‘flattening’ the world and facilitating economic development through improved connections between places and people. In Ghana, liberalisation of the mobile telephony sector has contributed to a dramatic rise in the number of young people who are engaged in various informal support businesses in the se...

Evaluating The Awareness Of Tax Laws And Compliance By Small And Medium Size Enterprise In The Ghanaian Economy Using Businesses In Tamale Metropolis As A Case Study

ABSTRACT This research was aimed at evaluating the awareness of tax laws and compliance by Small and Medium size Enterprise in the Ghanaian economy using businesses in Tamale Metropolis as a case study. This study was conducted with the following as its objectives; Ascertain the level of awareness and knowledge of tax laws and regulations by SMEs, Examine factors affecting compliance with tax laws among SMEs and lastly to Evaluate tax agencies effort to ensure compliance. Employing the use o...

Community Participation In The Planning Process Of The Bui Dam Project In Mid -West Ghana

ABSTRACT This study is an examination of how would-be-affected communities have participated in the planning process of Bui Dam Project. The study adopted case study approach and focused on the design of Bui Dam Project from the consultant which was adopted by the construction firm. The communities studied are; Gyaamah, Bongase and Bui camp/village for the evaluation of communities that have been directly affected. Data collection techniques such as, focus group discussions, household questi...

Trends And Determinants of Household Use of Financial Services in Ghana

ABSTRACT  Access to and use of formal financial services, namely savings, credit and insurance products, have far-reaching benefits for households and the economy at large. However, there is limited use of formal financial services and rather, a dependence on informal institutions of saving, borrowing and insurance in developing countries. In order to increase demand for formal financial services by households and micro-enterprises, financial sector reforms were carried out extensively in th...

Assessing The Factors Influencing Utilization Of Family Planning Services At The Community-Based Health Planning Services (Chps) In The Bongo District Of The Upper East Region Of Ghana.

ABSTRACT The experimentation and final adaptation of the Community –based Health Planning and Service (CHPS) as a policy option to address the concerns of access to healthcare is perhaps one of the innovative outcomes made to confront the myriad of developmental challenges facing access to healthcare in sub Saharan African including Ghana. Several studies that have so far been conducted on the CHPS strategy gives premium to the CHPS strategy by concentrating on Immunization with only a cur...

Provision Of Credit Facilities By Rural Banks And Its Contribution To Secondary Education In Ghana: A Case Of Ejisu-Juaben Municipality

ABSTRACT This study investigated the provision of credit facilities by the Rural Banks and its contribution to Secondary Education in Ghana using Ejisu-Juaben Municipality as a case study. Thirty-six participants comprising of 5 respondents from the 3 rural banks constituting 15 respondents, and 3 respondents from each of the 7 senior high schools selected which also constituted 21 respondents consisted the sample size. A descriptive survey design was used with interview guide and questionna...

Assessing Capacity Building Initiatives For Caretakers of Rural Water Supply, Sene District

ABSTRACT  A much-discussed criterion for evaluating development NGO activities concerns the "sustainability of their projects - that is, their ability to remain viable after external support ceases - and their replicability - the degree to which groups not directly assisted by the NGO take up NGO projects on their own. If the benefits of NGO work cease when the resources do, the NGO is merely providing “aid”, if the benefits continue past the period of NGO involvement, “development” ...

Socio-Economic Impact of Logging Activity in Fanteakwa District

ABSTRACT The subject matter of this study was to assess the impact of logging activities on the socio-economic development of the people of Fanteakwa District in the Eastern Region of Ghana. The study was carried out in three selected communities within the district, namely, Begoro, Akwansremu and Beseboum. These communities were selected because the logging activity has been consistent over the years and more so, the inhabitants of these communities have on several occasions shown their dis...

826 - 840 Of 1134 Results