Development Studies Research Papers/Topics

Womens ' Education And Poverty Reduction In Tamale Metropolis: The Case Of Gumani , Sakasaka And Kalipohini

Abstract The study is about womens ' education and poverty reduction. It provides information on womens ' education and poverty reduction in the Tamale metropolis . It focuses on the relationship between womens ' formal education and upbringing of girls. Similarly, it provides perspectives on different groups within which the relationship between variables such as age, education , religious background of respondents and their idea about womens ' education and poverty reduction. Interviews we...

Community Policing And Crime Prevention In Edge Cities: Insights From Awutu Senya East Municipality

ABSTRACT The study looks at the concept of community policing (CP) in crime prevention in an edge city such as the Awutu Senya East Municipality (ASEMA). Specifically the research investigated the evolution and institutional arrangements governing CP practices within the municipality, assessed the impact of CP on community safety, crime reduction, fear of crime and risk of victimisation. The study further evaluated the mechanisms employed by the community police in engaging the community in c...

Determinants Of Factors Influencing Householders’ Access To Improved Water And Sanitation Facilities In Selected Low-Income Urban Areas Of Accra

ABSTRACT The urban population in Ghana keeps increasing with resultant pressures exerted on the resources of the nation and congestion created especially in slums or informal areas. These have caused much pressure on the few facilities especially in the areas of water and sanitation and have contributed to worsening urban poverty. This study analysed the factors influencing householders‟ access to improved water and sanitation facilities in selected low-income urban areas of Accra. The sele...

Labour Market Outcomes And Subjective Wellbeing Of University Graduates In Ghana

Economic development in many African countries is characterised with fundamental and structural problems that marginalise the youth and unable to absorb them into the labour market. Youth unemployment has been, and still remains, a pervasive challenge in Ghana, particularly in the light of structural weaknesses and economic challenges. Yearly, universities churn out large numbers of graduates with few opportunities to absorb them into the labour market. The limited opportunities for a si...

Effects Of Deforestation On Livelihoods Of Forest Fringed Communities In The Awutueffutu- Senya District

ABSTRACT The main objective of the study was to determine the effects of deforestation on livelihoods on forest fringed communities along the Yenku and Obotomfo forest reserves in the Awutu-Effutu-Senya District of the Central Region. These two FRs exhibit different levels of forest cover. The study found a high level of livelihood diversification in FFCs along both reserves with FFCs along the Yenku exhibiting higher standards of living than FFCs along the Obotomfo. The study found a higher ...

The Supply And Demand Factors Affecting The Use Of Insecticidestreated Mosquito Nets In The Greater Accra Region

Abstract Malaria is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in many parts of the world with many and varied effects. In Africa, malaria is a development problem because of its high prevalence in many countries in the continent. Insecticide-Treated mosquito Net (ITN) is one of the most effective measures used in preventing malaria. This is because, it acts as a physical barrier, preventing access by vector mosquitoes and thus providing personal protection against malaria to individuals using ...

The Determinants Of Ownerships Of Toilet Facilities Among Households In Madina-Zongo In The La Nkwantang Municipality, Ghana.

ABSTRACT Quite often sanitation issues have been relegated to the background, nevertheless development economists suggest that achieving high sanitation standards can save the economies of low and middle-income countries of almost 5% of their Gross Domestic Products (GDP) (Hutton, 2015; 2012). Indeed, the selected theme ‘Toilets and Jobs’ for the 2016 UN World Toilet Day (WTD) emphasized the vital role toilets play in creating strong economies, improving health and protecting people’s s...

Institutional Framework For Sustainable Electricity Supply In Kasoa In The Awutu Senya East Municipality

ABSTRACT Electricity plays an integral role in the socio-economic development of people around the world. Its access has immense impact in reducing poverty and increasing the Human Development Index (HDI) of beneficiaries. Enhanced access to electricity also reduces the dependence on fossil energy sources such as fuel wood and charcoal, whose consumption depletes the natural forests. With adequate access to electricity, deforestation tendencies that are associated with the use of fossil energ...

Maternal Mortality Audit, a tool to identify the causes of maternal mortality with communities’ perspective, a case study of Nsawam-Adoagyiri Municipality

ABSTRACT As the world gradually enters the last stage of MDGs target, concerns are raised with countries lacking the achievement of MDGs 5 on maternal mortality. In the 2010 Ghana Population and Housing Census, it is indicated that 33,347 women died in the last 12 months preceding the census. Out of the number, 3,026 are recorded as pregnancy-related deaths (i.e. died during pregnancy, delivery or within 42 days of the termination of a pregnancy - GSS, 2012). Since the development of the MDG ...

Assessment Of Problems Faced By Agro-Based Industries: A Case Study Of Blue Skies Products Ghana Limited In Nsawam

ABSTRACT The study was designed to assess the problems faced by agro-based businesses. It specifically examined the major constraints facing the establishment, operations and marketing of agro-business in Nsawam Adoagyiri Municipality. The study adopted the quantitative survey as its research design/approach, which according to Ahiadeke (2008) is a data collection method which requires asking people, referred to as respondents for information using either verbal or written questions. The stud...

Assessing The Extent Of Adoption And Use Of Electronic Health (Ehealth) Technologies In Health Centres And Institutions In The Greater Accra Region

ABSTRACT The World Health Organization (WHO) has noted that the benefits of technology have to be integrated in healthcare delivery in their Health-For-All Strategy which recommends that member countries incorporate health telematics into their healthcare system. The benefits of eHealth are thus underscored in this directive and a similar motivation underlies this study, which investigates the use and adoption of Electronic Health technologies in healthcare delivery in Ghana. The study was de...

The Supply And Demand Factors Affecting The Use Of Insecticides Treated Mosquito Nets In The Greater Accra Regi

Abstract Malaria is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in many parts of the world with many and varied effects. In Africa, malaria is a development problem because of its high prevalence in many countries in the continent. Insecticide-Treated mosquito Net (ITN) is one of the most effective measures used in preventing malaria. This is because, it acts as a physical barrier, preventing access by vector mosquitoes and thus providing personal protection against malaria to individuals using ...

Effects Of Urbanization On The Availability Of Land For Crop Farming: A Case Study Of Ga East Municipality

ABSTRACT The city of Accra currently accommodates about four million people. The city has now expanded to the fringes that were previously rural settlements. Most of these rural settlements were farming communities that provided food for the city. However, urbanization has affected agricultural production and farmlands are being lost to other land uses. This study examines the effect of urbanization on the availability of land for crop farming in the Ga East Municipality. The study used a mix...

Solid Waste Management In Awutu Senya East Municipality

ABSTRACT The study investigated waste management in the Awutu Senya East Municipality. This study sought to critically assess the types of solid waste generated in the Awutu Senya Municipal area. It also sought to identify how people disposed of domestic waste, how frequently waste was collected and disposed of, the resources that are available in collecting the waste generated and challenges faced by Awutu Senya Municipal Assembly when it comes to solid waste management. The study was partic...

The Challenges And Prospects of Empowering Traditional Authorities in Local Development :A Study of The TEMA Metropolitan Assembly

ABSTRACT Traditional authority predates colonization. The postcolonial difficulties and mutations of traditional authorities or chiefdoms have indeed constituted the subject of vast scholarly interest. The objective of the study was to investigate, the challenges and prospects of empowering the traditional authorities in local development. In order to achieve the objective, two focus group discussions and four key informants’ interview were conducted. This tried to find responses to issues...

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