Development Studies Research Papers/Topics

Ugandas Decentralization, Accountability and Service Delivery in Kampala City Central Division, Uganda

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this research was to investigate to what extent service delivery to local people is achieved through decentralization and effective accountability in Kampala City, Central Division. It therefore aimed at investigating the effects of decentralization on service delivery; and the relationship between Decentralization and effective accountability in improving service delivery in Kampala City, Central Division. To address the above, the Survey methodology was used to gat...

Growth of Slums and Urban Development in Beledwein Districts — Somalia

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to investigate the relationship between Growth of Slums and Urban Development in Beledwein District, Somalia and it was guided by lour objectives as follows; to determine the profile of respondents in terms of age, gender, educational level and experience, to determine the level of growth of slums and the level of urban development in Beledwein district, Somalia and lastly, to determine the relationship between growth of slums and urban development in Beled...

Factors Affecting Students’ Academic Perfomance in Development Studies in Selected Higher Institutions Of Learning In Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study examined the factors affecting students’ performance in selected Tanzanian Higher Learning Institutions specifically the State University of Zanzibar and the Institute of Finance Management. Different methods were used in collecting the data including literature review, interviews and questionnaires. The data were analysed by the use of statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). The analysed data are presented in the form of descriptions, histograms, tables and figu...

Somali Youth Organizations: Contribution and Challenges to The Peacebuilding and Reconciliation Process in Somalia

ABSTRACT This research established the relationship between Somali Youth Organizations and peace building and reconciliation in Mogadishu, Somalia. As specific objectives this study was set; to determine the profile of respondents; to determine the contribution of youth organizations towards peace building and reconciliation; level of peace and reconciliation in Mogadishu; challenges facing youth organizations in peace building; and lastly, the relationship between youth organizations and pea...

Universal Primary Education and Academic Performance of Pupils in Selected Primary Schools of Masulita Sub-County Wakisodistrict, Uganda

ABSTRACT This study established the relationship between Universal primary education and academic performances of pupils’ in Masulita Sub County Wakiso district Uganda. Specifically, the study wanted to establish (i) the relationship between teaching/learning resources (ii) teacher pupil ratio (ii) pupils’ attendance and academic performance of pupils in Masulita Sub County Wakiso district. The study was descriptive and co-relational in nature based on quantitative approach involving 52 t...

Local Governance and Conflict Resolution in Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to determine the correlation between Local governance and conflict resolution in Mogadishu, Somalia. The study was guided by four objectives: To identify the Demographic characteristics of the respondents in terms of, Age, Gender, Level of education, Number of years worked, Marital Status (2) to determine the level of governance of locai administrators. (3) To determine the types of conflict resolution techniques adopted by the local administrators. (4) To ...

Assessment of Industrial Wastewater Effluents into Urban Ecosystem Kigali, Rwanda

ABSTRACT Rwanda is developing its industrial sector for economic development; those industries are regularly generating wastes, either solid, liquid and gas which can in one way or another harm the living species. For the purpose of this study, an assessment of industrial wastewater effluents into urban wetland ecosystem was done and City of Kigali is considered. The objectives of the study was to establish the pollutants in the effluent of key point sources of Kigali and then assess the effl...

Parenting and Students’ Social Behaviour in Public Secondary Schools in Makindye Division, Kampala Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of parenting on the social behaviors of students in public secondary school in Makindye division, Kampala. The objectives ofthe study were: i) to determine the relationship between single parenting and the social behaviors of students from public secondary schools in Makindye division, Kampala; ii) to establish the relationship between dual parenting and the social behaviors of students from public secondary schools in Makindye...

Traditional Leaders in Peace Building and Conflict Resolution in Ogaden Region, Ethiopia

ABSTRACT This study sets out to further investigate that the role played by traditional leaders in peace building and conflict resolutionin Ogaden region as well as the challenge that traditional ledears face in participating of peace building and conflict resolution in Ogaden region, Ethiopia The study was guided by the following research objectives; the profile of the respondents in terms of: age, gender, level educational and work experience, the first objective was to determine the to det...

Economic Development and Employment Generation in The Private Sector in Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT This study investigated on economic development and employment generation in the private sector in Mogadishu, Somalia. This study was guided by the following objectives: i) to determine the nature of economic development in the private sector in Mogadishu, Somalia; ii) to find out the level of employment generation within the private sector in Mogadishu, Somalia; and to establish the relationship between economic development and employment generation in the private sector in Mogadis...

Management Challenges Faced by Ngos in Provision of Social Services to the HIV/AIDS Infected Persons in Nsambya Hospital Home Care

ABSTRACT This study seeks to investigate the management challenges faced by NGOs in provision of social services to the HIV/AIDS infected persons. It also reveals the most key actors involved in the provision of all kinds of assistance to the HIV/AIDS patients. The study reveals the most appropriate ways used to reduce on management challenges faced by NGOs. The study also shows clearly the social services offered by NGOs to the HIV/AIDS patients as well as social problems faced by them in t...

Challenges Faced by Women in Domestic Solid Waste Management in Lubowa-Seguku Parish.

ABSTRACT In order to understand women’s struggle for political independence and other freedoms in Uganda in particular, and Africa at large, it is important to first identify factors which hinder them (women) from freely taking part in the government of their choice right from grassroot levels. This study employed a documentary and descriptive model to investigate the reasons for the low participation of women in politics in Uganda particularly and the globe in general. The results indicate...

The Civil Society Organizations and Peace Building Reconciliation in Somalia

ABSTRACT In the absence of central state or meaningful international intervention, the Somali people have represented and organized themselves and individuals, and organizations have taken on many of the traditional roles of the state, filling the vacuum in service provision and opening channels of debate. The statement of the problem was Violence is the most important factor limiting the ability for civil society to play a meaningful contribution in peace building process and reconciliation...

Employment and Women’s Empowerment for Non Govermental Organizations in Mogadihu, Somalia

ABSTRACT This study explores the relationship between women’s empowerment and employment in Mogadishu Somalia. The study was guided by the following research objectives; the first objective was to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of: age, gender, highest educational qualification, and work experience and the second and third objective was to determine the level of employment and the level of women’s empowerment of the selected local NGO5 and the fourth objective was the r...

Governance and Clan Conflicts On the Socio-Economic Development in Baidoa District Somalia

ABSTRACT This study was undertaken to carry out an investigation on governance and clan conflicts containment in Baidoa. Somalia. The objectives of the study were To determine the effectiveness of governance structures in Somalia, to determine the causes of ethnic conflicts in Somalia and to determine the signiflcant relationship between governance and the clan conflicts in Somalia. The study employed descriptive correlation study design which involved both qualitative and quantitative approa...

121 - 135 Of 1134 Results