Development Studies Research Papers/Topics

Evaluation of National Agricultural Advisory Services in Improving Livelihoods of Households in Mayuge District: A Case of Bunya West Constituency

ABSTRACT Understanding livelihoods begins with understanding how people structure their means of living, and poverty indicators show that the poor are still increasingly suffering under poverty. The study was to conduct an evaluation of National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) in improving livelihoods of households in Mayuge district in Bunya West constituency. The research questions were to examine as to what extent NAADS activities and enterprises have to improving households’ inco...

Assessment of East Africa Community Economic Integration and Socio Economic Development in Kenya

ABSTRACT The study aimed at assessing East Africa Community (EAC) economic integration and socio- economic development in Kenya .The study was guided by the following objectives: The Challenges faced by Kenya in its involvement in regional economic integration, to determine economic integration influence on socio-economic development in Kenya and to find out Benefits for Kenya in the full economic integration of EAC The study used descriptive research design. The researcher selected 88 respon...

Women in Conflict Resolution and Peace Building in Garbaharey and Lugh Districts in Gedo Region of Somalia

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find out whether or not the Somali women participate in conflict resolution and peace building process in Garbaharey and Lugh Districts Gedo Region, Somalia. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the level of Somali women in conflict resolution efforts and their rol e of pa rticipation of women in peace-building program and to identify the challenges faced by the Somali women in peace building and conflict Resolution and solutions or r...

Cultural Practices and the Right to Education of the Girl Child in Mubende District, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study sought to examine Cultural practices and the right to education of the girl child in Mubende District, Uganda. The study objectives were; to investigate the effect of early marriages on the right to education of the girl child in Mubende District, Uganda, to examine the effect of polygamy on the right to education of the girl child in Mubende District, Uganda and to establish the effect of child labour on the right to education of the girl child in Mubende District, Uganda....

Participation of Chieftain Authority in Governance of the Nuer Villages in Post Conflict South Sudan

ABSTRACT This thesis is a modest academic attempt to assess the participation of the Nuer Chieftain Authority in the postconflict governance of the Nuer villages in South Sudan. It aims at establishing the forms of participation the Nuer Chieftain Authority undertaking in governance of the Nuer villages. The study assessed the functional areas of chiefs, administrative sensitivity they exhibit and challenges they encounter in the governance of the Nuer villages. The study employed descriptive...

Foreign Interfereverance and Political Instability Among the Residents of Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT The overall purpose of this study was to establish relationship between degree of foreign interference and intensity of political instability among the residents of Mogadishu, in Somalia. To attain the major purpose of the study, five specific objectives were set and these include; to determine the profile of respondents; to determine the degree of foreign interference in Somalia; to determine the intensity of political instability in Mogadishu; to find out if there is significant di...

Government Policy and Service Delivery in Selected Local Governments in Somaliland

ABSTRACT The study aimed at establishing the relationship between the government policy and service delivery in selected local government in hargaisa Somaliland. the next step was to identify the research objectives , this objectives include: To correlate government policy and service delivery , To determine the profile of respondents in terms of Gender, Age, ,educational level , marital status , To determine the levels of government policy in selected local government , To determine the leve...

Challenges of Human Rights Organizations in Promoting Human Rights: A Case Study of Foundation for Human Rights Initiative (Fhri) Kampala-Uganda

ABSTRACT The study looked at challenges of Human Rights Organizations in promoting Human Rights. It was carried out by Foundation for Human Rights Initiative, Kampala — Uganda. Its specific objectives were to find out the process through which the effectiveness of FHRI is evaluated, to identify the importance of impact assessment as far as FHRI is concerned and to investigate major challenges facing FHRI towards its effectiveness. It was also based on the views of various scholars through a...

Disaster Management and Prevalence of Diseases in Central Uganda

ABSTRACT This study sought to examine disaster management and prevalence of diseases in Central Uganda with special focus on AIC, Mulago and IHK. The specific objectives were to determine the: profile of the members of disaster team; level of achievement of disaster teams in incidences of diseases; level of prevalence of disaster diseases; challenges faced by disaster team in prevalence of diseases and the relationship between the levels of achievement in disaster management and prevalence ra...

Street Vending and the Economic Development of Kampala City

ABSTRACT Street vending contributes to the economic development of urban cities especially in developing economies as a source of livelihood. Street vendors lack identification in their forms and their roles are not well recognized in the economic development by city authorities. This study sought to assess the contribution of street vending towards the economic development of Kampala City. The study objectives were to uncover the forms of street vendors, their roles to the economic developme...

The Influence of Workplace Conflict on Staff Retention Case Study: International Medical Group

ABSTRACT~ The study set out: “To establish the influence of Workplace Conflict on Staff Retention at the International Medical Group Limited. The sample respondent number was two hundred and five. The specific objectives were: To find out the level of employee-satisfaction as a pointer to staff retention; To establish the reasons why employees have left the workplace in the past five years; To find out the relationship between Staff Retention and Workplace Conflict and; To establish measure...

Impact of Community Participation on Socio-Economic Development of Eastern Uganda Case Study of Bulamagi Sub county Iganga District

ABSTRACT This study examines the impact of community participation on socio economic development while taking the phenomenon of all categories of people in Bulamoji Sub-County in Iganga District as a case study. In doing so, the research handled the purpose of the study, the challenges facing community participation, the measures to the challenges and the role of community participation on the socio economic development. The research reveal that although community participation is important a...

The Effects of Children Enrolment in Armed Forces/Groups On Sustainable Development in D R Congo Case Study of Bukavu/ South Kivu (2003 2008)

ABSTRACT This research was based on “The Effects of children enrolment in Armed forces/groups on Sustainable development in D R Congo, Case Study of Bukavu District”. The study was guided by three objectives namely: to determine the impact of armed conflicts on children, to assess the effects of child soldiers on sustainable development of Bukavu, and lastly to investigate ways of stopping recruitment of child soldiers and measures to mitigate its impact on sustainable development. A purp...

Somali Culture and Women’s Political Participation in Hargeisa Region of Somaliland

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to know the role of Somali culture which is based on Somali pastoral norms and Islamic religion on the women political participation specially the participation of women for the local council and parliamentary election which was held between 2002 up to 2005 respectively. The specific objectives of this study were, to determine the effect of religion (Islam) on the political participation of women in Somaliland; to investigate the role of traditional Soma...

The Role of Government Education Policy On the Social Development Process of Kitui District- Kenya

ABSTRACT In spite of national aim to achieve education for all, basic education remain an elusive dream for many Kenyans, particularly girls in arid and semi arid lands(ASAL).The research study was carried out in Kitui district. It was aimed at finding out the role of government education policy on the social development process of Kitui district. The policy includes UPE, USE, OVC and Street Children education programme and HELB which are geared towards fulfillment of the MDGS. These programm...

91 - 105 Of 1134 Results