Economics Research Papers/Topics

Dynamics Of Interest Rate Pass-Through In Ghana

ABSTRACT This study examines the dynamics of interest rate pass-through in Ghana since Bank of Ghana opted for inflation targeting monetary policy framework in accordance with the legislative instrument governing the institution. Time series data (policy rate, lending rate, deposit rate, interbank rate and Treasury bill rate) sourced from Bank of Ghana were analyzed using an error correction model. Per the estimation results, policy rate has an incomplete influence on wholesale market rates a...

Childrens Time Use in Ghana ; Determinants And Effects on School Attendance

ABSTRACT Children spending excessive time on market and domestic chores is common and pervasive in developing countries. This time input contributes to household’s current consumption which is beneficial to improving the current standard of living in the households. However with the tendency of affecting children’s welfare. There has been a lot of research on time use of children with more focus on children’s time on market activities whiles less attention is given to the hours childre...

Managers’ Experience and Efficiency of Regional & Selected Ghanaian Hospitals in Maternal & Newborn Health Service Provision

ABSTRACT Despite the numerous studies on technical efficiency in the Ghanaian health sector, none has included regional hospitals, which are secondary referral hospitals.  Researching the efficiency of this group of hospitals is important given their critical role and the fact that they employ substantial amounts of public resources. This thesis provides evidence on the relative technical efficiency of all regional hospitals, plus some selected large district/municipal/metropolitan hospital...


ABSTRACT The dilemma concerning the choice between austerity and stimulus packages has reignited the finance-growth debate. This study joins the debate to examine the linkages between financial deepening, trade openness and economic growth in selected West African countries. The study looks at the two monetary zones in West Africa, namely the West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ) and West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU). Using a panel data of twelve (12) countries covering 1992—2009...

Effect Of Risk Management Disclosure On The Profitability Of Listed Banks In Ghana

ABSTRACT Within the context of corporate reporting and disclosure, information on risk has become important because of the complexity of modern businesses and these complexities have exposed firms to a lot of risks. Aside calls for the study of risk management disclosure in different cultural context, the effects of risk management on the profitability of banks still remain an issue. Content analysis was employed to examine the annual reports of listed banks from 2012 to 2016. Fixed and rando...

Determinants Of Tax Revenue: Evidence From Ghana

ABSTRACT Most developing countries face the problem of raising tax revenue to carry out public sector spending. Tax revenue is necessary for economic growth and development. Unfortunately tax revenue generation has been low in Ghana. This study therefore examined the determinants of tax revenue with evidence from Ghana using quarterly data from 1988 to 2008. The tax effort function is used by regressing government expenditure, real gross domestic product and financial deepening on tax revenue...

Electricity Generation And Economic Growth In Ghana

ABSTRACT The sectorial relevance and direction of energy policy in the Ghanaian economy as energy demand continue to rise with constant growth in services and a steady decrease in manufacturing growth, requires empirical analysis of the relationship between electricity generation and economic growth. This study analyses time series data from 1983 to 2015 to examine long run cointegration between electricity generation and economic growth using Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model (ARDL) bound...

Analysis Of Household Energy Consumption In Ghana

ABSTRACT Household energy consumption and its related issues have received considerable attention in recent times. However, the bulk of research has focused on macro perspective using times series data and methods. Empirical research using micro level data is limited. This study therefore examines household energy consumption using household level data. The study used data from the sixth round of the Ghana Living Standards Survey to examine enegy consumption, choice and crowding-out effects o...

Interrelationship Between Stock Price Index And Macroeconomic Variables: A Case Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The study sought to investigate the interrelationship between stock price index and macroeconomic variables taking Ghana as a case using the cointegration, vector error correction (VEC) and vector auto regression (VAR) approaches. Annual data covering the period 1991-2006 on real GDP, All-shares index, consumption, investment and consumption shares of real GDP was collected, interpolated into quarterly series for the analysis and used for the study. The outcome of the study showed th...

Trade-Off Between Price And Improvement In Quality Of Service On Utilisation Of Public Health Facilities In The Ashanti Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT This thesis assessed quantitatively, the improvement of drug availability at two district hospitals, two urban and two rural health centres in the Ashanti Region of Ghana after the introduction of “Cash and Carry” policy in the country. The supply situation of these public institutions in both periods was compared to the coverage of the facilities by using panel data analysis. As an input to the debate on the design of the national health insurance scheme, the work also used cont...

Financial Integration And Economic Growth: A Case Study Of Sub-Saharan Africa

ABSTRACT The study investigates the relationship between financial integration, proxy by portfolio equity flows, and economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa. To achieve the set objective, we first estimate the baseline growth regression using the Generalized Methods of Moment (GMM) dynamic panel estimation framework, while controlling for initial income, human capital and other factors. The results suggest that portfolio equity flows have a significant positive relationship with economic growth...

Child Labour, Poverty And Health Outcomes: The Ghanaian Experience

ABSTRACT Many households in Ghana especially rural households experience high poverty and low income. Therefore, as a strategy to ensure that the basic needs of the household are met, children may be forced to participate in the labour market despite the consequences associated with it. Poor households may adopt the use of children in child labour as livelihood strategy. This study examines the relationship between child labour, poverty and health using descriptive statistics and probit regre...


This study centres on investment in human resources for the transformation of Nigerian economy with focus on the Nigerian Universities. Issues and problems relating to human resources development and planning are analyzed to ascertain the extent of its contribution to the transformation of the Nigerian economy. More to this was the examination of the issues surrounding the persistent yawning gap between highly skilled human labour developed at the Universities and the development of ena...

Determinants of International Tourism Demand For Africa

ABSTRACT  The tourism sector has increasingly become an important contributor to the growth and development of the Ghanaian economy. Identified as one of the key drivers of the service sector, the industry offers the country the opportunity to diversify her economy which over the years has been dependent on primary commodities from the extractive industry. Despite the potential of the tourism industry in Ghana, the country still lags behind regional leaders like Kenya, South Africa and Egypt...

Commodity Price Shocks And Fiscal Imbalance In Ghana

ABSTRACT This study investigated the impact of commodity price shocks on fiscal imbalance in Ghana. The study covered the period of 1990 to 2013 where the country experienced high fiscal imbalance and external debt that led to the HIPC initiative to sustain the debt burden and macroeconomic stability. The Vector Error Correction approach to cointegrationwas used with quarterly data from Bank of Ghana, WDI and ADI. The Impulse Response Analysis from a Bayesian VAR was done to analyse shocks of...

421 - 435 Of 570 Results