Economics Research Papers/Topics

Equity In Utilisation Of Health Care Services In Kenya

Access to better health care services is a primary need to every individual in the world and rightfully Kenya. A healthy nation plays a significant position in strengthening growth and development. However, presence of horizontal inequity in utilization of healthcare services hinders these. The project’s main purpose was to estimate the magnitude of horizontal inequity in Kenya and subsequently estimate the variables that affected utilization of health services and give appropriate rec...

Effects Of Fiscal Decentralization On Poverty Reduction Outcomes, Income Inequalities And Human Development In Kenya

ABSTRACT The Kenya government has instituted fiscal decentralization over the years to promote social economic development, reduce poverty and income inequality and ensure balanced regional development. These include: local government system that was inherited from colonial rule and remained relevant until 2013 when it was replaced by county government; District Focus for Rural Development 1983; devolved funds such as Local Authority Transfer Fund 1999; and Constituency Development Fund...

Effect Of Exchange Rate Misalignment On Bilateral Trade Between Kenya And European Union

ABSTRACT The exchange rate is an important variable in international trade due to the expectations that trade reacts to its movements and therefore determines a country’s international competitiveness. Prudent management of trade and exchange rate policies have been associated with faster growth in developing countries. In order to orient the economy outwards, Kenya has pursued various measures from 1990s to 2000s. Despite these export oriented efforts, Kenya’s trade has remained skewed ...

Impact Of External Debt On Inflation And Exchange Rate In Kenya

ABSTRACT External financing is necessary for many low-income countries to achieve their development objective. External borrowing compliments savings and permits an economy to carry out investment activities. It is expected to provide financing necessary for investment in infrastructure and productive economic activities thus contributing to economic growth and macroeconomic stability. Kenya has depended to a great extent on external borrowing to finance its budget. Data from National Treasu...

Effect Of Government Expenditure On Selected Sectoral Output Performance In Kenya

ABSTRACT Government expenditure is a key component for guaranteeing a nation assigns and spend budgetary resources to accomplish a robust economic performance. However, the achievement of macroeconomic objectives, from time immemorial, has been a policy priority of every economy whether developed or developing. However, government expenditure still remains an important issue in global debates. The concern is whether or not government expenditure increases the output of different sectors in t...

Technical Efficiency Analysis Of Public Road Transport Providers In Nairobi-Kenya

ABSTRACT Measurement of efficiency levels of transport helps in identifying opportunities that enhance the public transport performance. This will facilitate effective and efficient management of fleets that provide public road transport and planning for interventions incase the sector needs improvement. Public transport sector is a key social facility that aims at improving the welfare of regions inhabitants. Across developing countries provision of efficient, fair and impartial road transp...

Foreign Aid, Government Expenditure And Sectoral Gdp Growth In Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya has been a recipient of Foreign aid since she gained her independence in 1963. The Official foreign aid to Kenya is always issued to the government to fund government spending especially development expenditure. The rapid growth of foreign aid and government expenditure in Kenya however, have elicited concerns among policy makers on their implication on GDP growth. Foreign aid and government expenditure to the Agriculture and Forestry, Education and Health sectors have been inc...

The Short And Long Run Philips Curve With The Lucas Critique In Kenya

ABSTRACT The topic of the study was; The Short and Long Run Phillips Curve with the Lucas Critique in Kenya. This paper determined the Phillips curve in Kenya both in the short term and long-run. The non- accelerating inflation rate of unemployment was also estimated and the Lucas critique tested to proof whether it is evident in Kenya. This study was necessary in Kenya since the Kenyan rates of inflation and unemployment are both high simultaneously contrary to what Phillips curve theory exp...

Foreign Direct Investment Spillovers And Productivity Of Domestic Firms In Kenya

ABSTRACT During the recent years, it has been observed that countries compete with each other to attract foreign investment. Countries have gone further than simply removing barriers to inward foreign investment and have taken a more pro active approach towards attracting FDI through the use of fiscal and financial incentives. This has been done owing to the notion that when foreign companies invest in a host country, productivity gains are assumed to accrue to domestic producers from spillov...

Relationship Between Fiscal Dominance And Selected Macroeconomic Variables In Kenya

ABSTRACT Over the past four decades, Kenya has been experiencing fiscal instability with average fiscal deficit as percent of GDP being greater than 5 percent threshold for developing countries. This, together with poor donors’ relations in the 1980’s, and the substitution of foreign borrowing with internal borrowing has led to continued increase in fiscal dominance. Kenya has been unable to reach the 10 percent economic growth target required for realization of Kenya’s Vision 2030, wi...

Effect Of The Size Of The Informal Sector On Economic Growth, Total Factor Productivity And Poverty Alleviation In Kenya

ABSTRACT The Kenyan economy is predominantly informal. The informal sector employed 132,100 workers in 1974; and 13,442,200 workers in 2016, which translate to 19 percent and 84 percent of the total work force in the respective time periods. The government has from 1986 put in place policy measures to develop the sector for employment creation, economic growth, and poverty alleviation. Among the country‟s Big Four Agenda as contained in the Medium Term Plan (2018-2022), is the development o...

Trade Liberalization And Performance Of The Manufacturing Sector In Nigeria.

ABSTRACT International trade has broadened possible opportunities available to countries for upgrading economic activities, including the development of manufacturing. Since the late 1980s, Nigeria has progressively pursued trade liberalization which has significantly exposed manufacturing activities to the international market. The goal was to raise the GDP share of manufacturing, share of manufactured exports in total merchandise exports, and manufacturing sector capacity utilization to 25 ...

Households’ Saving Decisions In Kenya

ABSTRACT Household‟s financial Savings form an integral part of a nation‟s savings level. Financial institutions mobilize the households‟ savings and allocate them to the most efficient investments. Studies conducted in developing countries, Kenya included, indicate that most households save in informal financial institutions. Low savings in formal financial institutions limit the amount of funds available for long term investments. This study sought to examine the underlying factors de...

Adoption Of Adapted Technology By Micro And Small Enterprises In The Informal Sector In Kenya

ABSTRACT The government of Kenya, assisted by donor agencies, has since the 1980s, sought to enhance workers‘ productivity in the informal sector. To achieve this objective, the strategy adopted was to replace the use of archaic indigenous and inappropriate imported technologies with locally designed and produced adapted technology. Although since its inception in 1979,KIRDI has been adapting imported technology for use by entrepreneurs in the informal sector, the rate of adoption has been ...

Non-Linear Effects Of External Debt And Their Channels On Economic Growth In Kenya

ABSTRACT Public debt in Kenya has consistently risen overtime, with larger portion being debt from external sources. Both positive and negative effects of debt have been experienced in Kenya since independence. In the last one decade external debt has been rising sharply relative to economic growth of the country, which seems to be stagnant overtime. Additionally, the country has been reporting several cases of corruption and mismanagement of public revenue at different levels of public and ...

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