Economics Research Papers/Topics

Impacts of Trade Openness and Technology Transfer on Economic Growth and Total Factor Productivity in Nigeria

ABSTRACT Foreign direct investment (FDI) is often seen as an important catalyst for economic growth in the developing countries. It affects the economic growth by stimulating domestic investment, increasing human capital formation and by facilitating the technology transfer in the host countries. The main purpose of the study is to investigate the impact of FDI on economic growth in Pakistan, for the period 1990- 2006. The relationship between FDI and economic growth will be analyzed by using...

Inflation and Economic Growth in Uganda from 1976 to 2016

ABSTRACT The existence and nature of a link between inflation and Economic growth has been the subject of considerable interest and debate. High and sustainable Economic growth and low inflation are two of the main objectives of macroeconomic policy. Hence, if high inflation is harmful for an economy and low inflation is beneficial, then it is reasonable to ask, what is the optimal level of inflation for an economy? In general, is there any link between inflation and Economic growth? In this ...

Foreign Direct Investment and Unemployment Rate in Uganda (1991-2017)

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of foreign direct investment on unemployment rate in Uganda from 1991 -2017. It was driven by two major objectives, which are to investigate if there is casual relationship between foreign direct investment and unemployment rate in Uganda and to examine the effect of foreign direct investment on unemployment rate in Uganda. The study used time series data in between 1991 to 2017 from the World Bank and Uganda Bureau of stat...

Unemployment And Poverty in Puntland Somalia

ABSTRACT This study established the relationship between unemployment and poverty among the people of Puntland in Somalia. To achieve the research purpose, the following research objectives were formulates: to assess the level of unemployment among the people in Puntland, Somalia; to examine the level of poverty among the people in Puntland, Somalia; to establish whether there is any significant relationship between unemployment and poverty among the people in Puntland, Somalia. Descriptive c...

An Evaluation of the Role of the Investment Code Act, 1991, in Promoting, Facilitating and Supervising Investment in Uganda

ABSTRACT The study investigates the effect of investment promotion, facilitation and regulation on investments in general and banking as a specific sector in Uganda. Since enactment of the Investment Code Act 1991, there has been no recent serious academic inquiry into the effectiveness of these tools that were put in place. The few studies that exist are very old such as those of Obwona (2000) and Kibikyo (2000). The study uses mostly secondary data and interviews on investments in Uganda. S...

The Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning Approach on the Academic Performance of the Economics Students of Kampala International University, Kampala, Uganda

Abstract The study dwelt into the Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning Approach on the Academic Performance of the first year students of economics, of Kampala international university. The study aimed at examining the mean scores in both the pre-test and posttest for both experimental and the control group, whether there is a significant mean posttest gain, and asses whether there is a significant difference in the mean post-test gain in both experimental and control group. A test questio...

Exchange Rate and Trade Balance in Uganda (1975-2015)

ABSTRACT This study examines the relationship of Exchange Rate changes and trade balances in Uganda for the period 1975 to 2O15~ Uganda needs to strengthen the capacity of firms to improve on the quality of products so that the government does not have to import almost everything especially during construction of big projects. The objectives of the study were; i) to examine the long run relationship between exchange rates and trade balance in Uganda, ii) to assess the short run relationship b...

Resource Availability and Farm Production in Hargeisa, Somali Land

ABSTRACT This study explores the relationship between resource availability and farm production in hargeisa, Somaliland. The study was guided by the following research objectives; the first objective was to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of: age, gender, highest educational qualification, and work experience and the second and third objective was to determine the levels of resource availability among the farm production in Hargeisa, Somaliland. And the fourth objective was ...

Poverty and Economic Development in Uganda from 1990 to 2010

ABSTRACT This study set out to investigate the relationship between poverty and economic development. The objectives of this study were; to examine the relationship between poverty and economic development from 1990 to 2010, to determine the level of poverty in Uganda from 1990 to 2010, and to determine the level of economic development in Uganda from 1990 to 2010. The study employed a cross-sectional survey design since it examined data for a short time; it was also a descriptive-correlation...

Extent of Poverty and Rural-Urban Migration in Selected Villages in Maroodi-Jeeh, Somaliland

ABSTRACT Poverty is synonymous with the developing countries especially in the rural areas which resulted in the migration of so many people to the urban areas in such of greener postures. This study is set to examine the relationship between poverty and rural urban migtration. The study has the following objectives: To determine the profile of respondents in terms of, Age, Gender, Educational level, Employment situation; To determine the levels of poverty in selected villages in Maroodi-Jeeh...

Government Policy and Performance of Small Business Enterprises in Bossaso District, Puntland Somalia

TABLE OF CONTENTS ~rellm~naries Declaration A Declaration B ii Acknowledgement iii Abstract iv Table of Contents v List of figures vii :hapter Page One THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE Background of the Study 1 Statement of the Problem 5 Purpose of the Study 6 General objective 6 Research Objectives 6 Research Questions 7 Null Hypotheses 7 Scope 8 Significance of the Study 9 Operational Definitions of Key Terms 9 Two REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Concepts, Ideas, Opinions From Authors/Experts 11 Theo...

External Debt Stock and Economic Growth in Somalia (1991-2016)

ABSTRACT The study aimed at investigating the relationship between the external debt stock and economic growth in Somalia (1991 to 2016). For the fact Somalia has an estimated 5.5 billion dollars outstanding, due to many reasons, but the socio-economic indicators of the country show that it has contributed a little or almost nothing to the overall GDP, and continues to dwindle. This report was guided by two major specific objectives and they were; to find out the long run relationship between...

Investment And Economic Growth in Uganda

ABSTRACT This paper set out to investigate the relationship between Investment and Economic growth in Uganda from 1980 to 2010. The study employed the expost facto research design since it basically examined secondary data; it was also a descriptive-correlation since it was interested in examining the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable. The Population of this study were the published reports on the variables of the study from 1980 to 2010. The study targ...

Youth Entrepreneurship and Poverty Reduction in Tudun Wada Local Government-Kano State, Nigeria

).> ABSTRACT This study investigated about youth entrepreneurship and poverty reduction in Tudun Wada Local Government, Kano State, Nigeria. the study was guided by the following research objectives: i) to establish youth involvement in entrepreneurship in Tudun Wada local government, Kano State, Nigeria; ii) to assess the level of poverty reduction among youth due to their involvement in entrepreneurship in Tudun Wada local government, Kano State, Nigeria; and iii) to determine the relation...

Agricultural Credit and Farm Productivity in Bichi Local Government, Kano State, Nigeria

).>;> ABSTRACT This study set out to investigate the impact of agricultural credit on farm productivity for export in Bichi Local Government, Kano State, Nigeria. The study was guided by the following objectives: i) to determine the level of farm productivity in Bichi local government, Kano State, Nigeria, ii) to find out the common challenges faced by the local farmers in accessing agricultural credit from commercial banks in Bichi local government, and iii) to assess the effect of agricult...

61 - 75 Of 570 Results