Economics Research Papers/Topics

The existence of asymmetry in exchange rate pass-through to consumer prices in Nigeria

The present study investigated the existence of asymmetry in exchange rate pass-through to consumer prices in Nigeria by collecting monthly data over the period of 2001 to 2015 from various sources. Owing to the absence of a long-run relationship, results showed that, over the short term, consumer prices in Nigeria have adaptive expectations; the case of imported inflation was also found; partial/incomplete exchange rate pass-through was found over the short term and the pass-through estim...


ABSTRACT The study on the impact of budget deficit on economic growth in Nigeria employed time series data within the period of 34 years (1981-2015). The data was sourced from central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), National Bureau of statistics (NBS) and World Bank: World Development indicators. The series was subjected to unit root test of both ADF and PP test and was found stationary, some at level and others at first difference. The researcher further tested for short run and long run relationship...


This study was conducted to examine the effect of oil price fluctuations on the price of selected agricultural commodities in Nigeria using time series data sourced from Central Bank website, United States Energy Information Administration (E.I.A) website and Food and Agricultural Organization Statistics (FAOSTAT) between January 2000 and December 2015. The variables employed include oil price, exchange rate, the price of agricultural commodities (rice, wheat, soybean, palm oil). The Non-Line...

The assessment of the influence of foreign direct investment and domestic investment on the economic growth of Nigeria (1981-2015)

ABSTRACT The study was carried out to determine the influence of Foreign Direct investment (FDI) and Domestic investment (DI) on the economic growth of Nigeria. The study employed Augmented Dickey-Fuller test to test for time series property of the data. Johansen co-integration was also examined and consequently error correction model was employed. Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method was used in the data analysis. Findings show that indeed FDI impacts significantly on economic development. It ...


Population growth and its interaction with food security and economic growth is the crux of the matter in this study. It has been documented that Nigeria is experiencing very high population growth rate due to aggravating high birth rate and plummeting death rate. The extent to which population growths affect food security and economic growth was therefore examined. Using time series data pooled from 1981 to 2016, tested for stationarity, co-integrated and corrected for error, the study obser...


This work examines the impact of external debt flow on Nigerian economic growth. CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDYA very crucial goal for any reasonable government is to attain a sustainable economicgrowth. To attain this vital goal it may have to finance crucial infrastructure projects and to investin development of productivity. As the result of productive investments, a country shouldexperience growth in its economy and a rise in the level of GDP. However, most developed a...

Foreign aid and human capital development in Nigeria

This study examines the impact of foreign aid on human capital development in Nigeria between the periods of 1981-2016. Secondary data were collected from CBN statistical bulletin and World Bank indicators. The variables used were Official development assistance, gross capital formation, foreign Direct Investment and labour force with human development index as the dependent variable. The overall or general objective of this research work is to investigate the impact of foreign aid on human ...


This research work tries to examine the significance of agriculture production on economic growth in Sierra Leone. It empirically explored the agriculture and economic growth nexus in Sierra Leone. The objective of the study is to examine the place of agriculture in the economic growth and development of Sierra Leone. Using least square method, data collected were secondary data and the durbin-watson t-statistics were used in the regression analysis. The study shows that agriculture productio...

Age grade system and community development in Ohafia Local Government Area

Age grade system is known to play a significant role in the development of the communities in Ohafia right from its origin. The study examines the relationship between age grade projects and improvements in several socio- economic indicators as literacy level, life expectancy at birth, employment generation and income. The study draws on survey data from a sample of 293 respondents in ten communities in Ohafia Local Government Area of Abia State. Descriptive and inferential statistics were us...

Macroeconomic effect of external shock on the Nigeria economy

External shock can be seen as the vulnerability of an economy to fluctuations of a primary commodity price in the international market and foreign aid flows. This is usually possible for an economy with a high index of openness, and largely dependent on such commodity as sources of foreign exchange earnings and government revenue. One of such economies is Nigeria. Its shocks have emanated from oil price (Adamu, 2015), non-oil primary commodities, aid flows and trading partners at different pe...

Increasing consumer savings on mobile money platform; Application of behavioural economic to market survey

For some time now, marketing companies have begun to explore the benefits of Behavioural Economics in enhancing the impact of their research and application. Behavioural Economics brings to the forefront the benefits of exposing the needs of consumers with precision and allows firms to deplore their strategies accordingly. In the same vein, public policy can now use these techniques to design policies that meet the exact needs of the citizenry. This presentation is the summary of the report o...

The Impact of Fiscal and Monetary Policy on Nigerian Economic Growth

This study investigated the impact of fiscal and monetary policy on Nigerian economic growth from 1981 to 2015, with the interest in exploring which of fiscal or monetary policy has been effective in propelling economic growth in Nigeria and how GDP growth responds to the monetary and fiscal policy shock. The positive impact of these policy tools on economic performance will help the country achieve sustained growth and while reducing economic instability. Time series data were collected from...

Benefit of Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative on the Mineral Dependent Economies

The EITI is a standard for countries with oil, gas and minerals, it requires all companies extracting oil, gas and minerals to publish what they pay in taxes and royalties and the government also publish what it receives, including other key information about the sector (EITI, 2016). These mineral dependent economies generate at least 8 % of GDP and 40 % of export earnings from the mineral (Auty, 1993). The lack of accountability and efficient management of these resources has led to politica...

Catalyzing mass production of solar photovoltaic cells using university driven green purchasing

International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Jan 1, 2006 Purpose: This paper explores the use of the purchase power of the higher education system to catalyze the economy of scale necessary to ensure market competitiveness for solar photovoltaic electricity.Design/methodology/approach: The approach used here was to first determine the demand necessary to construct “Solar City Factories”, factories that possess equipment and processes sized, dedicated and optimized to produ...


1.BACKGROUND OF STUDY Since its independence in 1960, Nigeria has been trying to transform its status from a third world economy to a first world economy. This has resulted to successive governments launching and implementing different economic programmes to achieve this aim ranging from the First Economic Development Plan, Second Economic Development Plan, Third Economic Development Plan, Green Revolution, Structural Adjustment Programme, Vision 2010, National Economic Empowerment and Develo...

1156 - 1170 Of 1535 Results