Economics Research Papers/Topics

Option Pricing of an Asset with Seasonal and Periodic Supply

Abstract/Overview In option pricing the rate of change of asset price with time can be viewed to be directly proportional to the Walrasian [6] excess demand. Scholars such as Jacques [3] and Onyango [4], have used the excess demand concept with linearised demand and supply functions to derive and solve both deterministic and stochastic logistic differential equations for stock price. The underlying assets in option pricing are unique and can be seasonal and periodic like for electricity, ...

Influence of Competitive Strategies on Performance of Commercial Banks

Abstract/Overview The volatility nature of the business environment mandates the use of competitive strategies in order to compete. This necessitates the adoption of competitive strategies by financial institutions in order to remain profitable. There are limited studies on the influence of competitive strategies on performance of commercial banks in Kenya. This, as well as other growing banking challenges, has an operational and management impact on the bank's performance. However, there...

The Role of Regional Trade Agreements on Africa’s Multilateral Policy Growth: An Analysis of East African Integration

Abstract: This thesis examines the role of Regional Trade Agreements in Africa’s multilateral growth, the various factors that lead to their proliferation and the role of globalization in Africa’s multilateral policy. The East African Community integration has been used as a case study to represent Africa multilateralism. To bridge further gaps, the study considered the role of African Regional Trade Agreements in defining their place in multilateral platforms, thereby concluding that Af...

Dagum power series distributions: theory and applications

Abstract: A new generalized Dagum distribution called the Dagum power series distri butions is introduced and studied. This distribution is obtained by compounding Dagum and other power series distributions. The structural properties of the new distributions are discussed, including explicit algebraic formulas for its survival and hazard functions, quantile function, moments, moment generating function, conditional moments, mean and median deviations, Bonferroni and Lorenz curves, distributi...

Government expenditure on health and economic growth in Botswana: Testing for cointegration and specification of deterministic components using the pantula principle

Abstract: This study examines the relationship between government expenditure on health and economic growth in Botswana. It seeks to test the existence of cointegration and specification of the deterministic components with special reference to the Pantula Principle. This helps to overcome the shortfall of the method by Johansen, which may lead to spurious results by omitting the presence of deterministic components in the analysis. The cointegration approach is used and tested using three m...

Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in Kenya: A Comprehensive Analysis

The study investigates the relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI) and economic growth in Kenya through comprehensive regression analysis and causality tests. Theoretical literature argues that FDI inflow can transfer great advantages to the host country, however, empirical studies show that the benefits of FDI vary greatly across countries. Kenya has traditionally been one of the largest recipients of FDI in Africa, foreign investors provide intangible assets to support the oper...

A Review of Empirical Studies on the Role of Entrepreneurship on Nigeria Economic Development

ABSTRACT  This paper explored some empirical studies in the topic area to uncover the role of entrepreneurship in the Nigeria economic development.  The work uncovered that entrepreneurship plays a significance role in the Nigeria economic development, but  that entrepreneurship in Nigeria is been confronted with some setbacks that are hindering it significance role in the Nigeria economic development there by recommending proper policy coordination and policy stability; reforms in the edu...

The Great Recession of 2008 and the Impact of the Global Crises On Local Governments

The Impact and Causes of the 2008 Financial Crisis In 2007, a global financial crisis rapidly gained traction from the crash of the United States housing market to the worst recession the world had witnessed in over six decades. Through an in-depth review of the crises in terms of causes, consequences and policy responses, this paper identifies the impact on Local Governments on both the revenue and expenditures side of the bu...


Abstract This study examined the impact of monetary policy instruments on inflation targeting in Nigeria over the period of1980-2017. To achieve the objective of the study, annual time series data on inflation target rates (INFTR), monetary policy rate (MPR), commercial banks deposit rate (CBDR), commercial banks deposits with CBN (CBDC) and reserve requirements (RRQT) was collected from the database of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) (2018). The data was analysed using the autoregressive d...

Impact of Misery Index on Economic Growth in Nigeria (2018)

ABSTRACT The study investigated the impact of the misery index on economic growth of Nigeria for the time period 1980-2017. Apart from Yadollah and Rouhollah which studied the impact of economic growth and good governance on the misery index in Iran, other studies have concentrated on the relationship of the index with crime, lottery games, inequality and human capital outflows. This research work therefore departs from the views of other researcher and studied the impact of the misery index...

Produce Farmer Organisation and Development Economics - Extended Essay

Research Question: To what extent does Jeevika affect the income and expenditure of farmers in Gopalganj, Bihar, India?

Economic Impact Appraisal of Municipal Solid Waste Dumpsite on Nearby Properties Using HEDONIC Model

ABSTRACT:  The disposal of municipal solid waste in dump sites located near to existing properties is a serious problem in developing countries, and littering of MSW is common in the streets that does not have adequate final disposal and responsible for serious negative impacts human health and the environment. This work studies the off-site economic impact of solid waste dump on value of nearby residential properties with particular reference to Offa�...

The Effects of White-collar Crime

Abstract My research paper “The effects of white-collar crime”, is to investigate the effect of this crime on the people of Bangladesh and the socio-economic status of our country. The study revealed that the companies and government institutions suffer great losses because of this crime. Money laundering, embezzlement, corporate fraud is the most common kinds of white-collar crime. Most of these crimes are committed by the person working in an important and respectable position in a...

Government Use of Economic Stimulus to Aid the Country during Times of Recession

Introduction Government’s reaction to changes in the gross domestic cycles is critical to the survival of a country’s economy. Implications of government’s action in policy making to tackle recessionary states in the economy have far-reaching consequences.  There are few studies that scarcely illuminate the problem of whether the government should use economic stimulus to aid a country regain economic strength during times of recession.  Economic stimulus includes fiscal policies like...

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