Finance Research Papers/Topics

The Effect of Budgetary Control on the Profit Performance of Company in Nigeria (A Case Study of Nigeria Bottling Co Plc)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Table of content CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1             Background to the study 1.2             Statement of research problem 1.3             Objectives of the study 1.4             Scope of the study 1.5             Significant of the study 1.6             Hypothesis testing 1.7             Limitation of the study 1.8      �...

The Role of the Nigerian Deposit Insurance Corporation in the Regulation of Nigeria Banking Sector

ABSTRACT The Nigerian banking sector plays a major role in economic development in any country. These they do, through financial intermediation and other banking functions to encourage real sector or innovate productive activities. However, distress in banking sector cannot be totally erased because like other forms of businesses, risks are involved. In combating this, the central bank of Nigeria served as the apex in the banking sector and performs regulatory and supervisory activities to c...

Roles of Internal Auditing

TABLE OF CONTENT Title Approval Dedication Acknowledgement Table of content CHAPTER ONE: GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1       Background of the study 1.2       Statement of the problem 1.3       Aims and objective of the study 1.4       Research methodology 1.5       Scope and limitation 1.6       Plan of the study 1.7       Definition of terms CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1       The Role of Internal Auditing and Monitoring Policy 2.2 ...

Appraisal Accounting System in Multinational Company Operations ( A Case Study Of Cadbury P.L.C. Lagos)

ABSTRACT This project focuses on the value of accounting system in multinational company operations using Cadbury plc of  Lagos as a case study. It comprises of five chapter one deals with the background of the study viewed by the research. Chapter two contains adequate attempts made by the researcher to merge muiti-dimensuinal view form literature that is opinion of different writers in journals magazines and textbooks in relation to topic. Chapter three deals with research methodology, ...

An Evaluation Of Cost Accounting as a Tool for Managerial Decision Making (A Case Study Nigerian Bottling Company Plc, Plant Industry Ilorin)

                                                                                                                                         iv                                                                                                                                         CHAPTER ONE INT...

Effect Of Internal Audit In An Organization (A Case Study Of University Of Ilorin Teaching Hospital Ilorin)

Abstract Internal auditor constitutes parts of the structure of the internal control system, which function as a check in other work in and organization. The internal auditors enjoy some measures of independence from organizations operating personal for the fact that they make report, the chief executive of an organization to whom they are responsible. The external auditor is certified that the activities of the internal auditor is assured of the reliability of accounting records, he can su...

Effect of Exchange Rate Volatility on Return on Assets of Consumer Goods Manufacturing Companies Listed In Nigeria

The financial performance of consumer goods firms in Nigeria is constrained by a weak macroeconomic framework with persistent exchange rate volatility, multiple exchange rate windows and forex restrictions, and distortionary activities by the central bank. Thus, persistent exchange rate volatility exposes the companies to external risks because their projected revenue and costs, alongside profit margin and earnings per share, are affected. Hence this study examined the effect of exchange rate...

A Literature Review on Islamic Finance Modes as an Alternative Approach to Finance the Business Model of a Circular Economy

This study explores how Islamic Finance Modes can provide alternative sources of financing business models in a circular economy. A comparative analysis of the Islamic Finance Modes such as Musharakah, (Equity Sharing), (Mudarabah), (Silent partnership), Forward sale (Salam), Manufacturing Financing (Istisna), Leasing (Ijarah), Sukuk (Investment Certificate), Qard Hassan (Beneficence Loans), Wakalah, (Agency contract) Kafalah (Suretyship Contract), and Ju’ala (Service Agency) were undertake...


The effect of nutrition education programme on food related knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and practices of literate women in Pankshin community was investigated using quasi-experimental design. The non-randomized control group, pretest-posttest quasiexperimental design was employed for the study. The population for the study comprised 1,807 literate women in Pankshin community. One hundred and sixty-six literate women in Pankshin community constituted the sample for the study. The instruments...

The Role Of Forensic Accounting As A Mechanism For Fraud Detection In Nigeria Public Service

The mismanagement of notable government businesses across the nation has led to the abandonment of viable public projects and the attendant indiscriminate lay-off of staff in the public sector have generated the ever-increasing attention in academic, private and public sectors. As a result of the increase in the level of decadence in the government sector, a gamut of dissenting voices have been raised necessitating the need to examine the relationship that exist between forensic accounting an...


This study examines the effect of tax administration and revenue on economic growth of Nigeria. To achieve the objective of this paper, data was collected from primary and secondary sources. The secondary sources were from scholarly books and journals while the primary source involved a well structured questionnaire of three sections of sixty five items with an average reliability of 0.78. The data collected from the questionnaire and secondary data were analyzed using relevant regression ana...

Impact of Fundamental Factor on Stock Price of Nepalese Commercial Bank

This study is carried out with the objective of determining the impact of fundamental factors on stock price of Nepalese commercial banks. The fundamental factor in this study includes Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), Earnings per Share (EPS), Non-performing Loan to Total Loan (NPL) and Credit Deposit Ratio (CD). The fundamental data and stock price data of past 4 years i.e. (2013-14 to 2016-17) of 14 banks selected on the basis of judgement sampling has been taken for the purp...

Analysis Of The Relationship Between Expenditure On Oil Imports And Public Spending On Selected Social Services In Kenya

Since independence, oil imports in Kenya have been rising mainly to sustain the nascent transport, manufacturing, energy, agriculture and maritime sectors among other uses in the country. The growth in the country’s oil import bill has however been closely related to public spending in the health and education sectors which experienced shocks owing to the growth in expenditures apportioned to the rising volume of oil imports. Given the significance of the social pillar of the Kenya Vision 2...

Bank Specific Factors And Risk Taking Among Commercial Banks In Kenya

Commercial banks’ role of intermediation between borrowers and lenders plays a critical role in money creation process. The taking of deposits and lending it to borrowers makes banking industry a special business. However, this unique banking characteristic exposes banks to risk-taking. Lending may lead to accumulation of risky loan portfolio that may eventually affect the stability of the whole banking industry. Banks performance can be measured using different key performance indicators t...

Determinants Of Current Account Balance In Kenya

Current account is one of the components in the Balance of Payment of a country. It covers all the transactions that involve the real sources (goods, services, income).It comprises the international balances of transactions in trade of goods and services, factor income and current transfers. Current account balance is significant because it is key economic indicator of country’s external performance. Despite this voluminous literature, there is hardly any consensus as regards the determinan...

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