Gender Studies Research Papers/Topics

Factors Influencing Boy Child Retention in Public Secondary Education in Nyamira Sub-County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Despite the fact that the government of Kenya has introduced free day secondary education (FDSE) many school going aged students are at home, also repetition and dropout rate continues to rise. Although many studies have been carried out in other parts of Kenya, none has investigated the factors behind the increased dropout rate of the boy child in secondary education particularly in Nyamira Sub County. The purpose of this study was to explore the factors facing the boy ...

Feminism & colonialism

Colonialism is just another paradigm shift that changed the course of gender relations in many colonialised states within Africa. It introduced new and foreign leaderships styles that where gender baised, new family relations came in, (head of family) and the overall Victorian patriarchy which undermined the power and position women held in African societies before the emergency of this colonialism. 


Female journalists in Australia are rising in number but diminishing at levels of higher hierarchy in media organisations. This paper will unearth the ‘whys’ and the ‘whats’ of a culture that is breeding this disarray inside newsrooms, addressing significant problems like a systematic pattern of sexism through years, a pay-gap ratio designed to look like it doesn’t exist but is, in fact, reflective of the hierarchy itself, prominent features of the gender politics in play and some a...

Research Paper - Are Gender Roles and Stereotypes in Movies Affecting the Way Modern Society Thinks.edited

This paper entails the use of gender stereotypes and roles in cinematic works and media platforms. Overall, it gives a detailed analysis of the effects of stereotypes in modern cinematic works and the impact it has on society. These expectations soon become the stereotypes used in movies, although it is more exaggerated, the tendency of creating a trend that influences the society both positively and negatively is high.This creates an opportunity to effectively address stereotype issues, gen...

Gender Studies in Ghana

Drawing from personal and programming experience, historical documentations and analytical sources, I have examined the various framings of GS to show that it embraces multiple meanings as ‘discipline,’ research, programmes and discourse. I have also engaged in a historical and reflective analysis of the evolution of GCS at three levels; global, continental and local/national to reveal that GS has a long discursive tradition that has been borne out of activism and scholarship. I have show...

Womens Movement and Political Change in West Africa

 In the present wave of increasing democratization, women’s movements remain critical to the advancement of democratic reforms and political change. In Ghana, Nigeria, Liberia and Sierra Leone, the focus of this analysis, women have mobilized around human and economic rights and peace and security over the last two decades with some considerable success although not without challenges. This paper examines emerging trends in the agenda and tools/strategies that the women’s movements have...


This chapter contributes to the process of knowledge recreation by initiating a process of “retrieving” wisdom, tullum from the past, which I argue has possibilities for development. It entails the retrieval of living wisdom that resides with women and not a relic located in a museum. This living wisdom has been nurtured and guarded by African women, has been used to mitigate crisis and to support everyday living. It is wisdom that has survived all forms of domination, whether patriarchal...


Gender transcends sex, It goes beyond the mere demarcation between male and female. it is in real terms the stereotypes a particular society attaches or describes a person. There is therefore the need for gender parity to eliminate all forms of gender discrimination and ensure that both the male and female sexes reach their fullest potentials, and are allowed to get to the pinnacle of their careers without being stereotyped based on sex. Stereotypes can be found in the school, family, religio...

The Role of NGOs in advocating the Rights of Women in Africa

INTRODUCTION Article 3(4) of the protocol on the rights of women states that states parties shall adopt and implement appropriate measures to ensure the protection of every woman’s right to respect for her dignity and protection of women from all forms of violence, particularly sexual and verbal violence. What communication and advocacy tools/plan can NGOs use to effectively engage with this protocol in order to ensure the protection and promotion of the right of women in Africa?