Human Resource Management Research Papers/Topics

Occupational Safety And Employee Performance In Kenya Petroleum Refineries Ltd. Mombasa, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to determine and describe the relationship that exists between occupational safety and employee performance at KPRL - while being guided by a problem statement that says; Every 20 seconds of every working minute of every hour through the world; someone dies as a result of an industrial accident (Aswathappa, 2008). This was evidence to suggest that organizations have not achieved the required improvement for occupational safety in their working envi...

The Relationship Between Performance And Conflicts Amongst Employees

ABSTRACT This research was based on investigating the relationship between performance and conflicts amongst employees in Uganda clays kajansi. The research was interested in this topic because a lot of resources have been spent on employees in the company but still there was low productivity. This research report was based· on assumption that there was a significant relationship between employee, conflicts and organizational productivity. If there are no sound employee conflicts, the emplo...

Communication And Organizational Productivity: A Case Study Of Kyadondo Sub-County In Wakiso District Central Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was communication and organizational productivity of Kyadondo sub-country in Wakiso District central Uganda, the problem of the study was to have effective and proper communication on organizational productivity of Kyadondo sub-county in Wakiso District central Uganda. The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between communication and organizations productivity in Kyadondo sub-county in Wakiso district central Uganda. The objective of the study were; to es...

Employee Training And Performance In Organisations A Case Study Of Kenya Revenue Authorty Head Quarters

ABSTRACT The research study was about employee Training and performance m organizations, a case study of Kenya Revenue Authority where a sample of 46 employees were picked randomly The objective of this study involved close investigation of forms of training offered to the staff of Kenya Revenue Authority, analyzing the effects of training both positive and negative at KRA and also examined the impact of absence of training on performance. The research concentrated on primary sources of data...

The Impact Of Communication On Employee Performance. A Case Study Of Mbarara District Local Government, Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL ....................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...........................................................................

The Effects Of Performance Appraisal On Bamburi Cement's Employees. Mombasa District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The study was about an analysis of the effects of performance appraisal on Employee performance, a case study of Bamburi Cement Limited, Head Office, Mombasa Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were; to evaluate the relationships between goals and employee performance, to examine the effects of performance appraisal on employee performance and to assess the impact of rewards on employee performance. Performance appraisal is paramount to establish a high performance culture in...

Effect Of Reward Management On Employee Performance: A Case Study Of Centenary Bank, Kabalagalabranch

ABSTRACT This study took to carry out an investigation on Reward management and Employees' Perfmmance in Centenary bank, Kabalagala branch. The objectives of the study were to determine the forms of reward and the levels employees' performance in Centenary bank, Kabalagala branch and to establish whether there was a significant relationship between the reward system as the independent variable and employees' performance as the dependent variable. The study employed descriptive correlational ...

Health And Safety On Organisational Performance: A Case Study Of Uganda Baat Ltd

ABSTRACT The study was about occupational health and safety on organizational performance, and the topic aimed at establishing the relationship between occupational health and safety on organizational performance using a case study of Uganda Baat Ltd. The research study objectives were to find out the various health and safety measure, identify the various factors affecting organizational performance and establish the effects of health and safety on organizational performance. The methodolog...

Human Resource Management Interventions And Performance Of Police Force In Ondo State, Nigeria

Evidence abounds in literature that people are the preeminent resource that is key to the attainment of an organisational goal, and therefore performance of an organisation is contingent on the performance of its employees. To this end, the design and implementation of human resource management interventions has become a pivotal tool to provoke positive employees’ attitudinal and behavioural outcomes that, will in turn, occasion desired organisational performance outcomes. While empiri...

Absenteeism And Employee Performance: A Case Study Of Ewaso Ngiro South Development Authority,Narok,Kenya

ABSTRACT This research report is about absenteeism and employee performance in Ewaso Ngiro south development authority. It was carried out Narok district in Kenya. The objectives of this study were; To find out the causes of employee absenteeism in Ewaso Ngiro south development authority. To establish a mechanism to curb or reduce absenteeism at the workplace and improve employee performance. To examine the relationship between absenteeism and employee performance. The purpose of the study w...

The Impact Of Trainning On Organisational Performance. A Case Study Of Unilever Kenya Limited

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ......................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ............................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ........................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................... iv TAB...

Factors Affecting The Implementation Of Open Performance Review And Appraisal System. A Case Study: Ministry Of Foreign Affairs And International Cooperation Tanzania

ABSTRACT Tanza nia is going through profound restructuring that force the Public Sector to become more efficient and effective. In this respect, one of the most popular tools used in the contemporary reform programme is the appli cation of Open Performance Review and Appraisal System. However. the successful implementation of Open Performance Review and Appraisal System faces numerous challenges and obstacles. The study aimed in assess ing the contrib ution of Performance Appraisal in the Pe...

Employee Participation And Labour Turnover. A case Study Of Child Care Kitgum Servants.

ABSTRACT The study seeks to find out the relationship between employee participation and labour turn over in child care kitgum servants an NGO (formerly started as childcare international) At child care organization emphasis has been put on reducing labour turn over but the organization has failed to perform to its expectations. The lack of employee participation at child care has resulted in to poor relation ships among employees, and employers and this has resulted to dissatisfaction at wor...

Work/Family Conflict & Employee Productivity A Case Study Of Citibank Kenya

ABSTRACT The myth that family and work occupy separate spheres is fast fading in the face of tremendous demographic and economic changes (Voydanoff 1984). It is apparent that the demographics of the workplace have greatly changed in this century. This has led to a substantial increase in interest and focus by many employers and employees on achieving an appropriate balance between work demands and family life which is also critical for business success through improved productivity of employ...

Job Ranking And Employee Performance In Commercial Bank-Kenya

ABSRACT The study was set to identify the impact of Job Ranking and employee's performance in the organizations with special attention to cor1lmercial Bank- Kenya, the research findings clearly indicate that it is necessary for an organization to come up with methods of job ranking for jobs. Through the adoption of an analytical research design, the study involved 80 respondents contacted through questionnaire. The findings were that there is a direct relationship between Job Ranking and emp...

121 - 135 Of 268 Results