Human Resource Management Research Papers/Topics


The study aims at examining the effect of human resource planning on organizational productivity in Steel and tubes industries Uganda limited. The Specific Objectives of the Study include; (i) To identify the key factors influencing human resource planning practices effectiveness in Steel and Tubes Ltd Industries; (ii) To assess the current human resource planning practices influencing organizational productivity in Nakawa, Kampala; (iii) To examine the relationship between human resource pla...

Corporate Social Responsibility and Company Image in Selected Petroleum Companies in Uganda

ABSTRACT  This topic of the study was Corporate Social Responsibility and the Company Image in selected petroleum companies in Uganda. The study concentrated at Tullow and Total oil companies. The objectives of the study were to examine the level of corporate social responsibility in terms of company image, to assess the level of company image in terms of corporate social responsibility and to determine the level of significant difference between Corporate Social Responsibility and Company I...

Labour Turnover and Organizational Productivity in Selected Private Security Firms in Kampala, Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between labor turnover and organization productivity of Kampala private security firms. The private security industry of Uganda has faced organizational productivity issues since their inception (Kajubu, 2013). The study was guided by specific objectives which included; to establish the effect of employee resignation on organizational productivity in private security firms, to determine the effect of employee death on organ...

The Relationship Marketing Strategy in Competitive Market: A Case Study of Ethiopian Airlines Branch Office in Uganda

ABSTRACT The research was done to assess the Relationship Marketing Strategy satisfaction of Ethiopian Airlines (EAL), and the research used customer satisfaction and the airline’s overall performance as its measure. Purposive sampling technique was used to select sample respondents, and twenty two (22) Ethiopian Airlines’ employees and ticketing agents in Uganda were chosen purposely for the survey. Unstructured interview was also conducted with five (5) purposely selected EAL’s employ...

Reward Management and Employees’ Performance in Private Universities in Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT There is a high level of exploitation of employees in the private universities in Mogadishu. This is attributed to the fact that majority of the private universities are not regulated and therefore admit students beyond their carrying capacity. This study investigated the effect of reward management on employee performance in private universities in Mogadishu, Somalia. The following objectives guided the study: i) to assess the effect of financial reward on employee performance in pr...

Relationship Between Training and Performance of the Junior Teaching Staff in Kampala International University (Mu) Main Campus

ABSTRACT The study set out to investigate the causes of poor performance of the junior teaching staff and its effect on graduates of Kampala International University. The position held by the junior teaching staff is very vital if the University is to fulfill its mission of producing competent graduates. However, in order to realize that mission, junior teaching staff must be trained. A qualitative and quantitative, correlational cross-sectional study based on variables measured with numbers ...

The Effects of Occupational Health and Safety Management on Organizational Productivity – The Case Study of Tanzania Portland Cement Company Limited, Dar Es Salaam - Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study investigated the effects of occuZpational health and safety management on organizational productivity: the case study of Tanzania Portland Cement company limited, Dar Es Salaam – Tanzania, The specific objective of this study were; To determine the factors affecting employees’ health and safety on organizational productivity;To assess the level of accident on organization productivity; To identify the relationship between employees health, safety and organization produc...

Teamwork and Employee Productivity in Dahabshil Bank, Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT  This study was to examine the teamwork and employee productivity in Dahabshil Bank, Mogadishu, Somalia. The problem statement was poor implementation of team work in most organizations has had an effects on the overall output of employees in organizations (Adler & Nancy, 2011).The purpose of the study was to assess the effect of teamwork on employee productivity in Dahabshil Bank, Mogadishu. The Objectives were; to examine the relationship between interdependence (Team Trust) and e...

Training and Employee’s Performance in World Food Programme in Uganda

ABSTRACT This study on Training and Employee’s performance world food program Uganda was conducted with the main purpose of establishing the relationship between training and employee’s performance. The researcher carried out this study while being guided by five research objective: To determine the respondents profile in terms of gender, age, level of education, type of employment and years of service, to establish the relationship between the need for skill training and employee perform...

Communication and Employees Performance in Selected Private Companies in Garoe — Somalia

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between communication and employee performance in selected companies in Garoe, Somalia, the purpose of the study objectives was 1) to determine the demographic characteristics of respondents 2) To determine the level of communication 3) To determine the level of employee performance 4) to establish if there is significant relationship between communication and employee performance, the research instrument was questionnaires, the t...

Recruitment Policy and Institutional Performance a Case Study of Rukungiri District Local Government

ABSTRACT Recruitment is a great challenge to the organizations because .of its impact on performance.. Thc study is set out to examine the recruitment policy and institutional performance a case study of Rukungiri District Local Govcrnment.The study was promptod by findings from performance appraisal reports of staff and compluinis about low productivity/ performance of Rukungiri District Local Government stalE The researcher 80 respondents which included Rukungiri district staff. Methods suc...

Employee Selection and Organisation Performance in Norwegian People’s Aid (Npa) Organisation, Juba Southern Sudan.

ABSTRACT The study on employee selection process and organisation performance was guided by four research objectives; generally finding out the relationship between employee selection and organisation performance. Over the past years, NPA has not performed well in terms of task execution, either as a result of semi-skilled, inexperienced work force or political interference. It is against this background that the study sought to find if there was a relationship between employee selection (app...

The Impact of Collective Bargaining On Employee Performance in Educational Institutions, A Case Study of Kitale Academy Kenya

ABSTRACT This study on the impact of collective bargaining on employee performance was conducted in Kitale Academy Schools Complex. Using a population sample of 20 respondents who were drawn from all departments, the study revealed that collective bargaining had great ramifications on employee performance in the education institutions in Kenya. The findings revealed that the Government and the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) use negotiation, arbitration and sometimes confrontations su...

Investigating the Use of Employee Training and Development to Increase Organizational Resilience Against Economic Crisis. A Case Study of Ura Kampala Branch.

TABLE OFCONTENTSDECLARATION ...................................................................................................................................... iAPPROVAL ............................................................................................................................................. iiDEDICATION ........................................................................................................................................ iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................

Prevalence Of Premenstrual Syndome Among Nulliparousfemale Medical Students In Kampala International University-Western Campus.

ABSTRACTPremenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a common disorder of young and middle-aged womencharacterized by cyclic occurrence in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. It is acombination of distressing physical, psychological and behavioural changes of sufficientseverity to result in deterioration of inter- personal relationships and (or) interference withnormal activities; which remit upon onset or immediately after menstruation. Most womenhave symptoms that are fairly mild and do not need tre...

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