Human Resource Management Research Papers/Topics


ABSTRACT  Currently, organizations’ interest to have committed employees has increased because there is a significant  difference  between  the  performance  of  committed  employees  and  the  rest  of  the employees. Committed employees perform well in the organization and help the organization to achieve a competitive edge over its competitors. Hence the purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between organizational commitment and employee performance of non...


Abstract The universities are citadels of knowledge, research and academic excellence. The continuing role of universities in the provision of transformational experience for individuals and the global community cannot be under estimated. However, the wanton state of human resource planning in the public universities in Kenya cannot be gainsaid evidenced by among others increased workload for the lecturers and other staff translating to their poor performance. Anchored on the Resource Based ...


Abstract Despite the fact that the National Police Service is mandated to protect the lives and property of the people as stipulated in the Kenyan constitution, it continues to face unprecedented pressure to improve its services to the public. Despite several changes being witnessed in the recent past including annual recruitment of personnel, increased recruits training duration, acquisition of sophisticated weapons, advancement in technology and most recently the merger of Kenya police ser...


Abstract Public Universities are currently facing challenges in retaining talent. This has been crucial to the changing prospects and potentials of knowledge formation and learning. Organizations loose key talent for many reasons; lack of job satisfaction, poor reward systems and management, poor organizational policies, lack of opportunities for growth, training and development, lack of work life balance with regard to work life conflicts and poor working conditions. Retention of employees ...

The Impact of Computerized Accounting System on Micro, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (MSMEs)

During the primitive age very little or no notes were taken into proper record especially those activities and transactions involving money. The records and notes were usually taken either in memory (human being) or some marks on the ground or trees. As man developed from this primitive era to more complex economic society, there occurs notable growth and expansion in his way of life and activities he undertakes. During this time, the most disturbing problems that man faced was that there wer...

The Contribution of Reward System on Employees Performance in Three Selected Private Universities in Mogadishu

Abstract  In this study, the researcher studied reward system and employee performance in three selected private universities in Mogadishu. The study was guided by the following objectives; to examine the method of rewarding system in three selected private universities in Mogadishu, to determine the level of employees’ performance in three selected private universities in Mogadishu, to establish the relationship between the methods of rewarding system and employee’s performance The rese...

Employee Training and Organizational Performance of Benadir University Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT  The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between employee training and organizational performance in selected University in Mogadishu, Somalia. The study particularly sought to establish how employee training influences on the organizational performance of the target University of Benadir. In gathering the information, the research study employed both primary and secondary sources, questionnaire. The primary source was mainly the distributed questionnaires, and the sec...

An Inquiry into the Recruitment Process and the Employees Performance at Tanzania Electricity Supply Company Limited Head Office Umeme Park Building Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  The purpose of the study was to investigate on the recruitment process and the organizational performance at TANESCO head office Ubungo, Da-es-salaam. Also, the steps followed during recruitment process, methods used to target the applicants and the existing relationship between recruitment process and the performance. The study used a descriptive case study research design and purposive and simple random sampling procedure with the sample size of 100 respondents of the target popu...

Training and Staff Performance in Selected NGOs in Uganda

ABSTRACT  The main purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between training and staff performance in selected NGOs of Action Aid International Uganda and Plan International Uganda. The objectives of the study were to establish the profile of respondents in terms of age, education, gender and level of experience in selected NGOs., to determine the degree of training on the staff performance in selected NGOs in Uganda, to examine the level of staff performance in selected NGOs ...

Change Management and Employee Turnover in Somtel Telecommunication Company, Bosaso Somalia

ABSTRACT  This study was undertaken to the impact of change management on employee turnover in Somtel Telecommunication Company Bosaso, Somalia. The study was motivated by the fact that there was a high rate of employee turnover at the company. The objectives of the study were to 1) to determine change management techniques, 2) to assess the rates of employee turnover, and 3) to establish the relationship between change management and employee turnover at Somtel Telecommunication Company of ...

Training and Employee Performance in Selected Institutions in Dar-Es-Salaam Tanzania

ABSTRACT  The study aims to establish the relationship between training and employee performance and was guided by the following objectives; To assess how training needs assessment affects employee performance at TPB- Dar-es-Salaam; to investigate the importance of on-the-job and off-the-job on employee performance at TPB-Dar-es-Salaam; to examine the effect of performance appraisal on employee performance at TPB-Dar es-Salaam. A descriptive research design was used involving the application...

Outcome of the Choice of the Training Needs Assessment on Employee Training in Private Hospitals. A Case Study of Mwananchi Hospital in Mwanza Tanzania.

ABSTRACT  This study investigated the outcome of training needs assessment on employee training in private hospitals. The research based on three specified research objectives which were to asses the outcomes of training needs assessment on staff training at Mwananchi Hospital, to investigate the current training programmes at Mwananchi Hospital and to examine any improvement and performance of staff training. From the research, the problem of not conducting training needs assessment before ...

Work Place Stress and Employee Performance in Government Hospitals in Kampala-Uganda; A Case of Mulago National Referral Hospital

ABSTRACT  The general objective of the study was to establish the effect of workplace stress on employee performance in government hospitals of Uganda, with the main focus on Mulago National Referral Hospital in Kampala as the case study. The Specific objectives were to examine the effect of work overload on employee performance, to establish the effect of work life balance on employee perfonnance and to fmd out the effect of work relationships on employee performance in Mulago National Refe...

Workplace Environment and Employee Performance in Two Selected Microfinance Institutions in Bambili, Cameroon

ABSTRACT  The work environment which encompasses several factors impacts on the way the employees perform their work. A comfortable and all inclusive workplace environment will boost the employees’ performance hence boosting the organizational performance.This research examined the effect of workplace environment on employee performance in microfinance institution in Bambili, Cameroon. The research was guided by three objectives; i) to examine the effect of training and Career Development ...

Quality Of Work-life Balance and Employee Performance in Kigali Independent University

ABSTRACf In this study the researcher discussed about Quality of work —life and employee performance, case of Kigali Independent University and researcher attempted to assess the effect of quality of work-life balance on employee performance in that university, and this was verify true analysing the effects of flexible working hours on employee performance, to analyse the effect of dependent care initiatives on employee performance, to assess the influence of wellness program on employee pe...

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