International Business Research Papers/Topics

An investigation of the Supply Chain challenges faced by small scale crop farmers at Etunda Irrigation Farm in Namibia

ABSTRACT The investigation of the supply chain challenges faced by small scale farmers at Etunda irrigation farm is the core of this study. The main rationale for the investigation is the fact that Green Scheme projects, of which Etunda is one of them, is one of the key economic development and diversification focus areas highlighted in Namibia’s fourth national development plan (NDP_4). The farming operations at Etunda are heavily dependent on logistical services for production inputs and ...

The effects of equity and motivation on the work performance of support staff at NIP Ltd.

Abstract The objectives of this research were to establish the link between perception of equity and work performance of the non-technical support staff of the NIP as well as to determine whether there is a link between work performance and motivation of the NIP non-technical support staff. Since the determination of fairness is based on individual feelings and perception data was collected through survey questionnaires and interviews to gain an in-depth understanding of issues which influenc...

The Impact Of Performance Related Pay On Employees – A Case Study Of The Performance Incentive Bonus Scheme At The Motor Vehicle Accident Fund

Abstract The Performance Incentive Bonus Scheme (PIBS) is part of the broader market type transformations occurring in Public Service in Namibia today (Mwita, 2002). The thesis claims that the value of PIBS policy is a function of the organizational setting, objectivity of performance measurement process and perceived equity of the fixed scheme. The research uses survey based data for the Case Study of PIBS in the MVA Fund. The issue of employees’ performance in persistence of organisation...

Assessing the Usage of Infant Industry Protection Policy in Selected Manufacturing Industries of the Namibian Economy

ABSTRACT  As part of its Industrial Development Policy, Namibia has made use of an Infant Industry Protection (IIP) policy to protect what are deemed as infant industries. This study investigated how effective the use of this policy has been in the Namibian manufacturing sector, specifically the Pasta and Dairy industries. The main objectives of this study are twofold: firstly, to establish whether IIP has been effective in assisting protected industries to develop and grow; and secondly, to...

The Determinants Of Effective And Efficient Land Development And Delivery System In Windhoek

ABSTRACT The main aim of this thesis was to find out the determinants of effective and efficient land development system in Windhoek. With increased movement of population in search for better settlement and employment, more people tend to be concentrated in urban areas. This thesis identifies the dynamics of land for urban housing in Namibia with specific reference to the city of Windhoek. The thesis remarks on one hand, weaknesses in the existing institutional framework for urban planning ...

An Empirical Investigation Into The Factors Affecting The Performance Of Smes In The Retail Sector In Windhoek, Namibia

Abstract In developing countries, Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play a crucial role in fostering socio-economic development. They create employment opportunities, empower communities and make positive contributions towards the gross domestic product. The survival of SMEs is therefore crucial in alleviating poverty and achieving sustainable development. This research aims to investigate the factors that affect the performance of SMEs in the retail sector in Namibia. The research will be...

Highlighting The Importance Of Incorporating Indigenous Knowledge Into New Product Development And Commercial Production Processes Through A Study On The Attitudes And Preferences Of Mahangu

Abstract Incorporating indigenous knowledge into new product development and by extension commercial production processes is critical for the successful commercialisation of traditional products. Traditionally, mahangu grain goes through a process referred to as the lactic acid fermentation process. The mahangu grain is exposed to a chemical reaction causing the taste, colour and texture of mahangu porridge to be altered. The results from the discrete choice experiment shows that mahangu cons...

The Effectiveness of Third Party Logistics Providers in the Public Health Sector

Abstract The main function of the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MOHSS) in Namibia is to provide health care services to population of Namibia. A large portion of the budget is usually spent on issues relating to logistics. This Ministry makes use of in-house logistics services. The current trends of many facilities are to make use of Third Party Logistics Providers (3PL’s). The main objective of the research is to investigate the possibility of using 3PL’s for the provision of l...

The Impact of Namibian Reclassification as an Upper-middle Income Country on Official Development Assistance

ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to analyse the impact of Namibian reclassification as an Upper Middle Income Country on Official Development Assistance (ODA). This study was prompted by the negative perception that was going on in the country about the reclassification and how it reduces ODA while on the contrary having the knowledge that Namibia is striving to become an Industrialised country with a high income status by 2030. In order to address the issue of the negative perception about ...

An Investigation of Performance and Motivational Challenges Affecting Service Delivery in the Ministry of Health and Social Services in Namibia

ABSTRACT This study investigates the performance and motivational challenges affecting the service delivery in the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) in Namibia. A questionnaire was designed to collect primary data on factor affecting services delivery in the MoHSS. Literature was done on best practices that motivate employees to increase organisational performance. The overall results reveal different factors that affect performance and motivation of employees in the Ministry of ...

Investigating Reasons For Failing To Implement Strategic Plans In The Ministry Of Regional And Local Government, Housing And Rural Development.

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing the ineffective implementation of strategic plans in the MRLGHRD and identify possible remedies to improve the situation. The study was guided by four objectives and data were collected to answer the research questions. An administered questionnaire were used, both descriptive (qualitative) and quantitative data were collected and analysed in order to answer the questions of the study. The study also used a com...

Evaluation Of External Expert Knowledge Acquisition And Retention Processes At The Directorate Of Development Cooperation Of The National Planning Commission – Namibia

Abstract The Directorate of Development Cooperation in the National Planning Commission uses technical assistance to mobilise, coordinate and manage Official Development Aid (ODA) through the use of external experts in areas where such knowledge is not locally available. While there are no indications of a decrease in the need for external expert knowledge to the Directorate of Development Cooperation, donors are increasingly phasing out traditional grants which support technical assistance t...


Is money the main reason to work or is there more to it. The reason that money might not be the reason for working are deliberated using this finding and analysis. Interviews where used to find individuals thoughts. The methodology to find the answers to these question where derived from qualitative research that is the use of interviews and questionnaires. The findings where sorted using qualitative analysis. the main research was conducted in the United Kingdom. 

16 - 28 Of 28 Results