International Business Research Papers/Topics

Strategic Measures to Curb Crime Rates in Nairobi

Description: A Research Report by Muthuri Rose Karimi, Submitted to the school of Humanities and Social Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Masters of Arts in International Relations.

Assessing the Prevalence of International Technology Transfer by Chinese Firms into the Kenyan Construction Sector

Abstract: Technological advancement and growth in skilled expertise are some of the factors contributing to economic development. As a developing country, Kenya’s quest to achieve economic growth is underpinned by the need to have technology embedded within the various economic sectors. Furthermore, a skilled and technologically adept workforce will be afforded an opportunity to improve their lives economically. Multi-National Corporations (MNCs) engaged in commercial activities within var...

Integration, Cross Border Trade and Dispute Settlement between Kenya and Tanzania

Abstract: The main objective of this study was to examine integration, cross border trade and dispute settlement between Kenya and Tanzania. It was guided by three specific objectives which include, to examine the nature of cross-border trade (CBT) and disputes between Kenya and Tanzania to investigate the mechanisms in place to resolve these disputes and to recommend other mechanisms that could be used to resolve the existing disputes. Decisively there is a significant trade between Kenyan ...

The Role of Kenya’s Diplomatic Missions in East Africa in Enhancing Economic Diplomacy

Abstract: Despite the signing of East African common market protocol in 2010 to enable free movement of people and goods, this has not been achieved to a large extent. Business corporations as well as governments face enormous challenges arising from the diminishing importance of the traditional national borders due to the inevitable aspect of globalization, technological change and developments in trading systems. This research was carried out to establish the role of Kenya’s diplomatic m...

Boko Haram Insurgency and Gender Based Violence in North East Nigeria (2007-2015)

Abstract Since the dawn of this millennium, terrorism has been on a steady rise worldwide. In fact, terrorism, arguably, is the biggest threat to global peace and security in this era. In Nigeria, the dynamics and manifestation of Boko Haram insurgency have led to the death of thousands of Nigerians. The worst hit among the causalities and fatalities of the attacks by this group that is riding on the back of Islamic revivalism and fundamentalism is women and girls, particularly in north east ...

The Problems of Sustaining Friendly International Relations Between Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia

Abstract The purpose of this study is to identify the problems of sustaining friendly international relations between Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia. The research aim is to explore the impact of their relationship. The researchers conducted correlation in this study. Correlation is a research design where the researchers determine of whether or not and to what extent an association exists between two or paired variables The researchers' purpose is to contrast two or more characteristics from the...

Border Conflicts and Uganda -South Sudan Trade

ABSTRACT The study revealed that the causes of border conflict and Uganda-South Sudan trade are: Poor demarcation of borders; resentment by South Sudanese; high influx of Ugandans into South Sudan; high taxes charged on Ugandan goods by South Sudan Government; volatile security at the borders of the two countries. The methodology used was both qualitative and quantitative and involved text content analysis, the sample of 136 respondents participated in the study and the instruments used were ...

The Role Played by United States of America in South Sudan Conflicts

ABSTRACT The study aimed at the role played by United States of America in South Sudan Conflicts. Their main aim was to find ivory, slave, gold and other minerals, which were very useful in the Arab peninsula and to the Europeans. Arab invaders met a lot of resistance from the Nuba and Funj, who were at the time the inhabitants ofNmihern Sudan and rule there today. After many years of war between them, they signed agreements which allowed both sides to coexist in the Notih, (Deng 1995, p.9). ...

Uganda’s Involvement in South Sudan Conflict and Its Effects on Both Countries

ABSTRACT The study focused on the Uganda’s involvement in South Sudan conflict and its effects on both countries. The study objectively thought to; investigate the root causes of the current intra-state conflicts in South Sudan, analyse the interests of Uganda in South Sudan conflict and analyse the effects of involvement on both countries. The study used mixed method approach which is integration of qualitative and quantitative methods due to the number of advantages it offers, the study u...

Armed Conflicts and International Economic Aid in Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between armed conflicts and International Economic Aid in Mogadishu Somalia. The study was guided by three specific objectives which include; i) to determine the effect of armed conflicts on peace in Mogadishu Somalia, ii) to determine the impact of International Economic Aid in Mogadishu Somalia and iii) to establish the relationship between armed conflicts and International Economic Aid in Mogadishu Somalia. The study used ...

Regionalism and the Enforcement of Human Rights in Nigeria

ABSTRACTS Human rights as we have them today can be traced to the famous United Nations' document, the Universal Declaration of human rights (UDHR) of 1948. All other human rights instruments and Bills of Rights are derived from this document including the two binding instruments, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) 1966 and the International Covenant on Cultural Economic and Social Rights (ICESR). There are regional systems of international human rights law that ...

Profitability and Export Volumes of Certified Organic Dried Fruits of Selected Companies in Central Uganda

ABSTRACT  The study intended to establish the relationship between Profitability and Export Volumes of Certified Organic Dried Fruits of Selected Companies in Central Uganda. It was guided by the following objectives which included determining: Demographic profile of the respondents; level of profitability; level of export volumes of certified organic Dried Fruits and whether there is a significant relationship in level of Profitability and Export Volumes of Certified Organic Dried Fruits of...

The Impact Of Motivation On Productivity: A Case Study Of New Vision Printing And Publishing Co. Ltd.

ABSTRACT The researcher explored the topic impact of motivation on productivity in a business setting with an aim of establishing the relationship between the variables. The objectives of the study were; to identify the various forms of motivation, to establish factors affecting productivity in the company and lastly to identify the relationship between motivation and productivity. The research was based on the review of literature relating to the study variables using secondary data from pr...

Indicators Of Students’ Performance In History At Bentiu Secondary School In National Examinations South Sudan, Bentiu Unity State,

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to focus on a careful investigation on how the indicators such as teachers’ academic qualification, History teaching facilities and socio-economic status of parents affect the students’ performance in History at Bentiu Secondary School in Sudan Secondary School Certificate Examinations (SSSCE) in Unity State, South Sudan between the periods of 2007-201 1 In this study, descriptive research design was used in order to establish the prevailing conditions i...

Outsourcing third party logistics services usage in the Namibian manufacturing industry

Abstract The aim of the study is to give a comprehensive understanding of the Namibian manufacturers’ current status of using third party logistics (3PL) services in Namibia. An exploratory survey was conducted to investigate the extent use of 3PL services by Namibian manufacturers, the reasons for Namibian manufacturers using 3PL service, the reasons for Namibian manufacturers not using 3PL services, the level of satisfaction of Namibia manufacturing firms using 3PL services, the organizat...

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