Political Science Research Papers/Topics

Bilateral Relations and Economic Cooperation in West African Sub Region: The Case of Nigeria and Niger (2001 – 2005 )

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page - - - - - - - - - - i Approval Page - - - - - - - - - ii Dedication - - - - - - - - - - iii Acknowledgement - - - - - - - - - iv Table of Content - - - - - - - - - v CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction - - - - - - - - - 1 1.1 Research Problem - - - - - - - - 3 1.2 Research Question - - - - - - - - 4 1.3 Aims and Objectives of the Study - - - - - - 5 1.4 Assumption of the Study - - - - - - - 5 1.5 Significance of the Study - - - - - - - 5 1.6 Scope of the St...

Public Perception and Attitude Towards Corruption in Nigeria: A Case Study of Zamfara State Civil Service

Table of contents Title page .......................i Certification .........................ii Dedication ..............................iii Acknowledgement ...........................iv Table of contents .................................vi CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction ...........................1 1.1 Statement of the problem ............................3 1.2 Research questions ...............................4 1.3 Objectives of the study .................................4 1.4 Significance o...

The Role of Local Government in Rural Development in Nigeria. (A Case Study of Sokoto South Local Government Area 2011-2015)

TABLE OF CONTENT CONTENTS PAGES Title Page ................i Certification ......................ii Dedication .........................iii Acknowledgement ....................iv Table of Content ...........................vi CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Introduction ...................1 1.2 Statement of the Problem ....................1 1.3 Research Question ....................2 1.4 Objectives of the Study .....................2 1.5 Significance of the Study ....................3 1.6 Scope and Limitati...

Higher Education and Prospects of Graduates’ Employability in Tanzania

Abstract This paper is about the challenges of employment for graduates of the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Tanzania which has been a serious issue of concern for both the students, parents, universities, the government, and the public. With the rapid expansion of higher education in Tanzania, there is a widely shared concern that graduates face substantial difficulties in the job search and are often forced to accept unfavourable early employment. This article focuses on the relat...

The Assessment Of The Implementation Of Decentralization Policy In The Caprivi And Khomas Regional Council

ABSTRACT Namibia is inching closer to transferring the power to deliver key government services from the line ministries to the country's 13-elected regional council. While chapter 12 of the post-independence constitution of 1999 envisions a decentralized public sector, the process of implementing decentralisation has been slow to take hold. While political decentralisation was achieved in 1992 with the election of 13 regional councils, only limited progress has been made on the devolution o...

The Management Of Namibia's Foreign Policy

ABSTRACT South Africa transferred legislative power to the Namibian authority to conduct its external relations in 1990 when the country attained its independence. Since then the country has been projecting the economic content of its Foreign Policy. Poverty eradication, human resource development, empowerment of the poor, the needy and the weak form the top priorities for Namibia's foreign policy. The foreign policy of a country draws its authority, legitimacy and mandate from many internal...

An Assessment Of The Anti-Corruption Strategies In Namibia’s Public Sector

ABSTRACT Corruption has been identified as an area of grave concern in most societies, including Namibia. For Namibia, the fight against corruption is not simple, but it is an economic and social issue. If allowed to persist, corruption has the potential to reverse the remarkable progress and successes recorded since independence in 1990. Also, it can contribute to a budget deficit, thereby fuelling inflation. Because of its negative effects, the GRN has introduced several anti-corruption me...

Social Support To Orphans And Vulnerable Children (Ovc): A Beneficiary Case Study Of The Ministry Of Gender Equality And Child Welfare Initiative Programme In The Oshana Region

ABSTRACT  The phenomenon of the increasing number of orphans and vulnerable children is not overlooked by Namibia. In fact, the situation is aggravated by the deaths of young adults as a result of the Human Immuno Virus (HIV) and the Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Subsequently, a huge number of children are left behind and forced to provide for themselves. Families have torn apart as parents, siblings, aunts, uncles and relatives die. Children are left alone and disadvantaged. T...

Nigeria And The Palestinian – Israeli Conflict 1960 - 2006

ABSTRACT The consequences of the United Nations’ partitioning of Palestine in 1948 have been recurrent wars and peace processes in the Middle East, as the conflict has remained intractable. While studies have been conducted on these wars and peace processes, there has been no systematic study on Nigeria’s policy and role in the Middle East crisis and peace process. This study therefore focused on Nigeria’s foreign policy and role in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. It examined the orig...

Urban Public Transport: Alternatives For Improving Bus Operations in Windhoek

ABSTRACT The transport sector is the backbone of the development of all sectors of the economy and in the promotion of mobility. Soon after independence, the Ministry of Works and Transport, the custodian for the transport sector was tasked with a number of issues needing redressing. This includes the deregulation of the operators’ transport sub-sector. The Government of Namibia made a decision in 1995 to deregulate road transport, in particular, long-distance bus operation, bus operation ...

Alternative Institutional Arrangements of Accelerating The Implementation of Rural Electrification in Namibia

ABSTRACT At the beginning of the new millennium, it was estimated that about one-fourth of the world’s population (1.6bn people) have no access to electricity; the majority of those living in developing countries. Sub-Saharan Africa sits on some of the most significant potential fuel reserves in the world. Research suggests that, globally, no more than 20%, in some countries less than 5% of the population (2 % in rural areas) has access to electricity. In sub-Saharan In Africa, only about ...

AN Evaluation of Commercial Banks Lending to The Productive Sectors: Evidence From Namibia

ABSTRACT The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the commercial banks on lending to the productive sectors in Namibia. The problem that the study has identified is that the commercial banks are reluctant to lend to the productive sectors of the economy. Most of the deposits that are mobilised locally by the commercial banks are not used to develop the domestic economy. Commercial banks in Namibia do not see it as their business to lend to risky long-term investments which are the ...

Beneficiary Assessment/Impact Evaluation Of The Fadama Ii Critical Ecosystem Management Project (Cemp)

Abstarct Community Driven Development (CDD) approach is presently becoming popular due to its potential to develop projects that are responsive to local demands, empower local communities, and are better targeted at the poor. This study was conducted to assess the impact of Fadama II Critical Ecosystem Management Project, a CDD project on its beneficiaries. The Fadama II Critical Ecosystem Management project is a six year project whose specific objective include making sure that by project en...

Militarization of Nigerian Politics and Violations of United Nations Universal Human Rights 1999 - 2019

Abstract: Human  rights  violation  has  been  endemic  in  Nigeria  despite  its  ratification  of  the  United  Nations’  Universal  Human Rights (1948)  -  rights  equally enshrined  in  1999 Nigerian  constitution.  This  study  examined  the  militarization  of Nigerian  politics and  its  adverse  effect  on  the  United  Nations  Universal  Human  Rights  in  Nigeria.  The  paper  is  descriptive  and  qualitative  in typology.  Metho...

The Importance Of Strategic Planning As A Component Of Strategic Management – A Comparative Analysis Between Selected Public Institutions

ABSTRACT This analysis look at strategic planning as a component of strategic management, it therefore compares and contrasts the activities of strategic planning in some of the public institutions. The analysis starts on plan formulation and proceeds with the implementation of such plans in organizations such as Northern Electricity Distribution Company (NORED), Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF), the Municipal Council of Windhoek – Electricity Department and Rundu Town Council. ...

271 - 285 Of 564 Results