Procurement and Supply Chain Management Research Papers/Topics

Contract Award and Service Performance in Public Sector of Uganda; A Case of Kampala Capital City Authority

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................ iAPPROVAL .................................................................................................................................. iiDEDICATION .............................................................................................................................. iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..............................................

Impact of Procurement Performance Measurements On Bank Performance in Uganda; The Case of Bank of Baroda

TABLE OF CONTENTTable of ContentsDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTTABLE OF CONTENT VLIST OF TABLES ViiLIST OF FIGURES VIIIABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11. lBackground 11 .2Problem Statement 41.3 General Objectives1.3.1 Objectives ofthe Study 41.4 Research Questions1.5Scope ofthe study1.6 Significance of Study1.7 Conceptual Framework 6CHAPTER TWO 7LITERATURE REVIEW2.0 Introduction 72.1 Key Concepts2.2 Theoretical Review2.3 Empirical Review 102.4 Factors Affecting Procure...

Inventory Management and Organizational Performance A Case Study of Hardware Word Limited Ntinda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATION ~jjACKNOWLEDGEMENTLIST OF TABLES VLIST OF ACRONYMS viABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE .... .......,.,,..,,,,,,,,,,.,,, 1INTRODUCTION 11 .0 Introduction 11 . 1 Background to the study 11 .2 Statement of the problem 31.3 General objective 41.4 specific objectives 41.5 Research questions 41.6 Scope of the study 41.6.1 Area of study 41.6.2 Content scope 51.6.3 Time scope 51.6.4 Significance of the study 51 .7 Definition of key terms s1.8 Conceptual frame work 6CH...


CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Background of the study Inventories over the past years have been difficult to control and even up to day though it's to some extent being brought down. This has always raised because they are immovable and subject to decision made many persons including vendors and customers. Joseph L. Cavinator (1984). Over the past in the whole sale or retail business or in productive facility, inventory was being recognized as boxes of parts or as racks of closes. Material becomes invento...

The Impact of Microfinance Institutions On Women Empowerment in Patongo Town Council, Pader District A Case Study of Patongo Savings and Credit Co-Operative Society (Sacco)

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ................................................................................................................. iAPPROPV AL ..................................................................................................................... iiACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................. vDEDICATION ..................................................................................................

Supplier Involvement and Organisational Performance of Manufacturing Companies: A Case Study of Mukwano Industries, Kampala-Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .iAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivLIST OF ACRONYMS vLIST OF TABLE ixABSTRACT xCHAPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Back Ground to the study 11.2 Statement of the Problem 21.4 Specific Objectives 31.6 Scope of the Study 31.6.1 Subject Scope / Content 31.6.3TimeScope 31.7 Significance of the Study 31.8 Conceptual frame work 41.9 Operational Definition of Terms 4CHAPTER TWO 5LITERATURE REVIEW 52.0 Introduction 52.1 Key variables 52.1.1 Supplier involvement 5...

Contract Management and Service Delivery in The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

The aim of the study was to establish, the effect of contract management on service delivery in the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives. The study was guided by three objectives that is; to examine the critical success factors for contracts management, examine the techniques used to improve service delivery and establish the relationship between contract management and service delivery in the Ministry of Trade Industry and Cooperatives. The research used across sectional research des...


ABSTRACT The study sought to establish the relationship between outsourcing and the performance of state corporations a case study of Kenya Medical Supplies Agency. The objectives of the study include: establishing the impact of outsourcing, establishing the bottlenecks in outsourcing and finally suggesting mitigation measures to bottlenecks in outsourcing. The purpose of the research was to establish the impact of outsourcing to the performance of state corporations since many organizations ...

E -Procurement and Organizational Efficiency in Tororo Cement Limited: A case Sturdy of Tororo Cement Uganda

The study was aimed at examining the relationship between the electronic procurement and organizational efficiency in private sector in Uganda in Tororo cement in Tororo as the case study. The study was based on the following main objectives which were to evaluate the E-procurement methods on organization efficiency in Tororo cement , to assess the level of organization efficiency in Tororo cement and to examine the effects of E-procurement methods on organization efficiency in Tororo. The st...

Total Quality Management and Organizational Performance A Case Study of Mukwano Group of Companies

Abstract This study was about total quality management and organizational performance, a case study of Mukwano group of companies. The general objective of this study was to determine the effect of Total Quality Management practices on manufacturing industries with reference to Mukwano group of companies along with the following specific objectives: to determine the effect of top management commitment (TMC) on organizational performance, to examine the effect of customer focus (CF) on organiz...

The Impact of Inventory Control Systems On Organizational Performance A Case of Century Bottling Company, Kampala.

Abstract This study was on the impact of inventory control systems on organizational performance with the case study of Century Bottling Company, Kampala. The objectives of the study were to; explore the various concepts and systems of inventory control, establish the relationship between inventory control and organizational performance, and establish challenges to inventory control in Century Bottling Company, Kampala. The review of the literature revealed various inventory control systems, ...

Contract Management Practice and Operational Performance of State Corporations in Uganda. A Case Study of Uganda National Roads Authority (Unra)

ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to establish the effect of effective contract management practice on the operational performance of state corporations in Uganda using the Uganda National Roads Authority as a case study. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the extent to which the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) practices effective contract management; to identify the challenges that hinder effective contract management practice in state corporations in Uganda, and t...

Outsourcing and Organizational Efficiency. A Case Study of Phoenix Petroleum Uganda Limited

Abstract Outsourcing is the strategic use of outside resources to perfonn activities that are usually handled by intemal staff and resources. This study was designed to explore the relationships between outsourcing and organizational efficiency at Phoenix Petroleum Uganda Limited. The major objectives of this study therefore were to find out; Reasons for outsourcing in the organization, the impact of outsourcing on organizational effectiveness and the challenges to outsourcing at Phoenix Pet...

The Effect of Record Keeping On Procurement of Goods and Services in Century Bottling Company

ABSTRACT  This study sought to find out the impact of record-keeping on the procurement of goods and services of a century bottling company. The study was guided by the following objectives; to investigate the different procurement procedures used in century bottling companies, to identify the different record-keeping methods used in century bottling companies and to find out the impact of record-keeping on the procurement of goods and services of century bottling company. The study adopted ...

Supplier Evaluation and Organization Competitiveness: A Case Study of Tororo Cement

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to assess the relationship between supplier evaluation and organizational competitiveness. The objectives were to determine the various supplier evaluations at Tororo cement, to examine the effectiveness of the evaluation and to assess the relationship between supplier evaluation and organisational competitiveness at Tororo cement. The study was conducted based on 60 respondents were the data was collected through closed-ended questionnaires. The researc...

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