Procurement and Supply Chain Management Research Papers/Topics

Packaging And Sales Turn Over A Case Study Of Jesa Farm Uganda.

ABSTRACT This research was carried out in Jesa Diary farm Uganda Ltd with a purpose of finding out the packaging and Sales Turn over of milk products from this company. Packaging is one of the exercises established to assist in protection and attraction purposes of the company. A number of organizations today have adopted packaging exercise with reasons well known to them and that is why the researcher came out with the statement of the problem being "to find out if packaging directly af...

The Impact Of Outsourcing On Manufacturing Firms A Case Study Of Century Bottling Company Uganda Limited

ABSRACT The study sought to investigate the effect of outsourcing on organizational performance. The study was guided by the following research objectives, to investigate whether the company undertakes outsourcing of projects/services, to establish whether outsourcing programs at the company achieve their stated objectives of improving organizational performance, productivity, market share, and quality and to investigate the factors that are associated with the success or failure of outsourci...

The Impact Of Procurement Policy And Practices On Social Sustainability A Case Study Of Government Of Southern Sudan Ministry Of Health Central Equatoria State Directory Of Pharmaceutical Ser

TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page DECLARATION (A) .......................................................................................................... i DECLARATION (B) .......................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................

Corruption And Procurement Management. Case Study: Public Procurement And Regulatory Authority

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to assess the impact of corruption m Procurement Management. The study aimed at achieving the following objectives; • To identify the impacts or effects of corruption in Procurement Management. • To investigate the initiates to put forward to reduce the rate of corruption in Procurement Management. The procedures used during data collection included questionnaires, interviews and data was analyzed by the use of the table through a research proj...

Inventory Management and Profitablility: THe Case of Shoprite Lugogo Kampala

bstract The major purpose of the study was to review the inventory management techniques, other factors that affect profitability, and its relationship with inventory management. A review of writers, scholars was used. The employed exploratory and descriptive design. The fmdings showed that inventory management techniques were unsatisfactory and that it had effect on profitability. Recommendations like computerizations of the system, perpetual inventory counting procedures and holding just en...

Outsourcing And Organizational Performance. A Case Study Of Apa Insurance Uganda Limited

Abstract Outsourcing is the strategic use of outside resources to perfonn activities that are usually handled by internal staff and resources. This study was designed to explore the relationships between outsourcing and organizational perfonnances at AP A Insurance Uganda Limited. The major objectives of this study therefore were to find out; the relationship between outsourcing and organizational perfonnances, Reasons for outsourcing in the organization, the impact of outsourcing on organiz...

Buyer-Supplier Relationship On Supply Chain Performance A Case Study Of Byeyogere Steelworks Ltd

A BSTRACT The study investigated “The impact of a buyer-supplier relationship on supply chain perforniance, a case study on steelworks LTD.” The study was guided by three res~earch objectives which were; To find out the impact and benefits of the buyer-supplier relationship on supply chain performance, to establish the relationship between buyer and supplier on supply chain perfonnance and lastly to identify the type of buyer-supplier relationship that exists at Bweyogerere steel works. T...

Effect Of Supply Chain Management Practices On The Performance Of Supermarkets In Luanda Town, Kenya

ABSTRACT The growth of supermarkets in Luanda town has not come without any challenges. While most retail outlets tend to cherish competition and encourage growth, it is surprising that two third of these firms drop out of the growth curve of the product lifecycle this is according to Vihiga county government in the ministry of trade which stated that in the past years the growth in retail outlets presence dropped by 25% citing reasons among them insufficient attention to SCM practices. Previ...

Relationship Betweengreen Manufacturing Practices and Performance Of Kibos Sugar And Allied Industries Limited kisumu, Kenya

ABSTRACT Green Manufacturing (GM) refers to production processes which use inputs with relatively low environmental impacts, highly efficient, and generate little or no waste or pollution. The sugar sector in Kenya contributes up to 5% of the country’s GDP (Kenya Sugar Board).This sector faces challenges such as inefficiency, pollution and waste disposal, leading to high costs of production and therefore vulnerable to competition in the international market.Previous GM researches focused on...

Analysis Of The Relationship Between Strategic Procurement Techniques And Corporate Performance Of United Millers, Kisumu

ABSTRACT Manufacturing industry has had challenges which have impaired the effectiveness of its performance. This makes the supply chain a very prominent concern for all organizations as they strive for better quality goods and services and thus higher customer satisfaction. Since most firms have realized that maximizing performance of one department or function may lead to less than optimal performance for the whole firm, it is now critical for firms to manage the entire network of supply to...

Effect Of E - Procurement On Supply Chain Performance Of County Governments In Kenya: Case Study Of Busia County Government

ABSTRACT Suppliers in different categories have adopted electronic procurement for enhancing their respective positions in the market by automating a wide variety of process that relates to the supply chain. Globalization and advanced technology have led to the unprecedented increase in the popularity of e-procurement. Despite this unique development, however, many businesses still manually execute a wide variety of their activities, which has led to the flouting of several essential supply c...

Effect Of Lean Practices On Operational Performance Of Vihiga County Government, Kenya

ABSTRACT With the Promulgation of the new constitution in 2010 in Kenya, most government functions were decentralized. Services that were initially offered from a centralized position were devolved and brought to the counties, an action that was largely attributed with efficiency and effectiveness in operations within the counties. With this in place, challenges like corruption, nepotism and poor task assignments and massive inefficiencies are still being faced during the dispensation of serv...

Relationship Between Supply Chain Risks, Supply Chain Strategies and Performance Of Large Scale Manufacturing Firms In Kenya

ABSTRACT Supply chain risks is a growing global threat to manybusinesses.A survey done by Business Continuity Institute established that 85% of firms experienced at least three supply chain disruptions annually resulting in less revenues, declining customers and damaged reputations. The manufacturing sector is one of the big four plans through which the government of Kenya aims at making Kenya a newly industrializing, middle income country providing high quality life for all its citizen by th...

EFFECT Iof Irisk Iassessment Ipractices Ion Isupply Ichain Iperformance Iin Ipublic Icorporations: CASE Iof Ikenya Ipower Icompany

ABSTRACT Risk iassessment ipractices ienable iorganizations ito iprioritize irisks ito iestablish imost ito ileast icritical iimportance iin iranking. iRisks iare ievents icaused iby iuncertainties, iwhich ican ihave ipositive ior inegative ieffect ion ithe iproject iobjective. iSupply ichains ihave iexpanded irapidly iover ithe idecades, iwith ithe iaim ito iincrease iproductivity, ilower icosts iand ifulfill idemands iin iemerging imarkets. iHowever, ithere iare irisks iwithin ithe iorganiz...

301 - 315 Of 317 Results