Procurement and Supply Chain Management Research Papers/Topics

The Impact Of Packaging On Sales Performance In An Organisation. (A Case Study Of Mukwano Industries)

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ....................................................................................... i APPROVAL ............................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ....................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................... iv LIST OF TABLES ...............................................................

Retailing And Organisation Performance A Case Study Of Shoprite Supermarket In Kampala Uganda

ABSTRACT The overall objective of the study was to find out the impact of retail and organization performance a case study of Shoprite supermarket in Kampala Uganda The study was guided by three objectives; to determine the various forms of retailing, impact of customer satisfaction on organization performance, and to examine the impact of retailing on organization performance of Shoprite supermarket. Data was collected using a questionnaire and interview guide, and during data collection pu...

Corruption In The Procurement Process And The Performance Of Small And Medium Enterprises: A Case Study Of Two Selected Business Enterprises In Monduli Division arusha District In Tanzania

ABSTRACT This research on "Corruption and the Performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises" was carried out in TANCEED and Shoprite in Monduli, Tanzania purposely to; find out the role of procurement on the performance small and medium enterprises; to find out the challenges of procurement and causes of corruption; and to suggest possible solutions to the challenges experienced in procurement. To figure out the problem, literature was reviewed on the main variables of the study to enrich...

The Effect Of Supplier Collaboration In Procurement And Operational Efficiency, (A Case Study Of Kaabong District Loal Government)

ABSTRACT The study was conducted to examine the relationship between procurement and supplier relationship to an organization efficiency with specific reference to Kaabong district local government. The study considered twelve ( 12), the staff in procurement department . three (3) members of contracts committee and live (5) accounting officers and fifteen ( 15) suppliers of goods and services making a total of thirty five (35) respondents. Questionnaires and interview were used as the major ...

The Impact Of Inventory Management Systems On The Performance Of Business Enterprises In Uganda: A Case Study Of Uchumi Supermarket In Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in order to investigate the impact of inventory management systems on the Performance of business enterprises in Uganda; Uchumi supermarket was used as case study. The Study sought to determine objectively; to find out the effect of inventory management on performance, To identify the methods used in managing inventory levels, to investigate the effects of stock levels and Records on performance. The literature review was conducted with the aim of establishin...

Ethical Issues On Procurement Process In Public Sector: A Case Study Of Government Aided Health Units In Makindye Division

ABSTRACT This research dealt with the effects of ethical issues on the procurement process in public health sector of Makindye Division Kampala. The study was conducted through a descriptive survey research Design. The research was guided by the following research questions; what is the relationship between ethics and the procurement process of public Health sector in Makindye Division?, what is the impact of unethical conduct on the procurement process of public Health Sector in Makindye Div...

Purchaser-Supplier Relationship And The Performance Of The Purchasing Department Case Study: Kenafric Industries Ltd (Ki) Based In Nairobi Town

Abstract This study was set to determine the contribution of Purchaser-Supplier relationship to the effective performance of the Purchasing Department. The Study looked specifically to the relationship to requirement specification, profit leverage, quality assurance and better deliveries and lead time reduction. The study used a survey approach in research design. was gathered using questionnaires. The questions were also used as interview questions where questionnaire was not applicable. Th...

The Procurement Systems And The Performance Of Organisations' A Case Study Of Civil Aviation Authority (Caa)

ABSTRACT . " The study was intended to find out the procurement systems and the performance of organizations. Civil Aviation Authority as a case study. The specific objectives of the study were: to assess the level of quality management. to determine the rate of timely procurement and delivery. to evaluate the cost rationalization concept. to find solutions to the problems faced by Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). The method used for data collection was questionnaire to the staff members of Ci...

The Relationship Between Supplier Evaluation And The Quality Of Goods And Services Supplied: A Case Of The Judiciary Head Office, Kamp Ala, Uganda

ABSTRACT This study was undertaken to establish the relationship between suppliers' evaluation and quality of goods and services supplied within the judiciary of Uganda. It was prompted by rampant reports of poor quality goods and services offered by contractors attributed to poor evaluation procedures married y conuption, selfishness, greed for money and lack of value for money audit. The major objective was to examine if suppliers' evaluation was related to the quality of goods and service...

The Impact Of Supplier Development On Product Quality A Case Study Of Sugar Corporation Of Uganda Limited (Scoul)

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .............................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... .ii DEDICATION .............................................................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................

Public Procurement And Disposal Of Public Assets And Local Government Performance a Case Study Of Kibaale District:

ABSTRACT: This research dealt with the impacts of PPDA on Local Government Perfonnance in IGbaale District. IGbaale District was selected because the researcher had easy access of the District mainly boosted by the fact that the researcher hails from that pa1iicular District which implied that the researcher had good information and a sense of belonging which made the research a success. This study concentrated on five variables; PPDA Act, Transparency, Accountability Fairness and Ethical co...

The Effect Of Inventory Management Systems On Performance Of Supermarkets Casestudy: Uchumi supermarket

ABSTRACT Many supermarkets experience over or under stocking of inventories, which increase holding and ordering costs, wastages and accidents affect their performance. It became a researcher concern to establish the effect of inventory management systems on pe1formance of such Supermarket focusing Uchumi Supermarket as a case study. The study was organized in five chapters based on research objectives and research questions as presented in Chapter 1-5 and 1-6 respectively. Chapter one entai...

The Effect Of Internal Control System On Inventory Managemet (A Case Of Petro City Uganda)

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CHAPTER ONE L 1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1.2. Problem statement 1.3 Purpose of the study 1.4 Research objectives 1.5 Research questions 1.6 The scope of the study 1. 7significance of the study 1 .8 Conceptual frame work CHAPTER TWO 2.0 LITERATURE REVJEW 2.1 INTRODUCTION 2.1 Internal control system 2.1. l Policies and directives in inventory management 2.1.2 segregation of duties 2.1.3 Responsibilities and Authorities 2. 1.4 Proc...

Quality Control Measures And Efficiency In Manufacturing Industries: A Case Study Of Mukw Ano Industries Ltd.

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ...................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ............................................................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ........................................................................................................................ iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...........................................................

Procurement And Development Of Local Government Authorities. Case Study: Garisa Municipal Council

ABSTRACT This research study set out to investigate the factors affecting the effectiveness of public procurement practice in Garisa Municipal Council. These factors affect overall performance of the council in discharching its social responsibilities to the society which is the main financier of the council. The general objective of the study was to study the factors affecting procurement practice that has led to loss of money and ineffiency in public institution given their important purpos...

31 - 45 Of 64 Results