Public Administration Research Papers/Topics

An Assessment of Causes and Consequences of Corruption on Nigeria Economy(1998 -2009)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page .................................................................. i Certification ............................................................... ii Dedication …………………………………………………………….. iii Acknowledgement .......................................................... iv An Assessment of the causes and the consequence of corruption on the Nigeria Economy (1998 -2009). CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Back ground to t...

Conflict Management In Local Governments In Imo State (2009-2015)

ABSTRACT The research is on conflict management in local government, with specific focus on local governments in Imo State. The objectives of the study were to: To examine the causes of conflict in local governments in Imo State; to examine the impact of conflict on the performance in local government areas of Imo State; and to examine the measures that can be taken for effective conflict management in local governments in Imo State. The hypotheses that guided this study are: Autocratic lead...

The Interface Between Opras And Efficiency In Local Government Authorities In Tanzania: A Case Of Dodoma Municipal Council

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to assess the interface between Open Performance Review and Appraisal System (OPRAS) and Efficiency in Local Government Authorities in Tanzania a case of Dodoma Municipal Council (DMC). Specifically, the study examined the objectives of establishing OPRAS in DMC, determined the employee‟s perception and attitude of OPRAS implementation in relation to efficiency in DMC. Others were to determine the challenges encountered in the implementation of...

Management Of Solid Watse Disposal In Nigeria A Case Study Of Enugu State Waste Management Authority (ESWAMA)

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this work is to examine the management of solid waste disposal by Enugu State Waste management Authority (ESWAMA). The research utilized library, observations and sample survey technique. Other related literatures were reviewed. Questionnaires based on formulated hypotheses were also employed. Data gathered were analyzed using textual, diagrams (charts and graphs) and tabular forms of data presentation. Percentages and figures were also used to clarify the relati...

Workers Welfare And Organizational Performance In Financial Institutions In Nigeria: A Study Of United Bank Of Africa (Uba) And Diamond Bank In Nsukka, 2009- 2015.

ABSTRACT This research work examined workers welfare and organizational performance in Financial Institutions in Nigeria with special reference to United Bank of Africa (UBA) and Diamond Bank Plc in Nsukka 2009-2015. The practice of workers welfare activities has now become a popular phenomenon of the total personal policy of any organization both public and private. Workers welfare means giving extra benefit to employees to supplement their wages at the cost of the employer. Workers welfare...

Labour And Economic Reforms In Nigeria; Case Study Of Federal Government Deregulation Of Petroleum Prices (1999-2005)

ABSTRACT The poor performance of Nigeria’s oil sector has affected the socio-economic development of the country. This has made the government to formulate a deregulation policy to reform this ailing sector of the economy and to boost production and performance. However to understand the acceptability of this policy by organized labour, this study becomes very important. In this study three research questions were raised they include; why is government deregulating the petroleum sub-sector...

Training Needs And Performance Evaluation In Public Sector Organisation: A Case Study Of Shehu Shagari College Of Education Sokoto

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page - - - - - - - - - - i Approval Page - - - - - - - - - ii Dedication - - - - - - - - - - iii Acknowledgement - - - - - - - - - iv Table of Contents - - - - - - - - - v CHAPTER ONE: GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.0 General Introduction - - - - - - - - 1 1.1 Background of the Study - - - - - - - 1 1.2 Statement of Research Problem - - - - - - - 2 1.3 Research Question - - - - - - - - 3 1.4 Objectives of the Study - - - - - - - 3 1.5 Hypothesis - - - - - - - - - 4 1.6 Signif...

Motivation And Worker’s Performance (A Case Study Of Noma Children Hospital, Sokoto)

ABSTRACT The main objective of this research was to assess the relationship between motivation and worker’s performance. Findings from this work revealed that motivation is the most important factor in workers performance and that financial incentives alone cannot fully motivate workers to perform well which indicates that there are other factors that motivate good performance. This includes; job security, good working conditions, good working relation with colleagues and employers, pa...

The Role of Information Technology in Public Management Process with Particular Reference to Sokoto State Ministry Of Finance

ABSTRACT This study examine ministry policies and practices with particular references to ministry of finance Sokoto. Taking a critical look at the problems and solution at the ministry, training of staff on ICT and non-training of staff. An extensive review of existing literature was made covering issues like problems of using computers in the ministry. The ministry of finance Sokoto. Prudential guidelines was examine and it was observe that the guidelines succeeded in sanitizing by providin...

Performance Coaching In The Department Of Civic Affairs In The Ministry Of Home Affairs

ABSTRACT Performance coaching (PC) is a tool that management can use in addressing staff performance. It was first employed in the field of sports, work safety, military, health and education. Nowadays, performance coaching is applied in all fields of a profession as an attempt to rectify employee’s performances. Performance appraisal is a measure through which managers can monitor and evaluate employee’s performance which was suspended in the Public Service of Namibia in 1997, left it w...

Rationalisation Of Namibia's Civil Service: An Impact Analysis Of Public Policies, 1993 To 2003

ABSTRACT  This study is a critical review of the implementation of the Namibian rationalisation policies during the period 1993 - 2004. The main objective of this study was to analyse the rationalisation policies and to assess the extent to which they had an impact on the structure, shape, (and to a lesser degree) the effectiveness of the civil service. It examined the gaps and discrepancies between policy intentions, the implementation process and eventual outcomes, in terms of the siz...

Manpower Planning And Development in The Nigerian Banking Sector: A Case Study of Oceanic Bank Plc Nsukka Branch

ABSTRACT This research work assesses the manpower planning and development in the Nigerian banking sector using of Oceanic Bank Plc Nsukka Branch as a case study. The study contends that manpower is a fundamental organizational resource which needs to be properly planned, trained and developed in order to enable the achievement of organizational goals. The data used in this study were collected from both primary and secondary sources. The primary method or sources of data collection included...

Effective Leadership And Organizational Performance: A Case Study of National Youth Service Corps(NYSC) Kogi State

Abstract The study aimed at evaluating the impact of effective leadership on organizational performance in Nigeria using National Youth Service Corps Kogi State office. The evaluation was done through the use of questionnaire and structured interview question, tailored towards: determining the impact of effective leadership on the performance of the organization; assessing the effect of the relationship between effective leadership and organizational performance in promoting maximization of ...

Evaluation of The Role of Security Agencies in 2011 General Elections in Nigeria

Abstract The role of security agencies in the management of elections in Nigeria occupies a significant and strategic position in the election process, and, by implication, the consolidation of electoral democracy. Since such agencies play significant roles in organising democratic elections, their actions and inactions could make or mar elections. Owing to this glaring fact, this study was aimed at ascertaining the impact of the role of security agencies in Nigeria elections, using the 2011...

166 - 180 Of 433 Results