Public Administration Research Papers/Topics

Role of Ngos in Provision of Social Services in Mbirizi Sub County Lwengo District; A Case Study of Lwengo District

ABSTRACT This study sought to find the Role ofNGOS in provision of social services in Mbirizi sub county Lwengo district; a case study of Lwengo district. This study intended to examine the role played by NGO’s as far as provision of social services is concerned in Sub-County, Lwengo district, with the following specific objectives. Ci) To find out the role of NGOs in Social service delivery in Lwengo District. (ii) To analyze the challenges faced by NGOs in their provision of social servic...

Effects of Poor Office Environment On the Motivation of Workers in an Organisation in Uganda: A Case Study of Ministry of Public Service in Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study investigated the effects of poor office environment on the motivation of workers in the ministry of public service in Uganda. The study was guided by three specific objectives and these included; to find the effect of office environment in the productivity of workers, to determine the effect of motivation on the performance of workers and to establish the relationship between poor office environment and motivation of employees. The study reviewed literature r...

The Role of Decentralization on Management of Public Primary Schools A Case Study of Gicumbi District, Rwanda

ABSTRACT This research report on the role of decentralization on management of public primary schools in Gicumbi district, Rwanda had specific objectives including an effort to understand decentralization as a system of governance, as well as to analyze the management of public primary schools~Literature according to various authors was cited in relation the study and objectives as in content of chapter two, The study was designed qualitatively and quantitatively with statistical nature of da...

Unplanned Population Influx And Food Security In Hoima District, A Case Of Kigorobya Suwcounty Sub~Couty

ABSTRACTThe study aimed at investigating the effects of Unplanned population influx on food security in Kigorobya Sub-county. The objectives of the study were; to determine the effects of immigration on food security in Kigorobya Sub-county, to establish the effects of birth rate on food security in Kigorobya Sub-county and to access the effects of poverty on food security in Kigorobya Subcounty.The study applied a casual research design to reflect aspects of perception, feelin...

Motivation and Employee Performance in Organisations, A Case Study of Uganda Revenue Authority (Ura)

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF TABLES viiiLIST OF FIGURES ixLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xCHAPTER ONE 1BACKGKROUND OF THE STUDY I1.0 Introduction I1.1 Background of the study1 .2 Statement of the Problem 61 .3 Purpose of the study 71,4 Specific objectives 71 .5 Research questions 71.6 Scope of the study 71.6.1 Content scope 71.6.2 Geographical scope 81.6.3 Time scope 81.7 Significance of the study 8CHAPTER rrwo 10LITERATURE REVIEW 10...

Management Style and Employee Turnover in Sembabule District: A Case Study of Kawanda Sub-county June-october 2018

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the impact of management style on employee turnover. The study was guided by the following research objectives namely; to determine the type of the management style in Kawanda Sub-county to investigate the causes of employee turnover in Kawanda sub-county and to establish the relationship between management styles in Kawanda sub-county. The research was descriptive and analytical in nature. The findings of the research are in agreement with the...

The Impact of Universal Primary Education on Girl Child Education In Adjumani District In Nothern Uganda Acase Study of Pakelle Sub County

ABSTRACTDespite the importance of universal primary schools as a foundation for the country’s formal education for increased number of girl child education, the Ministry of Education spends less than three percent of its budget on this sub-sector, The General objective of the study was todetermine the impact of universal primary education on girl child education. The research study was conducted between November 2014 and march 2015. The study was carried in Pakelle Sub C...

The Impact of Immigration on Somali Culture in Uganda, A Case Study of Jusenyi-mengo

ABSTRACT The research carried out on “The impact of immigration on Somali culture in Uganda, Kisenyi mengo” was aimed at establishing Somali culture in Kisenyi, Uganda. The focus of the research also analyzed the socio-economic needs of the Somali immigrants in Uganda. The investigation was also based on the metrics relevant to the rights of the Somali immigrants and the effective mechanisms required safeguarding their educational and fundamental human rights. The theories relating immigr...

An Analysis of the Role of Planning On Urban Development. A Case Study of Musoma Municipality in Tanzania.

ABSTRACT Urbanization is a phenomenon which is laking place at a faster rate that ever before. This has resulted into rapid urban transfom1ation in man's way oflife. The growth of towns leads to social, environmental, economic and other senous problems. Amongst social problems are overcrowding of areas and homes, a pancity of social and health services. increased robbery, crime. violence. prostitution and conflict between ethnic. political or special interest groups of people. Economically. t...

The Effect of Poverty And Underdevelopment in Uganda: A Case Study: Iganga District

ABSTRACTDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDiCATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTLIST OF ACCRONYMSCHAPTER ONE1.1 Back ground to the study ............................... ,...,.,... ,, ~‘11.2 Statement of the problem ....................... ,.,,..,.,.,,,.,,,,,, ,,.,,“,,.“““.“.“,,“.1.3 Purpose of the study1.4 Objective of the study 2L4.IGeneral ob1ec1~ve1 .5 Research questinns ....1 .6 Scope of the studya .7Significance of he study1.8 Definition oftru key conteprs1.9 Conceptual I sane workCHAPTER TWO 6LITER...

The Employee Appraisal and its Impact On Performance Among Civil Servants, A Case Study of Kisoko Sub-County Tororo District

ABSTRACT The study set out too investigates on the "'impact of appraisal on the employee performance among the civil servants, case study of Kisoko Sub-County, Tororo District Three objectives guided the study these are (i) to identify the types of performance appraisals in civil service, (ii) to examine the extent to which performance appraisal has impacted on employee perfom1ance and (iii) to identify the challenges faced by the appraisers. Research methodology, descriptive survey was used ...

Challenges in the Utilization of Modern Family Planning Methods Among Young Women in Buyende District

TABLES OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ................................................................................ i APPROVAL ..................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ................................................................................ iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................... iv TABLES OF CONTENTS .................................................................. v APPENDICES ......

Sub County Chief's Supervision Styles And Civil Servants' Job Performance In Karita Sub County- Amudat District

ABSTRACT The study established the effect of supervision styles on civil servants' job performance in Karita Sub County- Amudat District. The objectives included the effect of the Sub county Chiefs use of: clinical, scientific, and developmental supervision styles on staffs' job performance. A descriptive research design was used: employing quantitative approach. Sample size of the study was 87 respondents and data was collected using a closed ended questionnaire; and analyzed descriptively. ...

Non Govermental Organizations And Poverty Eradication A Case Study Of Kawe Ward, Kinondoni District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study examined the roles of Non Governmental Organizations and Poverty Eradication in Kawe ward, Kinondoni district, Tanzania. The research study describes an overview of the background of Non Governmental Organizations in the world, Africa, East Africa and Tanzania. Also it will look at the statement of the problem, purpose of the study, objectives of the study, research questions, scope and significance of the study. It also describes the review of the related literature from d...

Proper Monitoring of Government Programs and Their Perfomance in Uganda Case Study National Agricultural Advisory Services in Ndorwa Sub County Kabale District

ABSTRACTThe research examined the relationship between proper monitoring of NAADs programs and itsperformance in Ndorwa Subcounty in Kabale district. The study was guided by three objectives that is to say; To examine the relationship between proper monitoring of NAADS programs and its Performance in Ndorwa Sub county Kabale district., To establish the challenges facing monitoring of NAADS programs in Ndorwa Sub county Kabale District. And To establish the solutions to the challenges faced du...

46 - 60 Of 433 Results