Public Policy and Management Research Papers/Topics

Effects Of Public Participation On Legislation By The Kenya National Assembly

Public participation in policy making has become entrenched in democratic principles of governance in Kenya. Policy formulation is very critical in legislation because it is the point at which various causes of action are prescribed towards certain challenges. This has hitherto been a preserve of the governing elite with the role of non-state actors now gaining prominence. Kenya enacted a constitution in 2010 of which public participation stands out, with all government activities required to...

Effect Of Financial Management Practices On Performance Of County Governments In Kenya. A Case Of Garissa County Government, Kenya

The running of an organization today has to be by trusted people in the areas where the resources are much involved that is Finance, people and materials. However, this has not been the case since the management of organization has taken another turn to try and introduce the culture of misusing finances and materials. In the recent past, mistrust of people with financial management has been the center stage. There has been rising wave of public management reforms giving rise to concepts ...

Effects Of Policy Regulation On Alcohol Trade In Kirinyaga County, Kenya.

Despite the fact that county governments have ultimate mandate in regulation of alcohol trade in the counties and enactment of new laws, alcohol trade is still a big issue in Kenya. The study therefore investigated the effects of policy regulation on alcohol trade in Kirinyaga West, Kirinyaga County, Kenya. It was guided by the following objectives; to identify how licensing regulations affect alcohol trade in Kirinyaga county, to establish how enforcement  regulations affect alcohol trade i...

Effects Of Social Media Use By Public Administrators On Community Mobilization And Security Enhancement In Nakuru County, Kenya

Public administrators are increasingly using social media in their day-to-day activities and duties. Despite the increased use of social media by public officers, there have not been studies that have investigated how this is affecting their day-to-day work. The aim of the study, from this perspective, was to identify the use of social media within public administration domains and in the community in a bid to document the lessons learnt and to inform improved integration of social media...

Impact Of Conditional Cash Transfer Program On Household Consumption In Kitui County

ABSTRACT Conditional cash transfer programs have turned out to be an important element of social policy in developing countries. Conditional cash transfers are noncontributory programs that focus on the poor and vulnerable households. Such programs are aimed at reducing poverty and inequality, enable enhanced human capital investments, improving social risks management, and offering social protection. Although the impacts of these programs have well been researched in regard to their usefuln...

Determinants Of Employee Job Satisfaction Among County Government Enforcement Officers In Kenya The Case Of Nairobi City County

ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate the determinants of employee job satisfaction among county government enforcement officers in Kenya by taking the case of Nairobi City County. Given how crucial job satisfaction is among employees today, employers are always seeking ways to ensure that their employees are satisfied at work in order to get the best out of them. For this reason, this study sought to ascertain the determinants of job satisfaction among county government enforcement offi...

Determinants Of Gender Imbalance In Education Administration Among Teachers In Public Secondary Schools In The Larger Thika District In Kenya

The purpose of the study was to investigate the determinants of gender imbalance in education administration among teachers in public secondary schools in the larger Thika district.The study was guided by the following specific objectives: to establish the effect of gender roles on gender imbalance in education administration among teachers, to find out the relationship between teachers self perception and gender imbalance in education administration, to explore socialization and gender ...

Non-governmental Organizations’ Educational Contribution To Needy Primary School Children In Voi Division, Kenya

Parents of needy children lived below poverty line. Consequently their children were denied the opportunity to enjoy increased access in aspects not included in free Primary education (FPE) package. This descriptive survey study sought first to quantify NGOs contribution to education in Voi in aspects not included in the free education package and secondly to find out if there were alternative sources of assistance in the absence of NGOs assistance. The population of the study included t...

Macroeconomic Variables And Stock Market Return In Nairobi Securities Exchange

ABSTRACT  Under the Kenya vision 2030, the financial services sector aims at creating a vibrant and globally competitive financial sector promoting high-levels of savings and financing for Kenya‟s investment needs. It also aims to ensure macroeconomic stability as well as reducing the volatility of returns in Nairobi securities exchange. This study aimed at investigating the macroeconomic variables and stock market return in Nairobi securities exchange limited. The study focused on exchang...

School Of Humanities And Social Sciences

The level of preparedness of the counties to face the challenges of effective service delivery of the devolved functions and potential complexities to ensure that they are managed strategically is a major concern. Devolution faces myriad challenges thereby falling short of addressing implementation of devolved functions. This study endeavored to investigate the determinants of implementation of devolved functions in Machakos County. The specific objectives of the study are to: evaluate w...

Analysis Of Women Performance In The Administration Police Service: A Case Of Administration Police Service Headquarters, Nairobi County

ABSTRACT  This study sought to analyse the performance of police women officers in the Administration Police Service (APS) headquarters in Nairobi County. Specific objectives of the study included: examining the nature of work performed by police women in Administration Police Service Headquarters, assessment of the effect of deployment policy on performance of Administration Police Service women, finding out the psychosocial factors that influence performance of APS women and analysing chal...

Influence of organizational internal environment on service delivery in the civil service: the case of immigration department headquarters, kenya.

ABSTRACT Promotion policies increase morale, productivity and employment satisfaction, and to decrease turnover by rewarding employees who possess the desire, commitment and qualifications to advance within the organization. In addition to delivering value to customers and increasing the wealth of shareholders or owners, state owned enterprises must provide satisfying working environment for employees. This study sought to determine the influence of organizational internal environment on ser...

Credit, Entrepreneurship Training And Performance Of Micro And Small Enterprises In Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Micro and Small enterprises are widely recognised for their role in industrialization and economic growth across the globe. In Kenya, the government has initiated a number of strategies aimed at promoting small-scale enterprises notably the Uwezo and Women Enterprise Fund. Despite many initiatives by the government and other organisations, research has revealed that 60 percent of small enterprises fail within three years of being in operation, their ability to survive the market con...

Influence Of Devolved Health Function On Service Delivery, The Case Of Garissa County Health Services

ABSTRACT Contrary to the provisions in the Constitution under the Bill of Rights that access to equitable healthcare is a right to every Kenyan health, health indicators. Garissa County are very poor, particularly for women and children, with high maternal, infant and child mortality, high levels of acute malnutrition, and low immunization coverage. The health service infrastructure is particularly poor, with few and scattered health facilities staffed by inadequate numbers of personnel. Dis...

Technical Effeciency Of Small Scale Banana Farming In Meru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Banana production is important due to the role it plays in the economy of Kenya. It provides income to the farmers; generate job opportunities and boost food security in the country. Banana is ranked as the fourth most valuable crop in the world after maize, wheat and paddy. In some Eastern and central parts of Kenya banana plantations have replaced coffee plantation which was formerly the main source of income to the farmers in the region. Nevertheless, despite the important roles ...

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