Public Policy and Management Research Papers/Topics

Performance Contracting And Its Effect On County Government Service Delivery: A Case Of Mandera County

ABSTRACT Improved service delivery has been the focus of the Kenyan government in the recent past as part of public sector reforms and in the quest for the same, Kenya introduced performance contracts. The purpose of this study was on performance contracting and its effect on county government service delivery case of Mandera County. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: to establish the effect of goal setting on service delivery, to assess how feedback systems affect se...

Effects Of Procedures For Internal Deployment On Teachers’ Motivation In Public Secondary Schools In Murang’a East District, Murang’a County, Kenya

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study was to assess effects of the procedures used by heads of secondary schools during deployment into various administrative posts, on teachers‟ motivation. The locale of the study was Murang‟a East District. Herzberg‟s two-factor theory forms the theoretical framework of this study. The objectives of the study were to identify the various administrative posts in secondary schools of Murang‟a East District, to determine the procedures that heads of the...

Employee Participation On Service Delivery: A Case Of Nairobi City Water And Sewarage Company, Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Limited employee participation witnessed in the public sector has persistently resulted to poor service delivery. Therefore employee participation should take the center stage as it constitute a powerful force for re-energizing service delivery. However this has not been the case at NCWSSC as evidenced by the poor water supply and sewerage services delivered to the residents of the city. Hence the need for the current study to examine how employee participation can be used in streng...

Relationship Between Awareness And Uptake Of Youth Enterprise Development Fund In Kajiado County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Entrepreneurship is a near practical solution to the ever increasing joblessness among the youth. Efforts to engage Kenyan youths successfully in this direction has however remained a mirage as some of the monies channeled for this purpose through the YEDF is not taken up as expected. The net result is an escalation of youth unemployment aggravating social evils like crime, increased drug use and abuse etc. The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between youth aw...

Determinants Of Women Participation In Political Leadership: The Case Of Turkana Central Constituency, Turkana County

ABSTRACT Over the years, many interventions have been used to enhance women participation in political leadership. However, despite efforts to ensure that women ascend to elective leadership positions, women in both developed and developing countries are still underrepresented and their participation in political leadership remains low. In Turkana County, all the members of the 12th parliament representing the 6 constituencies in the National Assembly are male. In addition, Turkana Central C...

Effects Of The Management Of Public Service Vehicles’ Saccos On Road Safety In Nyeri County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of management of PSV SACCOs on road safety in Nyeri County, Kenya. The study objectives were: to determine the effect of Self-Management of PSV SACCOs of public transport through PSV SACCOS on road safety in Nyeri County; to establish the effect of investment in public transport operations through PSV SACCOS on road safety in Nyeri County; to determine the effect of consumer protection standards by PSV SACCOS on road safety in Nyer...

Influence Of School Culture On Students’ Performance At Kenya Certificate Of Secondary Education (Kcse) In Public Secondary Schools In Mombasa County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Performance in national examination in Mombasa County has been on the decline. Stakeholders in the sector are brainstorming on ways to remedy this situation. The present study sought to explore school culture and its influence on the students‟ performance in KCSE. It was conducted in Public Secondary schools in Mombasa County. In this regard, the following objectives guided the study: to assess the forms of school culture practiced in selected public secondary schools across the c...

Effect Of Devolved County Administration Initiatives On Maintenance Of Law And Order In Laikipia County, Kenya

ABSTRACT There is scanty data that shows the influence of devolved administration on crime reduction, social harmony and dealing with anti-social behaviour at the sub-county level within Kenya in general and particularly in Laikipia County. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of devolved county administration initiatives on maintenance of law and order in Laikipia County, Kenya. The study objectives were to examine the effect of devolved administration on crime red...

Effects Of Devolution On Implementation Of Public Private Partnership Projects In Kenya: The Case Of Mombasa County

ABSTRACT Public Private Partnership (PPP) is an emerging economic model in Kenya. It entails the collaboration between state entities and private stakeholders to initiate infrastructural development projects. Nonetheless, this economic policy does not resonate with the current constitution dispensation which is anchored on fiscal decentralisation. This research study intended to identify the effects of the devolution on implementation of public private partnership projects in Kenya. The speci...

Effects Of Kenya’s Migration Policy On Human Trafficking: The Case Study Of Kenya-Somalia Border, Garissa County

ABSTRACT The project is about the assessment of the Kenya‟s migration policy and the effects it has on human trafficking at the Kenya-Somalia Border, Garissa County. Migration is defined as the movement of people from one place to another due to various reasons. Migration and trafficking have a close connection. It is important that efforts to curb human trafficking be approached from a migration angle. Overall migration has been used by international organizations when formulating policie...

Household Choice Of Mobile Money Transfer Service Providers: Case Of Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The adoption and use of mobile money have become widespread particularly among the poor and the unbanked society. Besides reducing the costs of communication and improving access to information, mobile phones are an enabling technology for other innovations. One important example is mobile money transfers services, which could be very relevant for the rural poor, who are often under-served by the formal banking system. As a valued addition service (VAS), Mobile Money Transfer Service...

Influence Of Effective Implementation Of Health Policy In Devolved Governments: A Case Of Mandera County

ABSTRACT In an attempt to foster the delivery of healthcare services, the county governments have been actively implementing healthcare policies. However, the devolved units have been facing a number of challenges. The current sought to examine the determinants affect the implementation of health policy within Mandera County. The research specifically examined how procurement process, budgetary allocation and leadership practices affect the implementation of health policy in Mandera County. T...

Determinants Of Employee Performance In Kakamega County Government

iv ABSTRACT There are questions about the viability and sustainable performance of county governments in the 2010 constitutional dispensation. Central to this question is how county governments prioritize employee performance to meet the increasing expectations of citizens. The main objective of this study was to assess determinants of employee performance in Kakamega county government. The specific objectives were: to assess how employee participation determines employee performance in the C...

Effects Of Bursary Scheme In The Retention And Completion Rates Of Public Secondary School Students In Kamariny Division In Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study is to establish the effects of the bursary scheme in the retention and completion rates of Public Secondary School students in Kamariny Division, Elgeyo Marakwet County in Kenya. The study aims at establishing the criteria used to award bursaries to needy students and its effects on retention, establish the adequacy of the bursary funds distributed, the timing of the release of funds, its influence on drop-out and ways of strengthening the communication on Se...

Effects Of Capacity Building Determinants For Members Of County Assemblies (Mcas) In Kenya: The Case Of Nairobi City County Assembly

ABSTRACT Capacity development initiatives for county legislatures help in enabling them become more efficient, effective and democratic. Given that legislators perform their work on behalf of the electorate besides being required to consult with their constituents when making important decisions that affect their lives, they therefore need relevant set of skills that promote the efficiency and effectiveness with which they perform their work. The purpose of this study was to determine the eff...

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