Social Work and Administration Research Papers/Topics

Analysing The Contributions oLocal Government Development Programmes (I.Gdp) To Sub-conties In Uganda

ABSTRACT The material contained there in, is an analysis of the contributions of LOOP to sub-counties in Uganda. The study was primarily conducted to collect and analyze data about the topic of discussion mentioned above by assessing the contributions of LG programmes to sub counties in Uganda. Other objectives of the study were to; find out LGDP projects that were under way in Nabiswera sub county, Nakasongola District. To know the sources of revenue for local governments, to know the proble...

The Impact of Socio-Economic Factors on Marriages in Mukono District

TITTLE ............................................................................ .DECLARATION .................................................................... .DEDICATION .................................................................... .ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................... .CHAPTER ONEPAGE(i)(ii)(iv)(v)11.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....

The Effects of Street Life On the Quality of Life of Children in Nebbi Town Council, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was carried out on the effects of street life on the quality of life of children in Uganda, A case study of Nebbi Town Council, Nebbi District. The report was divided into five chapters. Chapter one covered the introductory aspects such as background of the study, problem statement, objectives, research questions, scope and significance of the study. Chapter two was about review of previous literatures on the subject under study. The literatures were got from various text b...

Effect of School Foundation Board on Academic Performance Of Pupils In Oluko Sub County Primary Schools, Arua District, West Nile Region Uganda

ABSTRACTThe study on The Effect of School Foundation Board (S.F.B) on Academic Performance in Oluko Sub County Primary Schools (2008 - 2010) has come timely to shade light misunderstanding of the role of school foundation boards on primary school. This is becausethe role of school foundation boards has continued not to be clearly understood by many _ parents, teachers, opinion leaders and school administration.The specific objectives of the study were to examine the roles of sc...

The Role of Decentralization in The Promotion of Socio Economic Development in Kaabong District: A Case Study of Lolelia Sub- County

ABSTRACT The study was carried out on the role of decentralization in the promotion of socio-economic development in Kaabong district where by Lolelia Sub County was used as the case study. The study objectives included to examine the ways through which decentralization was being practiced in Lolelia Sub County, to assess the contributions of decentralization towards socio economic development of Lolelia Sub County and to examine the challenges that decentralization was encountering in foster...

An Investigation into the Cause of Women Empowerment in the Development of Padyere County, Nebbi District.

ABSTRACT This study was qualitative in nature, investigating the cause of Women Empowerment on Development in Padyere county-Nebbi District. its objectives was to determine the challenges faced by the women in accessing education, to examine the factors for the high infant mortality, to find out the factors leading to low use of family planning, and to asses the strategies being used to empower women in Padyere County Nebbi District. There are various challenges faced by the women in accessin...

Provision of Counselling and Rehabilitation Services to Female Prisoners: A Case Study of Kampala District.

ABSTRACT Studies of incarcerated women Uganda's Prison System has found inadequate access to rehabilitative psychosocial counseling and mental health services as well as the widespread dissatisfaction with over-reliance on-psychotropic. drugs. The use of pharmaceuticals to respond to women's mental distress was perceived to be a way to cover up their problems instead of addressing them. In addition, there are concerns that it could lead to dependence and addiction. Hence, most women express a...

Role of Functional Adult Literacy on Socio Economic Development in Kasheri Sub County, Mbarara District, Western Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL DEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTLIST OF ABBREVIATIONSLIST OF TABLESTABLE OF CONTENTSCFIAPTER ONETHE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE1 .0 Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Statement of the Problem1.3 Purpose of the Study1.4 Research Objectives1.4.1 General objective~1.4.2 Specific objectives1.6 Scope 41.6.1 Geographical scope 41.6.2 Content scope 41.6.3 Time Scope 41 .7 Significance of the Study1 .8 Operational Definitions of Key Terms SCHAPTER TWO 6REVIEW OF R...

Socio-Economic Status and Academic Performance Of Students In Selected Secondary Schools in Makindye Sabagabo Wakiso District

ABSTRACT  The study aimed at examining the relationship socio—economic status and academic performance of selected secondary school students and also to know the extent to which educational status of parents affect students’ academic performance. the objectives of the study were to examine how social-economic status can affect Performance of students in selected secondary schools in fVlakindye Sabagabo, to assess the socio-economic benefits on the Performance of students in selected ...

Causes of Primary School Dropouts Under the Universal Primary Education (Upe) System in Uganda A Case Study of Wakiso Sub-County

TABLE PF CONTENTS Declaration ............................................................................................. i Dedication ............................................................................................ .ii Acknowledgements ................................................................................. iii Abbreviations ......................................................................................... 1 Definition of terms .....................................

Factors Responsible For The High School Dropout Rates In Primary Schools Of Butuntumula Sub-county, LuWero District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL .ii DEDICATION .iii ACKNOWLEGEMENTS CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction I 1.l Background of the study 1.2 Problem statement I 1.3 Purpose of the study 4 1.4 Specific objectives Research Questions 4 1.oScopeofthcstudy - 1.6.1 SubjcctScope 1.6.2 Geographical scope - 1.6.3 Time scope 1.7 Significance of the study  CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW o 2.0 Introduction C) 2.1 Socio economic factors responsible for high school dropout rates in primar) sc...

The Role Of Cowa In The Fight Against Poverty In Banda Zone B4 Nakawa Division

TABLE OF CONTENTS.Declaration ........................................................................ .iApproval. .......................................................................... iiDedication ........................................................................ iiiAcknowledgement. .............................................................. ivTable of content ................................................................. viCHAPTER ONE.1.0 INTODUCTION ..........................

Effect of Food Insecurity on Household Income in Karamoja A Case Study of Katikekile Sub-County, Moroto District

................................................................................................. i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................

Re-Habilitation & Re-Integration of Post War Communities in Conflict Resolution. A Case Study, Conflict Resolution of Post-War Abim District”

ABSTRACT Abim district Is part of the Karamoja region in the Northeastern Uganda, it is curved out of Kotido district in is also occupied by one tribe known as ETHUR and they speak THUR language. Abim district lies within the hard-to-reach area of Uganda. The road connecting to Kotido and with few feeder roads were founded by GOAL Uganda though some areas remain without goo roads leading to social services like market, schools, hospitals among others. According the National Bueaural o...


TABLE OF CONTENTSAPPROVALDECLARATION ~DEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTTABLE OF CONTENTS....-~LIST OF TABLESABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE ~11.0 Introduction ........~11.1 Background of the Study 11.2 Statement of the Problem 31.3 Purpose of the Study.......................~41.4 Objectives of the Study 41.5 Research questions... .............~41.1.1 GeographIcal~51.6.2 Content Scope .. ..... ..................................••••••••...................................... 51.6.3 lime scope~~51.7 ...

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