Sociology Research Papers/Topics

Management of Childhood Diarrhea in Rural Ghana : The Case of Pute in The Dangme-East District

ABSTRACT  The main thrust of this study is to investigate how childhood diarrhoea is managed at Pute - a rural community in Ghana. The study aims at eliciting local perceptions of childhood diarrhoea, including cause(s), consequences, and appropriate treatment, so as to unearth some of the social and cultural factors that may influence health-seeking behaviour in diarrhoeal episodes. To understand fully folk concepts of diarrhoea and its treatment, it was necessary to describe the social and...

Community Health Workers In The Primary Health Care (Phc) Programme In Rural Ghana. A Study At Nkoranza

ABSTRACT The search for a m or^ equitable health care delivery system to cover the majority o f the people, more especially the Vulnerable groups (women and children) has led many developing countries including Ghana to adopt the Primary Health Care (PHC) programme. Primary Health Care as envisaged, is to make health care available, accessible and affordable to the underprivileged an also to enable the people and the system is to serve to participate in its planning and implementation. Commun...

Gender Access Gap: Factors Affecting Gender Disparity In Enrolment And Attendance In Basic Schools In The Northern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The focus of the study is on disparities in enrolment and attendance between males and females in basic schools in the Northern Region of Ghana. The literature reviewed showed that factors such as high cost of education, household chores, household resources and government subsidy on education militate against the participation of females in basic education. Also, cultural factors which include fostering, child betrothal and religion in some cases as well as school-based factors such...

Social Media Usage Patterns Among Ghanaian Digital Natives And Digital Immigrants: A Study Into Intergenerational Communication

ABSTRACT Social media has become common place in Ghana. The younger generation adopted the use of social media at the beginning of the millennium. Their usage habits characterised and dominated the social media-scape. However, due to the subsequent ubiquity and penetration of social media in Ghana there is an increased involvement of the older generation in the use of social media. Social media has become the central communication media for both the young and older generations as well as inc...

Home Away From Home: The Emerging Forms Of Aged Care In The Urban Centres Of The Greater Accra Region Of Ghana

Population ageing is occurring in almost all the countries of the world (United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2013, 2015). This numerical increase of older persons is a result of a demographic transition resulting from decreasing fertility and mortality, improved nutrition, reduction in infectious and parasitic diseases, as well as improvement in health care, education, and income (Mba, 2010a; Ghana Statistical Service, 2013; de-Graft Aikins et al., 2016). Populatio...


This study is about older adolescent girls and how they experience sex, cope with teenage pregnancy and early motherhood in Begoro, the district capital of Fanteakwa in the Eastern region of Ghana. Fanteakwa has one of the high teenage pregnancy rates (16%) in the country. The study investigated the socio-demographic background of adolescent girls in Begoro, the social context that influenced their sexual behaviour and experience, and how non-pregnant and ever-pregnant girls build resili...

The ‘Cash And Carry System on The Ground: The Case of Boltaganga Hospital

ABSTRACT In 1992, the Cash and Carry system of health care obtained green light for operations in all government hospitals. This study seeks to research into the operations of the system and how the policy is being implemented at the Bolgatanga Regional hospital. The study has been divided into five chapters. In Chapter One, attempt was made to identity cost recovery in the health sector as an issue confronting government in the last few years. This has become necessary partly due to poor ec...

Culture And Managerial Practices in Private And Public Universities in Ghana

ABSTRACT The study explored the influence of culture on managerial practices in Universities in Ghana. It specifically sought to (i) identify the cultural variables with implications for managerial practices in the study institutions and establish the nature of the relationship that exists between the two; (ii) examine the implications of socio-cultural values for performance management practices; (iii) examine the relationship between socio-cultural values and managers‘ choice of leadersh...

Pregnancy Outcomes Among The Ibani Of Rivers State, Nigeria: Findings From Case-Studies

The prevalence of high maternal and infant morbidity/mortality among the Ibani of Rivers State, Nigeria, is linked to socio-cultural factors that influence perceptions, attitudes and practices of the people with regard to pregnancy. This study investigates the factors affecting pregnancy outcomes among the Ibani by examining 19 cases identified through Exit-interviews (EIs). Findings indicate that pregnancy outcomes depend on the interaction of complex variables such as male role, socio...

Life On The Street: A Study Of The Coping And Survival Strategies Of Homeless People In Tema Community One

ABSTRACT Homelessness is a global challenge that many countries are battling with because of its numerous challenges. Many cities around the world are filled with migrants who go there in search of better living conditions. However, many of them end up disappointed, a situation that compels them to be on the streets in order to make a living. This study investigated the coping and survival strategies of homeless people in Tema Community One, a city in the Greater Accra region of Ghana. The ob...

Abuse Of Office And Neglect Of Duty - Ethical Issues In Staff-Student Relations

Abstract This paper argues that a close analysis of staff - student relations within institutions or higher learning shows that rather than both parties upholding the ethics guiding their institutions, or justifying the confidence reposed in them, some of them exhibit behaviour capable of undermining the merit system and questioning the rationale of the institutions' claim to the production and preservation of knowledge. The paper suggests that a commitment to core ethical values can help in...

The Interrelationship Between Scientific And Traditional Medical Systems; A Study of Ghana

ABSTRACT The study was devoted to the investigation of a common phenomenon in developing countries - i.e., the co-presence of scientific and traditional medical systems. The aim was to explicate the nature of the interrelationship between scientific and traditional medical systems, to discover the continuing functions of traditional medical practice, and to elucidate some of the determinants of the pattern of articulation between the medical systems and the larger society. The focus of the s...

Preparations of Ghanaian Formal And Informal Sector Workers Towards Retirement

ABSTRACT The study sought to compare retirement preparation among formal and informal sector workers. The study’s objectives are to: provide an overview of existing policies on retirement planning, profile state and other corporate institutions’ role in retirement planning, investigate formal and informal sector workers’ retirement aspirations and retirement planning information sources, articulate formal and informal sector workers’ instituted retirement plans and explore challenges...

Beneath The Waters: Understanding The Reporting Trajectories of Domestic Violence Victims

ABSTRACT Domestic violence victims explore avenues within two major supporting systems, formal and informal, in their help-seeking processes for amicable resolutions or justice. Often, victims explore different avenues when seeking help until they achieve a satisfactory remedy. The core objective of the study was to explore the help-seeking trajectories of domestic violence victims. The data was collected at the Greater Accra regional office of the Domestic Violence and Victims‟ Support Un...

Home Away From Home: The Emerging Forms Of Aged Care In The Urban Centres Of The Greater Accra Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Globally, population ageing is occurring at a period when the extended family support system which has been a safe haven for the Ghanaian aged is fast eroding as a result of the impact of social change. The increasingly failing domiciliary eldercare is making way for residential non-domiciliary eldercare in the urban centres of Accra. This study is a contribution to the growing literature on aged care in Ghana with a focus on the activities of residential aged care facilities and how...

226 - 240 Of 494 Results