Sociology Research Papers/Topics

An Exploration Of Community Perceptions On The Use Of Traditional Medicine In Tanzania: A Case Of Dodoma City Council

ABSTRACT This study explores the community perceptions on the use of traditional medicine: A case of Dodoma City Council (Tanzania). It was guided by three specific objectives: to explore community knowledge concerning the traditional medicine use; to assess factors influencing the use of traditional medicine among community members and to examine the magnitude of usage in relation to ailments which frequently the users have mentioned. The study applied both qualitative and quantitative metho...

The Contribution Of One Stop Centers In Reduction Of Children Sexual Abuse And Violence In Zanzibar: A Case Study Of Urban District

ABSTRACT This study exposes how one stop centres contribute to the reduction of children sexual abuse and violence in Urban District, Zanzibar. A simple size of 70 respondents from Urban district of Zanzibar were employed during data collection process. To make the data clear, Microsoft Excel used during construction of charts and figures. The study used both qualitative and quantitative research techniques. Both open and closed ended questionnaires, interview discussion and documentary analy...

Teenage Pregnancy In Secondary School In Tanzania: A Case Of Kasulu-District

ABSTRACT According to American College of obstetricians and Gynecologists, Teen age pregnancy is pregnancy in human females under the age of 20 at the time that the pregnancy ends. A pregnancy can take place after the start of the puberty before first menstrual period, but usually occurs after the onset of periods. Teenage pregnancy is a natural human occurrence that is a poor fit with modern society. In many ways it has become a proxy in what could be called the cultural wars. Teenage pregna...

Seasonal Changes in the Inorganic Constituents of vine shoots

ABSTRACT The subject of study is t he shoot of t he Vitia Vintera, Alphonse Le Vallee . And the general envi ronment of' the plant is l iable to play a v ry i mportant role in influencing the ch ~mi c a l changes occurring ·in 1 ts shoot s.' I t ' has been sho .n that differ ent climatic conditions, cultural pr ~ctic e s, soil compositions and rootstocks, produce profound in the growth and com_ osi_tion of fruit trees. e . g . Sullivan and Baker (52) ~ound that apple trees recei...

Die BETEKENIS VAN DIE HUISGENOOT as Maandblad 1916 - 1923 In Die Tweede Afrikaanse Taalbeweging

0p 20 M:ei 1916 verskyn vir die eerste mae.l 'n maandblad onder die naam De Huisgenoo't by ,De Nationale Pers, Beperkt," Kaapstad. Reeds op 25 Janu~ie 1915 is ,De rrationale Pers, Beperkt" opgerig op aandrang van sekere vooraanstaande Afrikaners wat van mening was dat ~ 'n eie Afrikaanse koerant moes v1ees w~in die ontv1akende Af'rikaner-nasionalisme tot uiting kon kom. 'n Eie koera.nt wat die gevoelens van die volk vertolk, sou 'n magtige wapen teen die vyand vrees. Daarby sou di t 'n gevoel...

Factors Influencing Child Sexual Abuse In Tanzania: A Case Of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT This study assessed the factors influencing Child Sexual Abuse in Dodoma Municipality. It was focused on examination of the community awareness on sexual abuse against children, determination of the magnitude and trend of sexual abuse against children, identifying of the underlying factors that influence the persistence of Sexual Abuse against Children and proposing measures to strengthen child protection system. The study employed a sample size of 99 respondents. Methodologically, p...

Rational Choice Theory and the Choice of Healthcare Services in the Treatment of Malaria in Nigeria

Abstract This paper is on the rational choice theory and the choice of healthcare services for the treatment of malaria in Nigeria. It focuses on the factors that influence or determine the choice malaria treatment using the rational choice theory as the basis. It was discovered that there were many determinants of what informs the maximum utility but it is all wrapped up in the organization of the health care system. Hence, in choosing treatment for malaria, factors like; perceived and actua...

Media violence and its effects on children’s health and aggressive behaviour in osun state, Nigeria

ABSTRACT: Over the years, media violence and its effects on children’s health and aggressive behaviour remain a puzzle to be solved in many urban centres of developing world. At different ages, children due to their exposure, watch, sight-see, read, play and understand videos, television, magazines, videogames and films in different ways and as such, mimic behaviour from media especially when such behaviour is presented in a simple and instructional manner. This paper examines the kind of m...

Utilisation Of Information And Communication Technology For Staff Recruitment, Selection And Placement Among Human Resource Management Practitioners In South-West Nigeria

ABSTRACT Innovations in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have created a digital revolution that has changed the way Human Resource Management (HRM) functions are conducted. Previous studies on ICT utilisation in organizations focused largely on functions such as finance, marketing and production, with little attention on HRM functions. This study, therefore, investigated the utilisation of ICT for staff recruitment, selection and placement among HRM practitioners in South-West N...

Youths and Risky Sexual Behaviour: A Kap Study on Hiv/Aids amongst University of Ibadan Student

Abstract This study examined knowledge, awareness and attitude of sexual behaviour as factors likely to affect risk-taking behaviours. Six hundred undergraduates of the University of Ibadan participated in this cross-sectional survey (100 Level and 400 Level students). Data were collected using three structured and validated scales. Results indicated that HIV transmission knowledge has a significant effect on sexual risk-taking behaviours. Misconception on the transmission of HIV/AIDS was als...

Corporate establishments’ preferences and the quest for overseas’ qualifications by Nigerian university students

ABSTRACT  This study examines corporate establishment demand as the quest for foreign education in Nigeria and seeks to expose the motivation behind the rush abroad for foreign education; explicated by the increasing level of university seekers within and outside Nigeria. A combination of quantitative and qualitative research methodology was adopted for this study. Major findings revealed that employers of labour demand for foreign certificates holders over national certificates holders. Amo...

Demographic Transition and Rural Development in Nigeria

Abstract The discourse on population growth has generally given a picture that the increase in the population of any society will negatively affect the utilisation of resources and ultimately overall development. A school of thought gave the impression that the more the population increases, the greater is the poverty, leading to underdevelopment, especially for countries in transition. This argument led to various suggestions and attempts at population control and huge budgetary spending, ne...

Maternal Crises and the Role of African Men: The case of a Nigerian Community

ABSTRACT Studies have consistently shown that maternal processes in Africa are prone to crises as a result of multiple socio-economic and religious factors. A combination of male-domination, low status of women, poverty, cultural beliefs and practices and high fertility affects pregnancy outcomes in most societies in the continent and especially in sub-Saharan Africa. With very few exceptions, African communities are patriarchal and as such norms, values and expectations are defined and susta...

The Persistence Of Female Circumcision In Nigeria: A Case Study Of The Okpe People Of Delta State

ABSTRACT The paper attempted to examine the reasons accounting for the sustenance of the practice of female circumcision and how to stem it. mc basis of the facts presented here are derived from a survey involving a saitiple of four hundred and five respondents of both sexes conducted in two local government areas (Okpe and Sapclc) of Delta State. The subjects that constitute'd the sample were randomly chosen and the data anslysd through .simple descriptive and inferential statistics. The res...

The Social Relations Of Imported Used Electronics Merchandise In Lagos, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Imported Used Electronics (IUEs) are officially conceived in research oriented policy as potential and actual toxic ―solid waste‖, yet Nigeria remains a high consumer demand economy for them. IUEs include electronic monitors, digital devices, docking stations, cell phones, hand-held diagnostics, screening tools, television sets among others. Nigerian economy has evolved a socially constructed merchandise structure, which sustains IUEs trade. Literature, however limits IUEs discou...

181 - 195 Of 494 Results