Software engineering projects (SEP) nowadays acknowledge the importance of incorporating many people, groups, and organizations with interest or requirements during project development phases for the realization of successful project. These groups who are collectively referred to as stakeholders are not limited to those who use it, rather those who build, test, operate, maintain, evaluate, and pay for it. One of the major concerns in SEP is the recognition and management of project stake...
Most often than not, project costs as estimated cannot realistically execute and deliver the project – an estimating inaccuracy called cost underestimation. Since cost estimates are the basis for decision making regarding project selection, underestimation lead to selection of project with significant cost risks. Researchers have so far failed to agree on the main cause of cost underestimation, therefore this research study is carried out to examine the problem of cost underestimation,...
ABSTRACT Materials Management in the Construction Industry in Imo State have been investigated. In order to reduce wastage of construction materials, the study focused on Success Level in Achieving Effective Materials Management as the Dependent Variable (Y) by introducing five Independent Variables (X1 to X5) thus (X1) Management of Materials; (X2) Skilled Professionals; (X3) Control of Materials; (X4) Inventory Build-up and (X5) Motivation of workers. Three indigenous construction compa...
ABSTRACT This study examines and analyses the salient factors that constrain work schedule performance and their contributions to the level of project time overrun in construction industries in Nigeria. The realization of project work schedule objectives is usually not achieved with certainly due to myriads of constraining factors encountered during the implementation stage of project life cycle. The survey method of research design was adopted. The primary data used in the study was ...
Abstract This study undertook a comparative analysis of direct government finance and public private partnership (PP) option for healthcare infrastructure development. The objective is to assess the cost, time and financing leverage effects of the two financing options. The Federal Medical Centre (FMC) Owerri was used as study location. Two identical building projects: Ward II funded through PPP and Ward 10 funded through direct government financing was used as case studies. A combination...
ABSTRACT The study evaluated the effect of cost, schedule, and quality parameters on the realization of building construction projects delivery via the traditional method and the partnering methods (design build and build own operate methods). A total of 5 traditionally procured projects, 5 design build projects and 5 build own operate projects making a total of 15 projects that were used for the study. Data set for the study were collected via the questionnaire and oral interviews from r...
ABSTRACT This research work investigates the effect of cost drivers on software cost estimation. Several models exist that provide one or more mathematical algorithms that compute cost as a function of a number of variables or cost drivers. There are also several other tools and techniques available to assist in creating software project cost estimates, they are still very inaccurate. Several authors in software development have given varied suggestions for these inaccuracies and ways...
ABSTRACT The construction industry is known to be highly fragmented in that it requires the inputs of numerous parties to deliver a project. The fragmentation of the construction process necessitates effective integration of the numerous parties and the major tool for achieving this integration is effective communication. This study investigates the communication tools used in project delivery, key indicators of team integration in construction proje...
ABSTRACT This study was carried out on the factors that influence the choice of inventory control methods in organization. The specific objectives were to determine how Organization policy, Information Technology and employee competency influence the choice of inventory control methods. The study was conducted at Menengai Oil Company Nakuru .The theories were used to support the objectives of the study among them are classical organization theory and competence theory. Survey research design ...
RELEASE FORM Name of author:Ronald. F Musengi Title of project:An analysis on the effectiveness of project management in power plant rehabilitation. A case study of (ZPC) Hwange Power Station. Degree title:Bachelor of Commerce honours in Retail and Logistics Management (HRLM) Supervisor Mr S. Mlambo Year of research 2017 Permission is hereby granted to the Midlands State University Library to produce copies of this dissertation...
ABSTRACT This research project “Network Analysis as an effective maintenance planning tool” created a detailed evaluation of strategies and techniques for planning maintenance activities in the Nigerian process industry, laying focused emphasis on operations of Warri Refinery and the effectiveness of CPM Network analysis. A review of previous works related to maintenance planning was extensively undertaken and findings revealed the extent in which planning activities has been carried ...
ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to make a business case for the inclusion of a stakeholder relationship management culture in government establishments. It explores the relationship between stakeholder relationship and project performance, underscoring the role project managers’ play as key stakeholders in integrating the goals of all stakeholders in the attainment of project objectives. A review of the literature shows that there is a consensus amongst researchers of Stakeholder theor...
ABSTRACT Donors play a very crucial role in the social development process in all the spheres of the world. They are particularly vital in situations where state funds are limited, political situations are fluid and volatile, natural disasters resulting from both predictable and unpredictable environmental circumstances occur, ethnic animosity is rampant and the level of capita income severely restricts ...
This is a business case on how to establish a cyber cafe.