Project Management Technology Research Papers/Topics

Contribution Of Public Works Programme To Income-Poverty Reductionand Access To Basic Needs: A Case Of Kilosa District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Many measures have been taken globally, regional and at national levels to fight against poverty. An engagement of TASAF III to intervene poverty through Public Works Programme (PWP) is one among measures to reduce income poverty. Many studies on PWPs focused more on the assets created for the community than the well-being of poor household’s participated in the programme. As a result, there is little understanding on how PWPs have contributed to the reduction of income poverty am...

Effectiveness Of Participatory Monitoring And Evaluation On Achievement Of Community-Based Water Projects In Chamwino District, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PM&E) is increasingly becoming critical worldwide. In Tanzania like other countries in Sub Saharan Africa, community participation in monitoring and evaluation in development projects including water projects has been top on the development agenda. Nevertheless, the extent of effectiveness of PM&E in influencing achievement of community-based water projects remains unclear. To that effect, the general objective of this study was to d...

Cost Implications Of Delays Of Public Construction Projects: A Case Of Morogoro Municipality

ABSTRACT Construction projects are series of projects related to the construction field that have limited time dimension with specific allocation of resources, in order to realize an idea and a particular purpose, after the idea but in Tanzania most of projects has cost implications due to late completion of the projects and execution. In particular, time and cost increases in large public construction projects seem to be a global phenomenon. Similarly, after the decision to implement a proj...

The Role Of Institutions In Enhancing Youth Involvement In Agriculture: A Case Of Mzumbe Ward In Mvomero District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The research was done to assess the role of institutions in enhancing youth’s involvement in agriculture among 120 youth in Mzumbe Ward in Mvomero District. The specific objectives were: Youths’ assessment of agriculture as an income-generating activity, determining the extent of youth involvement in agriculture, examining factors influencing youth’s involvement in agriculture and analyzing the association between institutions and youth’s willingness to engage in agriculture...

A Critical Discourse Analysis Of Project Planning In Maasai Community In Mvomero District, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT  This study employed a Fairclough framework of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) to uncover the way socio-cultural practices within Maasai community are constructed by the used discourses in project planning. Three sets of research questions guided the study: (i) What are the leading discourses used in the documents related to project implemented in the Maasai community?; (ii) How ideas and discourses related to pastoralists are produced, by whom and under who interest and ...

Actors’ Interactions And Farmers’ Participation In Agricultural Projects: A Case Of Ripat-Sua Project In Morogoro Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Studies on farmers’ interactions in agricultural projects have reported on the importance of the interaction of farmers with other actors on their participation in agricultural projects and subsequent adoption of agricultural technologies. However, there has been little interest on the influence of farmers’ interactions, alternative income-generating opportunities and biophysical conditions of the farmers’ geographical locations, on farmers’ participation in agricul...

The Role Of Informal Financial Institutions In Improving Social Wellbeing Of Their Members In Geita District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Informal Financial Institutions (IFIs) are likely to have potential contributions to people’s enhanced wellbeing in general. However, apart from material wellbeing, there is little knowledge about the contribution of IFIs especially Accumulating Savings and Credit Associations (ASCAs) to the social wellbeing particularly social connectedness to its members. This was the driving force to conducting this research. This study was done to examine the role played by ASCAs in improving ...

Process And Outcome Evaluation For Conditional Cash Transfers On Food Security In Kilosa District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Based on the findings of the pilot areas, in 2015 the Government of Tanzania decided to scale up the Conditional Cash Transfers (CCTs) programme for the entire country. The programme aims to reduce consumption poverty among the poor. To date no evaluation has been carried on the programme; therefore, this study aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of CCTs programme in attaining food security to the poor in Kilosa District. The study aimed at examining whether the programme has been...

The Contribution Of Wildlife Management Areas On Womens’ Well-Being In Enduimet Division, Longido District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Wildlife management and conservation in Tanzania has passed several stages from colonial management programmes, to the establishment of the Wildlife Act of 1974. In addition, Wildlife Management Areas were established in 2003 as a way of ensuring communities bordering wildlife areas benefit from them. The Wildlife Management Areas are expected to contribute to the well-being of the surrounding communities. This study was undertaken to assess the contribution of Enduimet Wildlife Man...

Developing Strategies For Improving Implementation Of Public Sector Construction Projects In Zambia

The purpose of the study was to develop strategies and a framework for successful implementation of public sector construction projects in Zambia, which was marred with public outcries and constant reports of failure by Auditor General`s reports. An exploratory sequential mixed method was used to attain the objective. This design allowed application of mixed methods where by exploratory study was conducted to establish basic facts and main study followed which in this case was general su...

Assessment Of Implementation Of Gender Mainstreaming In The Workplace Of Non Governmental Organisations In Ilala Municipality, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Gender mainstreaming was endorsed as a global strategy for promoting gender equality in the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in 1995. Although the government of Tanzania has taken measures to mainstream gender in government institutions, such mainstreaming is little investigated in the workplaces of NGOs. This study was conducted in Ilala Municipality in Tanzania to assess implementation of gender mainstreaming in the workplace of NGOs. Cross-sectional research design was...

The Role Of Savings And Internal Lending Communities In Women’s Economic Empowerment: A Case Of Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania

AN EXTENDED ABSTRACT Women economic empowerment is increasingly viewed as one of key elements in poverty reduction strategies. Position of women’s economic status in Tanzania has been low compared to men in which about 60 percent of women in Tanzania have low economic status. This study examined the contributions of Savings and Internal Lending Communities (SILCs) towards improving women’s economic status. Specifically, the study examined the main source of income among women, and examin...

Determinants Of Urban And Peri-Urban Youth Employment In Agribusiness In Malawi

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Agribusiness has been recognized to provide employment opportunities for youth in Malawi. However, little is known on factors that drive urban and peri-urban youth into agribusiness employment. This study examined the determinants of urban and peri-urban youth employment in agribusiness in Malawi. A cross-sectional study design was adopted. Sample size was 9680 youth for quantitative data while a sample of 135 for qualitative data. Quantitative data was obtained from nation...

Gender Mainstreaming In Water Resource Management: A Case Of Water Resources Integration Development Initiatives (Waridi) Project In Gairo District, Tanzania.

ABSTRACT Understanding the gender mainstreaming in water resources management from the insider's perspective is central to determining gender roles of women and men at the community level. Literature indicates that gender mainstreaming is viewed as donor demand rather than management tool of water resources hence lacking the deeper understanding from the insider's perspective. The overall objective of this study was therefore to examine the extent of gender mainstreaming in water resources ma...

The Role Of Communication On Performance Of Donor Funded Agricultural Project: A Case Of Research, Community And Organizational Development Associates

ABSTRACT The main aim of this study was to assess the role of communication in the performance of agricultural donor funded projects using Research, Community and Organizational Development Associates (RECODA) as a case study. Generally, the study established the types of project information shared by various actors in the RECODA donor funded agricultural projects; examined the effectiveness of various communication channels; assessed the relationship between communication and performance of ...

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