The Impact 01<' Change On Organisational Development, Case Stljlw Kakira Sugar Works

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The study set out to find out the impact of change on organizational development. It was

guided by a number of objectives which were; to examine the effect of Organizational

change on organizational leadership development, to evaluate the relationship between

organizational changes and capital growth of the organization and to analyze the effect of

organizational changes on internal harmony of the organization

With the world becoming one global village, organizations have realized that they have to

change if they are to achieve organizational development and service in the market. The

study focused on kakira sugar estate to detennine the impact of change on organizational

development. Data was collected on such infonnation-using interviewing, observation

and use of existing literature. Interviewing was done by the use of questionnaires and

face-to-face conversation with the respondents.

The findings of the study shows that organization have benefited from changes in the area

of leadership development, technological advancement, Brand name development,

increased sale, reduced cost of production as well as improved efficiency in the entire

system. Through changes the government and general public have benefited from

organizational changes.

Recommendations emphasize the need for the changes to be aimed at problem solving,

embrace everyone, and be based on research if at all it is to result to organizational development. There is need to sensitize staff first. The staffs need to know how they will be affected by changes. Usually if changes aim at benefiting everyone within the organization and for the good of everyone, it will get total support from the staff. Change also requires strong leadership. Those who are able to stand to take risks and stand finn in times of difficult changes and defend their positions without any fear or favor. It has been realized that effective organizational change yields good results like leadership development through promotions, training good results like leadership development through promotions, training and empowennent of employees. Change is mainly in the areas of investment technological advancement, manpower recruitment, marketing and other policies that involve day-to-day running of the organization. As a result of organizational change, organizations have been able to realize capital growth through increased production, sales and general efficiency in the entire process, created internal harmony within the organization because of conducive atmosphere created. However, for change to cause organizational development leaders should be motivating, innovating, inspiring and unafraid to take risks as in times of difficult change, a leader's resilience, stamina and commitment to their vision will be vital. Change should also be managed from top. Top officials need to appreciate the drive to change first like general manager and departmental managers before it is sold to other members of the staff. This is so because such officials are key decision makers of the organization. Before any change research should be carried out especially in the market place and within the organization itself. This should be done to ensure effective changes are made. External consultants are also required as they are less subject to the internal politics of the organization and as a result they can be more effective in facilitating significant and meaningful changes compared to internal change agents or consultants.

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