ABSTRACT This study examines the impact of taxation on small and medium scale enterprises in Ekiti State.. The research reviewed at some literature that has some degree of relevance to the subject matter under study. The study shall adopt the non-probability sampling technique and data collection was carried out using the questionnaire method consisting of one hundred (100) respondents drawn from the study population. Frequency counts and percentages were used for ana...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research work is to examine the impact of family socio-economic and its effects on students’ academic performance in primary schools in Ikere Local Government Area of Ekiti State. The sample consists of 120 students randomly selected in three schools in the Local government. The Instrument was a structure questionnaire on socio-economic status of family. It was concluded that the educational level ...
ABSTRACT This research work recognizes the fact that slum is a general problem to both the developing and developed worlds, while the urban areas attract people from the rural areas it gets over populated and gradually degrades and suffers. This is however, greater in the developing countries than the developed ones. The developing world cities have immigrants who want to benefit from the urban life and hence, result in housing and infrastructure inadequacy, thereby causing poor environ...
ABSTRACT In the period of the 1970’s, Agriculture was the main stay of the Nigeria economy. The oil boom of 1970’s brought about a gradual shift from agriculture to crude oil making Nigeria to depend heavily on petroleum as main source of foreign exchange earnings. Agriculture sector which use to be the back bone of the economy was rendered competitive over time. The crux of this study is to analyze the revenue generated from selected non-oil produce in Nigeria. Dat...
ABSTRACT This study examines the impact of micro finance bank on the development of small scale enterprise (SMEs) in Ekiti State. The research reviewed at some literature that has some degree of relevance to the subject matter under study. The study shall adopt the stratified random sampling technique and data collection was done through the questionnaire method consisting of one hundred and ten (110) respondents drawn from the study population. Frequency counts and p...
ABSTRACT The study examined Poverty and Youth Unemployment in Ekiti State, which is crucial to the development of the Ekiti State. The broad objective of the study is to investigate the effects of youth unemployment and poverty, the causes of youth unemployment and poverty, and also to analyze the possible resolution in reducing poverty and youth unemployment in Ekiti State. Primary data was employed, and also, administering of questionnaire to elicit information on the s...
ABSTRACT The research work examined waste generation and management stategies in ado-ekiti, ekiti state. The study involve visiting communities with the objective of studying ways of disposing waste, its management strategies, and the importance of cleanliness and being hygienic which is the primary source of health. The aim of this work is to analyze waste generation and management stategies in ado-ekiti, ekiti state, and objective is to examine what...
ABSTRACT This study examined “The impact of revenue and cost relationship of tax collection in Nigeria” a case study of Ekiti State Government. Tax is not a friend of anyone, yet it must be loved by everyone, this ageless paradox has originated from time immemorial. The pathetic attitudes of human beings towards payment of tax remain progressively the same from one century to the other, from one generation to the other. Taxes being the most important source of government revenue. ...
ABSTRACT This study is meant to investigate the impact of globalization on economic growth, also the influence of globalization on the Nigerian economy. It is obvious that Nigeria as a country still depends on the importation of productive inputs despite all efforts to develop her local resources. Thus, the objective of this study is to determine the impact of globalization on Nigeria economic and industrial growth. The study reveals that for Nigeria to benefit from glo...
ABSTRACT The study attempts to provide a comprehensive knowledge on Nigeria foreign policy under general Sani Abacha 1995-1998. It enquires into how military intervenes in the Nigerian politics in the recent time. The study proceeds as follows. The first chapter sets out the general introduction to the study, the aims and objective of study, scope of study, methodology and significance of the study. The second and third chapters examine the definiti...
ABSTRACT The discovery of oil reserves in the waters surrounding Bakassi Peninsula subjected it to claims and counter-claims for sovereignty, military occupation and recourse to the International Court of Justice (ICJ). On October 10,2002, the International Court of Justice ruled that the Peninsula and the territory in the Lake Chad region should be under the sovereignty of Cameroon. This judgment elicited sensitive scholarly issues of citizenship and self-determination...
ABSTRACT Thestudy revealthe Ethno Regional Politics in Nigeria betweentheperiods1960-1966, of which politicsatthedomesticlevelwasdetermined byethnicitybecausetheregionswerecarvedalongethniclines,theYorubaof theWest,theHausaoftheNorthandtheIgbooftheEast.Thisaccountedfor thepowertusslesamong thevariouspoliticalpartiesthatemergedimmediately afterindependence. Thestudyalsoshowedthat,despitethefactthatthepolitics ofNigeriaduring theperiodwasdrawnalong ethniclines. Nigeriapar...
ABSTRACT Boko Haram figuratively implies that western for non-Islamic education is a sin, is a very controversial Nigeria militant group that seeks for the imposition of sharia law in the entire northern states of Nigeria. The hierarchical structure of the group is not presently well defined. The official name of the group id jamaiatu Ahlissunnalidda ―awaiwal jihad, which in Arabic translate to ―people committed to the propagation of the prophet’s teaching and jha...
The history of peaceful settlement of dispute dates back from Jay Treaty of 1794 between U.S.A. & Great Britain. This treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation led to creation of mixed commissions and intended to functioN to some extent as tribunals. In 1872, the Albama claims arbitration between U.K. and U.S.A. marked the start of a 2nd Phase. Under the Treaty of Washington of 1871, the U.S.A. and U.K. agreed to submit to arbitration claim by United State for alleged breaches of neutrality by...
The study attempts to provide a comprehensive analysis on the economic importance of cocoa in Nigeria economy (1900-1970). Cocoa has been a major source of income for many Nigerians and a major source of foreign exchange earnings for the country. For this purpose the study seek to achieve this following objective by dividing the study into five chapters, the first chapter sets out Background to the Study, Objective of the Study, Significance of the StudyMethodology, scope and Limitations of...
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