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Education Research Papers/Topics


A precise definition of philosophy is not practicable and an attempt at it at least at the beginning is misleading. However, on the general agreement among philosophers is seems that philosophy tries to get the truth of certain important questions. This is because man over the years has been making certain efforts to unravel the mystery of life. This search for the meaning of life has become so necessary that a Persian poet says the universe is an old manuscript of which the first and last pa...

GST 104- History and Philosophy of Science

Sometimes in the past our antecedents slowly evolved in an environment that took care of our needs. Perhaps this period gave rise to our Garden of Eden myth or reality. While our contemporary environment is much too complex and intricate to summarize in a few words, we can examine some of the most salient aspects of it that have a particularly strong influence on our welfare.The term environment may be defined as all external influences or conditions that is internal to an organisms or group ...

GST 122- Use of Library and Instruction

A National Library is the apex library of the nation. It is usually a library established and funded by the executive arm of the government with branches spread across the nation. The library has a legal right to collect documents issued in a country such as books, periodicals, and other information materials for the preservation of the country's intellectual output. Therefore it can be regarded as a depository library.  The National Librarian is the chief Executive officer of the country.

ECO 406- Economics

THE BASIC MEANING AND DEFINITION OF THE ECONOMYGenerally, our focus in this course is to understand the study of comparative economic system. Firstly, let us examine an economy. The word "economy" is derived from the Greek word: "oikos", meaning household. Economy means "management of the household" (ecology, also derived from Greek word, means "study of the household"). The "household" here refers to the entire society. It is pertinent that for society to exist, people in such society would ...

Four Types of Sentences: Detailed Lesson Plan for Grade 10 Students

Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade 10 Students (Inductive Method) I.  Objectives At the end of the lesson the students should be able to: a. Identify the Four Types of Sentences. b. Differentiate the Four Types of Sentences. c. Construct sentences using Declarative, Imperative, Interrogative and Exclamatory types of sentences. II. Subject Matter a. Concept/Topic: Four Types of Sentences b. References: The 4 English Sentence Types c. Materials: Pictures, Power point Presentation and ...

Lesson on Verbs: Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade 8 Students

Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade 8 Students I.                   Objectives At the end of the lesson the students should be able to: a. Define and identify what is verb. b. Determine the use of verbs; c. Construct sentences using verbs. II.                Subject Matter a.         Topic: Verbs –The Action Words b.        References: Grammar Rules: What is Verb? c.         Materials: Pictures, Power point Presentation and Laptop               d.     Values: Cooperation

A Proposal Submitted to the Ministry of Education and Sports Uganda to Enhance the Use of Digitisation in Higher Institutions of Learning

Owing to numerous challenges imposed by the Covid-19 that saw educational institutions partially and others permanently close, as an educational professional offering this course, you are required to write a proposal to the Ministry of Education (any Directorate), about some courses/subjects that should be included on the syllabus to mitigate the previous and current learning experience - Depending on the level of Education. Introduction On March 27, 2020, Uganda reported the first case of CO...

A Discussion on the Diverse Significant Factors that Play a Pivotal Role in Photosynthesis; the Role of Oxygenic Photosynthesis, Anoxygenic Photosynthesis, C3, C4 and CAM plants

A Discussion on the Diverse Significant Factors that Play a Pivotal Role in Photosynthesis; the Role of Oxygenic Photosynthesis,  Anoxygenic Photosynthesis, C3, C4 and CAM plants.

Social Cultural History of Britian. 16.4.15

It gives lessons about ancient history of Britain mainly based on literature in English.

Planning and Design of Hydroelectric Power Plants

This manual presents a discussion of the general, archi-tectural and structural considerations applicable to the design of hydroelectric power plant structures. It is in-tended for the guidance of those elements within the Corps of Engineers responsible for the planning and design of such structures. It should also be used in establishing minimum criteria for the addition of hydro-power facilities at existing Corps of Engineers projects,whether by Corps of Engineers or a non-Federal developer

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