
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Effects Of Host Availability On Seasonal Abundance Of The Fruit Fly Bactrocera Invadens Drew, Tsuruta & White In Morogoro

ABSTRACT Fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) are listed among the major fruit pests distributed in all fruit growing areas of the world. Fruit flies compete with human beings for food resources by causing direct damage to fruits and vegetables. The damage they cause brings about negative economic and social impacts to man since he depends on fruits for important food nutrients, employment and income. The fruit fly problem in Tanzania and Africa has been aggravated since the invasion of the ne...

Evaluation Of Irish Potato Production And Marketing Performance: A Case Study Of Mbeya Rural District, Mbeya Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Mbeya rural district. The main objective was to evaluate the Irish potatoes production and market performance in the district. Specifically the study aimed at determining economic profitability of Irish potatoes grown by smallscale farmers; identify existing Irish potato marketing channels and the roles played by key market participants and to examine the pricing structure of Irish potato at different levels of market chain with a view towards establishing...

Estimating The Cost Efficiency And Profitability Among Cotton Smallholder Farmers In Chato District

ABSTRACT Agriculture is an important sector in developing countries serving most people in rural areas as their main means of livelihood. About 84% of agriculture activities in Tanzania are done by smallholder farmers. Cotton is an important cash crop for many countries in the world. In Tanzania cotton is a major cash crop in the western cotton growing area, which includes Mwanza, Shinyanga, Mara, Simiyu, Geita, Tabora and Singida regions. The cotton subsector is known to involve expensive a...

Economics of indigenous vegetable marketing: a case study in arumeru district.

ABSTRACT Study objective was to analyze the marketing efficiency of indigenous vegetables in Arumeru district. Specifically to (i) identify the present marketing channels of Amaranthus, African nightshade and African eggplant and the role played by various market participants’ objectives were (ii) To examine the relative competitiveness of Amaranthus, African eggplant and African nightshade with the selected exotic vegetables grown in the study area. (iii) Determine price differences and m...

The cost of managing forest carbon under redd+ initiatives: a case of kolo hills forest in kondoa district dodoma, tanzania.

ABSTRACT  There is no doubt that REDD+ payments can do many activities that lead to deforestation and forest degradation less attractive. However, countries considering participating in REDD+ mechanism, need information on what it would cost them to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. This study was delimited to estimate transaction costs of REDD+ project with the Advancing REDD+ in Kolo Hill pilot project in Kondoa District as a case study. Socio-economic and biophys...

The Role Of Income Generating Groups In Poverty Reduction In Kigoma District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The situation of low income in Kigoma District is persistent in spite of some people being members of income-generating groups (IGGs). There is limited empirical information on the performance of IGGs. This leads to mixed views with regard to performance of IGGs. The main objective of this study was to determine the contribution of IGGs to the reduction of household income poverty in Kigoma District. The specific objectives of the study were to identify Income-Generating Activities ...

Quality, Stocking And Yield Of Pinus Patula At Meru/Usa Forest Plantation

ABSTRACT A study was conducted at Meru/Usa forest plantation to determine quality, stocking and yield of Pinus patula and factors influencing them. The Meru/Usa forest plantation compartments were categorized into affected and non – affected by root disease and insect defoliators. Systematic sampling method was used to align transect and plots in the compartment. 198 sample plots of 0.04ha were laid and measurements taken for estimation of stem quality, stocking, basal area and volume. The...

Feasibility Analysis Of Vegetable Seed Propagation Technologies In Arumeru And Mvomero Districts, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Improved seed propagation technologies have been proposed as solution to the poor quality of seedling experienced by vegetable farmers. The use of different technologies among farmers has shown to have economic implications. This study, therefore, was carried out to assess the economic advantages of seed propagation technologies and determine constraints facing farmers in vegetable nursery management in Arumeru and Mvomero districts. The study adopted a crosssectional research desig...

Genetic characterization of heat tolerant (ht) upland mutant rice (oryza sativa l.) Lines selected from rice genotypes

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important cereal crop and staple food of over half the world’s population that provides 45-60% of the dietary calories. The global climate changes including increased heat affect negatively rice production and other crops resulting in increased food insecurity. The analysis of Induced gamma rays mutations from upland rice mutant lines was done to discover mutations in heat-tolerant genes (HSPs genes). Out of 64 putative heat HT mu...

Microfinance Institutions And Women Economic Empowerment In Arusha District Council, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Women’s access to microfinance services is considered as a doorway towards women’s economic empowerment. Conversely, it is also argued that Microfinance Institutions are extracting money from poor women through high interest rates. The objective of this study was to examine whether and to what extent women’s access to microfinance services has facilitated this course.The study was conducted in Arusha district council. A crosssectional research designwas adopted. Quant...

Educational Quality Achievements Of Primary Education Development Progarmme Phase Ii In Selected Primary Schools In Morogoro District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Tanzania has focused on providing quality basic education as a tool for fighting poverty, ignorance and disease. Thus, this study was conducted to assess educational quality achievements of PEDP II in selected primary schools in Morogoro District, Tanzania. Specific objectives were to: identify the factors which constitute priority indicators of quality education, determine the extent to which quality education initiatives were implemented under Primary Education Development Program...

Influence Of Multi Stakeholder(S) Platforms In Promoting Agribusiness Development In Kilombero District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Multi Stakeholder Platforms (MSPs) form an important initiative in bringing together multiple actors along a community value chain to address challenges and identify opportunities to generate innovations in agriculture. There is limited empirical information on the performance of MSPs in agricultural sector. The specific objectives of the study were to identify the existing stakeholders supporting agribusiness development; to evaluate the roles of stakeholder and to determine the fa...

Analysis Of The Dairy Value Chain In The Dar Es Salaam Milk Shed, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The general objective of this study was to analyze the dairy value chain in the Dar es Salaam milk shed in order to provide information for improving linkages between actors and efficiency in the value chain. Both primary and secondary data were used. Primary data were collected using Participatory Rapid Appraisal method and structured questionnaires administered to a sample of 125 dairy value chain actors. Concentration ratios were estimated to assess market power. Market margin wa...

Factors Influencing Empowerment Of Cooperative Members In Tanzania: A Case Of Nyanza Cooperative Union, Mwanza Region

ABSTRACT  This study was done on factors that influence empowerment of cooperative members particularly in Agricultural Marketing Cooperative Societies (AMCOS) in Mwanza region. The study focused on the following specific objectives: (i) to determine factors for limited access to information among cooperative members; (ii) to determine reasons for limited cooperative members’ participation; (iii) to analyze causes of cooperative members’ inability to hold their officials/ leaders account...

Status, Determinants And Effect Of Agriculture Commercialization Among Smallholder Farmers In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Commercialization of agriculture refers to shift from subsistence oriented production to an increasing complex production and consumption system based on market; apart from marketing agricultural output it also includes product choice, input use and decisions making based on profit maximization. It has been documented that agriculture commercialization in Tanzania remains to be marginal and less than one third of farmers’ produce might possibly reach commercial market; very few fa...

2251 - 2265 Of 4653 Results