
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Morphometric Analysis Of Monogenean Parasites Of Cichlid And Cyprinid Fish In Lake Naivasha, Kenya

ABSTRACT Fish diseases and parasitic infections have been recognized as detrimental and limiting factors in the development of capture fisheries and aquaculture. Research on monogeneans parasitizing fish from Lake Naivasha, Kenya is scanty. This study aimed to identify the species of monogenean parasites of some cichlid and cyprinid fish in Lake Naivasha, Kenya. Fifty specimens of each fish species comprising: Oreochromis niloticus, O. leucostictus, Tilapia zillii and Barbus paludinosus were ...

Assessment Of Kangemi Sewage Treatment Works Efficiency And The Impact Of The Effluent On Water Quality Of Chania River Nyeri, Kenya

ABSTRACT Sewage treatment plants (WTPs) use a combination of physical, chemical and biological processes to reduce the pollutant loads in wastewater. The treated wastewater is then either discharged to surface water or is reused. Successive stages in wastewater treatment plants reduce the quantity of suspended solids, biological contaminants, organic matter content and nutrient constituents in sewage. Changes in the properties of the effluents can occur along the treatment process leading to ...

Development And Phenotypic Characterization Of Wheat Germplasm Resistant To Russian Wheat Aphid (Diuraphis Noxia Kurdjumov) And Stem Rust (Puccinia Graminis Pers. F.Sp. Tritici) Race ‘Pgtug99

ABSTRACT Russian wheat aphid (Diuraphis noxia Kurdjumov) (RWA) and the emergence of stem rust (Puccinia graminis Pers. f.sp. tritici ) race TTKSK (‘Ug99’) in Kenya are currently some of the most binding constraints to wheat production in Kenya. Severe infestation by RWA may result in yield losses of up to 90% in commercial wheat cultivars while ‘Ug99’ infected plants may suffer up to 100% loss. The two pests combined have seriously affected wheat farmers forcing them to heavily rely o...

SSA Research 92 PAGES (22535 WORDS) Agronomy Thesis
Factors Influencing On-Farm Common Bean Profitability: The Case Of Smallholder Bean Farmers In Babati District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Legumes are important food and cash crops in developing countries. In Tanzania, more than half the farmers grow several species of grain legumes which include common bean, groundnut, pigeon pea, cowpea, chickpea, peas and soybean. However, productivity of all grain legumes is still low and far below potential and this has impacted on profitability. The aim of this study was to contribute to common bean improved profitability facts for income and food security in Tanzania. The specifi...

The Impact Of Occupational Health Hazards And Injuries On Livelihoods Of Affected Workers: A Case Of Kitwe District

The subject of occupational health hazards, accidents and injuries is becoming a major problem. Although they are on the rise, they are poorly documented in many parts of Zambia and thus inadequate information accessible to several stakeholders. Consequently, the socio-economic effects of workplace injuries are visibly on the increase too. Therefore, this study aimed to assess and determine the socio- economic impact of occupational health hazards and injuries on livelihoods of affected worke...

Land Tenure Systems And Conflicts In Rural Smallholder Communities Of Mvomero District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Land conflicts among smallholder communities are becoming common in Tanzania. Mvomero District in Morogoro Region is one of the areas where such conflicts have been occurring frequently. This study was conducted in four villages of Mvomero District, namely Mkindo, Bungoma, Kambala and Misufini and involved about 50 respondents from each village. The main objective was to assess the relationship between land tenure systems and occurrence of land conflicts in smallholder communities i...

Effect Of Leaf Harvest And Frequency On Growth, Yield And Quality Of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas L.)

ABSTRACT Despite the potential of improved sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) varieties in both root and fodder production, farmers are persistently cultivating local types without considering proper intensity and frequency of leaf removal to optimize both quality and quantity of roots. A study was carried out to determine growth responses of improved sweet potato varieties (Simama, Kiegea and Mataya) following leaf harvests; determine the effect of leaf harvest intensity on sweet potato root...

Economic Analysis Of Farmers-Managed Irrigation Schemes In Tanzania: A Case Of Mombo, Kivulini And Lekitatu Irrigation Schemes

ABSTRACT The fact that evaluating economic performance of irrigation schemes are important and therefore needed at regular intervals is actually the motivation behind this study. Major objective of the study is to provide information that can be used to improve performance of the Farmer Managed Irrigation Schemes in Tanzania in terms of; economic returns to farmers, water use efficiency and productivity, operation and maintenance and sustainability of the schemes. The study area covered thre...

Influence Of Colour Of Agronet Cover On Pest Infestation And Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum L.) Growth, Yield And Quality

ABSTRACT Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is a nutritious vegetable consumed worldwide. Open field production faces a number of constraints including biotic and abiotic stresses. The general objective of the study was to enhance tomato productivity through provision of an alternative pest control and protected cropping system that is relatively affordable to small scale farmers. The study entailed a field production and laboratory postharvest experiment at the Horticulture Research Field, Ege...

Marketing Strategies And Upgrading Opportunities In The Indigenous Beef Cattle Value Chain In Mwanza Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  The potential of the traditional beef cattle sector in Mwanza region and Tanzania at large have only been utilized marginally. The sector still suffers from limited access and linkages to premium markets, lack of entrepreneurial dynamisms by actors, as well as, use of poor production and processing technology. Based on this ground this study was carried out under the VicRes funding to evaluate the performance of the beef cattle value chain in Ilemela and Magu districts. The study a...

Power Relations Between Upstream And Downstream Common Pool Resource Users: Winners And Losers In The Uluguru Mountains, Morogoro, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Forests and water are important Common Pool Resources (CPRs) in the Uluguru Mountains (UMs). Water connects socio-economic groups of different altitudinal zonation namely upstream and downstream with multiple uses and conflicting interests. Researches have been done on ecosystem value, CPRs depletions and the role of socioeconomic incentives in biodiversity conservation but little is known about power relations underlying upstream and downstream CPRs users. This study therefore, was...

East Africa Community (Eac) Non Tariff Barriers And Their Effects On Tanzanian Small And Medium Agro Enterprises Cross Border Trade

ABSTRACT This study was done to assess the East Africa Community (EAC) Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) and their effects on Tanzanian small and medium agro enterprises (SMAEs) engaged in EAC cross border trade. Specific objectives were; to describe the structure and characteristics of Tanzanian SMAEs; to examine determinants of Tanzanian SMAEs engagement in EAC cross border trade, to identify NTBs that affect Tanzanian SMAE’s engaged in the EAC cross Border trade; and, to analyze the effect of ...

The Role Of Butterfly Farming As An Economic Incentive To Forest Conservation In The East Usambara Mountain Forests

ABSTRACT Economic represents a dangerous direct and indirect threat to forests, though many people in the world understand that forests are threatened, factors in society sometimes override conservation. Subsistence communities need to find fuel, income, food and on the other hand, industries want to continually grow and to do so they often find these things in the forest. Butterfly farming demonstrates that natural resources can be used profitably in a way that protects the environment as i...

Agricultural Services Support Programme And Socioeconomic Empowerment Of Rural Women In Zanzibar, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Women in Zanzibar are socially and economically disadvantaged in many aspects. In view of this, the government made efforts to ensure women empowerment through development programmes such as Agriculture Services Support Programme (ASSP). However, the extent of socio-economic empowerment on women in rural areas is scanty. Therefore, this study aimed at assessing the contribution of ASSP intervention to socioeconomic empowerment of rural women in Zanzibar. Specifically, the study asse...

Effectiveness Of Extension Methods For Scaling Up Improved Common Bean Technologies Among Small-Scale Farmers In Babati District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Scaling up of Improved Legume Technologies (SILT) project had being promoting adoption of the improved common bean technologies (ICT1 ) among the farmers in Babati District, Tanzania. Yet it’s not well known on its effectiveness of achieving its objectives of disseminating ICT1 . Thus, this study determined the effectiveness of different extension methods used by SILT project in scaling up ICT1 in Babati District. In this study adoption was conceptualized as an act in which farmer...

2296 - 2310 Of 4653 Results