
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Resource Productivity In Ornamental Plants Production In Jos Metropolis, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study was undertaken to analyze resource productivity in ornamental plants production within Jos metropolis of Nigeria. The study covered Jos North and Jos South local government areas. The specific objectives include: identifying the effect of socio-economic factors on resource productivity, determining costs and returns, and resource productivity in ornamental plants production. An extensive literature review was carried out to provide an indepth knowledge of the study. The c...

Perception Of Farmers On Cassava As A Potential Crop For Climate Change Adaptation In Kigoma Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Perceptions guides decision making and eventually determines the actions to be made by farmers on climate change adaptation. This study analyzed how farmers perceive cassava as climate change crop, determinants of farmer’s perception and also estimated the share of cassava to total household income in Kigoma Region. A multistage random sampling procedure was used to select a total of 140 household heads for analysis. Data were collected using structured questionnaire and key infor...

Adoption Of Quality Protein Maize Technology In Tanzania: The Case Of Northern Zone

ABSTRACT Quality protein maize (QPM) contains nearly twice as much usable protein more than normal maize. Since 2001 QPM varieties have been disseminated in the country to small scale farmers for production and adoption. The thrust of this study was to determine the adoption of (QPM) technology and examine the factors that influence its adoption by farmers. Primary data was collected from randomly selected 120 smallholder maize farmers in four villages of northern Tanzania (Babati and Hai) d...

Effects Of Copper Concentration In Soil On Proliferation And Survival Of Rhizobia, Nodulation And Biological Nitrogen Fixation In Beans, Cowpeas And Soybeans

ABSTRACT A study was conducted in which two strains of the fast-growing bean rhizobia- PV1 and PV2 and two others of the slow-growing bradyrhizobia for cowpeas and soybean- CP1 & GM8, respectively, were used to test their ability to: - (a) proliferate in copper contaminated liquid media, (b) survive in copper contaminated soil, (c) nodulate respective host legumes and (d) fix nitrogen under increasing copper levels both in vitro and in vivo. Known population sizes of each of the strains were...

Adoption Of System Of Rice Intensification And Impact On Yield In Mbarali District In Mbeya, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  Rice yields in developing countries in general and specifically in Tanzania remain low due to limited adoption of new innovations by smallholder rice farmers. The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is believed to have promising potential for increasing rice yields. However, the factors influencing the adoption decisions as well as adoption impacts have been a subject of debate. This study was conducted to analyse the adoption of SRI and its impact on rice yields in Mbarali Distri...

Access And Use Of Information Communication Technologies Among Rural Farmers In Enugu State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This work examines the access and use of information communication technologies (ICT) among rural farmers in Enugu State. It is the contention of this study that there is a lacuna between access and usage of ICT among the rural farmers in Enugu state and generally in Nigeria. This study applauds the impact of ICT in enhancing the agricultural productivity in Nigeria especially as it concerns the rural communities. However, this work is designed to ascertain types of ICTs available t...

The Contribution Of Mangrove Forests To The Livelihoods Of Adjacent Communities In Tanga And Pangani Districts

ABSTRACT  Mangrove ecosystems play crucial role in protection of coastlines. Apart from this most people living adjacent to these ecosystems depend on this resource to meet basic socio-economic needs and livelihoods. Though Joint Forest Management has been practiced in mangrove ecosystem for a significant period now little if any is quantitatively documented on the contribution of mangrove products to the livelihoods of communities. This study aimed at identifying and assessing the existing ...

Management Of Smut Disease And Analysis Of Nutritional Value Of Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor (L) Moench) In Central Tanzania

ABSTRACT Sorghum smut disease is one of the serious constrain in sorghum production especially when seeds are not treated before planting, where grain yield loss of up to 80% is reported in different parts of the world. A study was conducted to increase the potential of sorghum productivity by enhancing smut disease management in Central Zone of Tanzania. The field experiment was laid out in 6 x 4 (Sorghum varieties x fungicides) factorial in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with fo...

Assessment Of The Nitrogen And Phosphorus Needs And Use Efficiencies For Enhanced Maize Yields In Mbozi District Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT A study was conducted in Lumbila, Senjele, Mbimba and Ihowa villages of Mbozi district, Tanzania during 2012 – 2013 cropping season to assess the fertility status of the soils and response of maize to N and P as a strategy for enhanced and sustainable maize production. This study was triggered by the low maize yield in Tanzania due to many factors which include declining soil fertility, soil N and P being the major constraints to maize production. The search for the most appropria...

Land Evaluation And Suitability Assessment For Crops Produced In Butuguri Area, Butiama District In Mara Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  The land evaluation was conducted in the Butuguri area, Butiama District, Mara Region to assess land’s suitability for cassava, maize and sorghum production. After reviewing literature and discussing with farmers and extension officers, five criteria for growing crops were selected which are: soil physical properties, soil chemical fertility, rainfall, temperature and topography. The Analytical Hierarchical Process was used to assign relative importance weights to the chosen crit...

Economic And Energy Balances Of Jatropha Production In Tanzania: A Case Of Monduli And Mpanda Districts

ABSTRACT The increase in the use of fossil fuels has led to an increase in Green House Gas (GHG) emissions which are believed to be the main reason for global warming. The world is now encouraged to use bioenergy as a solution in reducing GHG emission from fossil fuels. Jatropha has received much interest as a feedstock for biofuel production because of its minimal adverse effects on the environment and food supply. This crop is now cultivated and processed at both Engaruka and Mpanda study ...

Livestock Related Factors And Farmers’ Choice Of Maize Cultivars In Tanzania

ABSTRACT The research was undertaken to determine livestock-related factors that influence smallholder farmers’ choice of maize cultivars in Hai and Moshi rural Districts. The study employed an On-farm mother-baby trial, informal and formal interviews. A total of 150 farm households - both participants and non-participant in mother baby trials were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. 17 mother-baby trial participants were purposively selected based on their willingness to particip...

Mechanism Of Inheritance Of Resistance To Pythium Root Rot Disease And Traits For Tolerance To Low Soil Fertility In Common Bean

EXTENDED ABSTRACT  The bean root rot disease mainly Pythium spp. is a major problem affecting bean production especially in the major bean producing areas of the Great lakes region including southwestern Uganda, Rwanda, western Kenya, northern and the southern highlands of Tanzania. The problem of Pythium bean root rot appears to be made worse by declining soil fertility, resulting from intensive land cultivation by the small holder farmers. Probably for a more sustainable farming system, br...

Farmers Practice Versus Recommended Pesticides Spray Programmes In Tomato And African Eggplant Production: Acase Of Mvomero District, Morogoro, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to analyze the gap between the recommended pesticides spray programmes and the actual farmers’ practices in the production of tomato and African eggplant among farmers in Mvomero District, Morogoro Region, Tanzania. The specific objectives were to: (i) Identify the pesticide use recommendations for tomato and African eggplant production (ii) assess the level of farmers awareness on recommended pesticide spray programmes (iii) compare the recomm...

Pedological Characterisation Of Soils Developed On Gneissic - Granites In Congo Nile Watershed Divide And Central Plateau Zones Of Rwanda

ABSTRACT This study examined morphology, physico-chemical characteristics, classification, potentials and limitations of soils developed on gneissic-granites of Rwanda. Three pedons (GSK-P1, GSK-P2 and TMB-P1) were studied and 19 soil samples analysed. All pedons were very deep, well drained, with loamy to clayey topsoils overlying dominantly clayey subsoils. Pedons GSK-P1 and GSK-P2 depicted eluviation-illuviation as dominant pedogenetic process. All topsoils had low bulk and particle densi...

2326 - 2340 Of 4653 Results