
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

The Use Of Mbagatffi River For Recreational Activities And Its Impacts On Nairobi National Park

Table of Contents Table of Contents ................................................................................................................ ii DECLARATION ................................................................................................................. v APPROVAL ....................................................................................................................... vi DEDICATION .............................................................................

The Impact Of Environmental Degradation On Tourism Resources. A Case Study Of Mt.Elgon National Park

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Mt. Elgon National park in eastern Uganda in Mbale district, with the main purpose of investigating the impact of enviromnental degradation on tourism resources. The study aimed at achieving the following objectives To identify the tourism resources at Mt. Elgon National Park. To identify the enviromnentally degraded resources in Mt. Elgon National Park. To find out the impacts of enviromnental degradation in Mt. Elgon National Park Tourism resources....

Evaluation Of Row Spacing And Mulching On Weed Control, Growth And Yield Of Green Pepper In Busia County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Green pepper (Capsicum annuum) is one of the most important and remunerative vegetable crops. Row spacing and mulching are important factors that influence water use, weed suppression, growth, quality, and yield of vegetables. Due to increased pressure on land, climate change and increased demand for vegetables, there is need for deployment of optimal agronomical practices that will ensure enough food production. This study was undertaken to determine the optimum spacing and mulching...

Structure, Conduct And Performance Of Soybean Marketing In Embu, Tharaka Nithi And Meru Counties, Kenya

ABSTRACT Soybean has the potential of contributing significantly to Kenya’s national objective of enhancing food security. The demand of soybean has increased from roughly 150,000MT in 2008 to 220,000MT in 2011, while supply is roughly between 50,000MT to 120,000MT. Many efforts have been put in place by the government to increase on the production and productivity of soybean. However, soybean farmers are faced with the difficulty in accessing the market, while on the other hand traders are...

Effects Of Integrated Soil Fertility Management And Tied-Ridging On Maize-Soybean Yields And Selected Soil Properties In Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Constraints to soil productivity include reduction in soil fertility and lack of adequate soil water conservation techniques due to erratic rainfall in central highlands of Kenya. This study evaluated effects of combining integrated soil fertility management options and tied-ridging on maize-soybean yields and selected soil properties during short rains in 2014 and long rains in 2015 seasons. The study was carried out in Kigogo primary school in Tharaka- Nithi County. The experimenta...

Rhizobia Inoculants Combined With Organic And Inorganic Fertilizer Amendments Effects On Nitrogen Fixation And Yields Of Beans In South Kivu, Democratic Republic Of Congo

ABSTRACT In South Kivu Eastern of DR.Congo, most soils are highly weathered, leached and have low nutrients content resulting to low agricultural productivity. The objectives of the study was (i)to evaluate the effect of combining rhizobia inoculation and different fertilizer amendment on biomass and grain yields,(ii) to assess the nitrogen fixation efficacy of commercial rhizobia strains and (iii) to assess the effect of combining rhizobia inoculation and different fertilizer amendments on s...

Farmers’ Perceptions And Adoption Of Micro Catchments For Improved Establishment Of Agroforestry Trees In East Shewa Zone, Ethiopia

ABSTRACT Tree planting on farms has both environmental and socioeconomic benefits. The practice of establishing trees and tree plantations is common among rural population in the dry regions of Ethiopia, who depend on livestock, trees and tree products for subsistence. Despite the importance of trees, their survival in these dry areas is low and often challenged by drought and water shortage. To address the water scarcity problem, two micro catchments specifically, micro basins and trenches w...

Sulphate And Chloride Ingress And The Effect In Selected Cements Mortar Prisms Immersed In Sea Water And Leather Industry Effluent

ABSTRACT The effect of ingress of Cl- and SO4 2- on compressive strength development and the ions diffusivity in selected Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) was investigated. The aggressive media used included sea water (SW) and waste water from leather industry (WLI). Three brands of commonly used cements of OPC in Kenya were used. Mortar prisms were prepared for each brand of cement at different water to cement ratio; (w/c) of 0.5, 0.6, 0.65 and 0.7 and allowed to cure for 28 days in a highly ...

Impacts of Pollution on the Feeding, Bioturbation and Biomass of the Fiddler Crab, Uca annulipes (H. Milne Edwards) in Gazi and Mikindani Mangroves, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Marine pollution is one of the main anthropogenic factors identified globally to affect the estuarine and coastal ecosystems. One of the recipients of pollutants is the mangroves since they are intercepting between land and ocean. In recent years, the mangrove forests have been proposed for use as natural wastewater treatment wetlands. This is based on research findings conducted in countries like China. However, before promoting the use of natural mangrove as pollution buffers, the ...

Assessment Of Profit Efficiency Among Sweet Yellow Passion Fruit Farmers In Mbeere South, Embu County

ABSTRACT The horticulture industry in Kenya has been very successful in the last one and a half decades. This subsector has grown to become a major employer and foreign exchange earner. In 2014, fruits contributed Kshs. 51.5 billions accounting for 22% of the domestic value of horticultural produce. The sweet yellow passion fruit variety is gaining adoption in Mbeere South Sub-county due to its apparent adaptation to the hot arid conditions and a ready market. Efforts had been made to promote...

The Effect Of Invasive Species Lantana Camara On Soil Chemistry At Ol- Donyo Sabuk National Park, Kenya

ABSTRACT Invasive species are a major ecological and management concern in natural ecosystems and pose a threat to many of Kenya’s protected areas. Invasive plant species compete and hybridize with native species often to the disadvantage of the native species. Invasion can lead to the phasing out of native species and loss of ecosystem services such as water filtration, soil stabilization, and pest control. They may also result in reduction of wildlife forage or death of animals when they ...

Assessment Of The Potential For Sport Hunting Of Gamebirds With Special Emphasis On Guineafowls In Laikipia District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate potential for rural communities in arid and semi-arid areas to derive economic benefit from hunting of gamebirds, specifically the guineafowls. In order to achieve this, it is important to have knowledge on guineafowl ecology and population dynamics; particularly how environmental conditions which vary in space and over time, influence their population dynamics. The study focussed on two sympatric species of guineafowl in Laikipia district, Kenya. Th...

Assessment Of Water Quality And Fish Producivity In Three Undrainable Reservoirs Of Naromoru, Nyeri County, Kenya

Abstract Naromoru is a semi-arid area located on the leeward side of Mt. Kenya, and has more than 15 small sized reservoirs constructed to provide water for livestock, irrigation and domestic use. To increase their usefulness, some reservoirs have been stocked with fish, even though no studies have been carried out to establish their suitability and potential for fish culture. This study therefore aimed at assessing the water quality, fish food availability and fisheries productivity of three...

Effects Of Water Stress On Antioxidant Activity And Phenolic Contents Of African Nightshades And Their Distribution In Kisii And Siaya Counties Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Drought is a major abiotic factor limiting crop productivity in many regions of the world. It causes reduction in plant growth, dry matter accumulation and decline in plant water status of the plants and in certain cases interferes with biochemical processes within cultivated crops. The aim of the study was to map out the distribution of different African Nightshade species in Siaya and Kisii Counties of Kenya and to determine water stress effect on total antioxidant capacity and tot...

Study Of Bioavailability Of Trace Elements In Selected Indigenous Foods And Their Potential Use On Management Of Hiv And Aids

ABSTRACT HIV infection increases nutritional demands and vulnerability to malnutrition. Malnutrition worsens the effects of HIV infection by weakening further the body’s immune system, resulting in earlier and faster progression to the end stage of AIDS. Food supplementation especially with essential elements improves nutritional and clinical status of PLWHA and may delay early use of ARVs. Although high levels of essential elements have been recorded in some indigenous foods, translating p...

1696 - 1710 Of 4613 Results